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... divorce, by reason of adultery, promoted by Mrs. Sarah Ball, against her husband, Mr. George Ball, a brewer, residing in Drury- lane, has been several years in progress in this Court. This day it caine on for judgment. Sir C. ROBiNsON said the pleas in ...


... uttering. Row IN THE THEATRE -A powerful fellow, namedJoNEs, a costard-nitnger, was charged with creating a I row In Drury lane Theatre, on Monday night. It appeared from the 8;atemnent of Bond, jun. and a Check taker of the Theatre, that I whenever ...


... all hackney coach- men, were put to the bar, charged with having been engaged in a violent riot and assault, at the end of Drury-lane, on the 51b of August. It appeared from the testimony of several respectable Wit- neses, that about five o'clock on the ...


... were allowed a benefit at Drury-lane . theatre,-Thie LORID MAYoR: W1hat became of the profits? Palmer: Mr. Sheridan was the proprietor; we received , notigiDg.-I'he LORD MAYOR: Have 'you applied' to the . Drury Lane Theatrical Fund, itis nobly ...


... case that stood over for the Lord Chancellor's opinion on that very point ?-Mr. FARRAR replied that it was the case of Drury- lane Theatre.-The VICE-CHANCELLOR: It was the case of one of the Theatres. You agree by your articles of partnership to go to ...


... whether an action at law could be maintained against the defendant for performing in an abridged shape, at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, Lord Byron's Tragedy of II Marino aFliero, withottt the consent of the plaintiff, as tile proprietor of the copyright. ...


... Air. 1%lackay then informed the MIagistrare, that on Moe. s'ay evening he went to the Harp 'l'avern, in lRussell-couirE, Drury- lane, accompanied hv Scholefield, an officer of this iffice. and iMr. Ward, in search of the pritener. Siholefield told rii, ...


... de- fendant had not infringed the plaintiff's copyright by the per- formance of Lord Byron's tragedy of Marino Paliero at Drury- lane Theatre, the Court dissolved the injunction, and ordered Mr. Marray to pay the costs. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, Tsesday, June ...


... At a late hour on Tuesday night she heard a loud knock- ing at the door of the house in which she lived,'in Eagle court, Drury lane. And on opening it the prisoner rushed in, caught her round the waist, and began to treat her in a very improper manner ...


... tibeteef. Th ?? brdie the agreement at the beginning of the season IN2S, by Becoming a member ef the dramatbo corps at Drury Lane Theatre. At the trial of she catsre which occttred at abort time since, before the present Lord Chief Justice, the Jery ...


... bag of sovereigns of which she gave the following particulars :-Early in October, her daughter went with some friends to Drury Lane Theatre, and as they returned through Russell court, Miss Craig, whose father keeps the -Royal Oak public house, in Whitechapel ...


... Yesterday morning early witness received in- formation that a quantity of the stolen property was concealed in a house in Drury-lane; he obtained a search warrant. and went with the efficers to No. 81 J, and there, in a room, occupied bythe prisoner, tbe ...