... to, and the parties retired good friends.-Jiorn- ing Paper. The sitm that will arise from the company of per- formers of Drury Lane theatre subscribing one night's salary each, for the relief of those persons who have survived anid sufferetd by the falling ...


... MqgisstrJte,, charged ;vith, throwing a man 1 named Thayers Out of the window of a house of ill fate, in. Charlqi, Drury., lane -Hannah Pethbck, Maria Angel, and Mary Haggeart A ail named eurnell was also charge, ed as beirg ap accessgry. . . :e 'Thayers ...


... knew. Mr. D. on his .professional capacity as the-anthor of several dramatic t x -pieces,' produced -at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,. ofK it hich thea prosecitor was a manager. and that the depo, a - fent, who is a tiiarried man and the, father of two ...


... articles which are generally used by housebreakers.-Guiltv. MIDDLESEX SESSIONS. On Monday, Mrs W. West, of the Theatre, Drury lane, appeared to exhibit articles of the peace against her btsbai)d, Mr Williami West, comedian, of ?? Theatre.- The artieles ...


... decided. QUEEN SQUARE. On Wednesday, Dr Farre, of Charter house square, charged Mrs Carter, the wife of a master builder, in Drury lane, and her son, John Celer, on suspicion of having stolen 2251. in Bank of Englaud notes from the desk of Mrs O'Keefe, a widow ...


... Coveat garden theatre. This, said Mr Knight, was a moral justification of Mr Reoan far entering into an engagement with Drury lane theatre. It was a case of surprise and want of deliberation; and there was no proof, but the affidavit of Mr Phillips, who ...


... divorce, by reason of adultery, promoted by Mrs. Sarah Ball, against her husband, Mr. George Ball, a brewer, residing in Drury- lane, has been several years in progress in this Court. This day it caine on for judgment. Sir C. ROBiNsON said the pleas in ...


... uttering. Row IN THE THEATRE -A powerful fellow, namedJoNEs, a costard-nitnger, was charged with creating a I row In Drury lane Theatre, on Monday night. It appeared from the 8;atemnent of Bond, jun. and a Check taker of the Theatre, that I whenever ...


... were elected Vice-Presiderts of the C1- lege for the year ensuing. Madame Catalati has just concluded an en- gagement at Drury Lane. She sang three songs per night tbr six nights, and received from Mr. Eilibton z(O, or about £44 per song. The iron trade ...


... all hackney coach- men, were put to the bar, charged with having been engaged in a violent riot and assault, at the end of Drury-lane, on the 51b of August. It appeared from the testimony of several respectable Wit- neses, that about five o'clock on the ...


... were allowed a benefit at Drury-lane . theatre,-Thie LORID MAYoR: W1hat became of the profits? Palmer: Mr. Sheridan was the proprietor; we received , notigiDg.-I'he LORD MAYOR: Have 'you applied' to the . Drury Lane Theatrical Fund, itis nobly ...


... whether an action at law could be maintained against the defendant for performing in an abridged shape, at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, Lord Byron's Tragedy of II Marino aFliero, withottt the consent of the plaintiff, as tile proprietor of the copyright. ...