... and knocked her down. Miss Hamilton was again charged that shehad assaulted Miss Willis, alias Cupid on Crutches, at Drury-lane Theatre. Miss Willis, who, from some infirmity, walks with the assistance of crutches, obtained her cognomen of Cupid ...


... formerly in the service of his lIMajesty. He was a postillion. On tire day stated ii the indict- merit, his Majesty went to Drury-lane Theatre. Witness was . not on duty that day. He went, however, to the Playhouse in l hsis undress livery. He was accompanied ...


... the property of Mr. John Gough. The prosecutor atated, that, on the evening of the 15th of August, he was passing through Drury-lane, when he felt a tug at his coat pocket, and immediately missed his snuff box. The prisoner was close behind him at the time ...


... RByron's Traedy of fllfrino Faliero, that werk being Mr. Murray's property. Tbe Tragedy had nevertheless beenlperformed at Drury-lane theatre on Wednesday. The ATTOP.NEY-GSE1RAL, on1 the part of NJr. Elliston, now moved to bave the injurnction dissolved ...


... her dress girls, were brought before the Magistrate by Nott, a beadle, f.r disorderly conduct in the neighbourbohd of Drury-lane Theatre, at ten o'clock on the preceding night. It appeared that a number of Jews and Jewesses keep bad houses In the vi- ...


... the prosecu- tion, and Mr. ELIAS 1SAACS on the part of the pri- soners. Sarah Kenny, wife of Samuel Kenny, carman, of 32, Drury-lane, said that Davis hired a room at her house, and he stated at the time he should send a bed. 'the female was present when ...


... whose name was not known nntilyesterday; his name was George Ross,,a journeyman carpenter; he lived at 40, Parker-street, Drury-lane, where he bore a good character; from his wife s statement, It appears, that he and she were at market,afterwhich, they ...


... BOW-STRZEv.-Yesterday GEORGE PzARxEs, the proprietor of a shop for the sale'of British wines, in Cross-court, Rtussell-court, Drury-lane, was summoned to answer the complaint of Richards, a coqstable of St. Martin's parish, for refusing to receive into his ...


... having on Saturday, on the application of Mr. Charles Kemble, granted an injunction to retrain Mr. Kean from perform- ing at Drury-lane Theatre, upon the understanding that, should hip Lordship not sit to.day, the parties were to be at liberty to apply to ...


... Opera House, and put the whole concern up to auc- tion. The afhirs of the Uaiysarket Theatre, the Circus, the Coburg, and of Drury-lane, had successively come into Cban- cery, but nothing could be done with them- and the parties (with the exception of the ...


... which Mr. Wynn's coachman received, on the same day the dog was missed, he proceeded to the house, No. 2, King-street, Drury-lane, where v be found a collection of dogs of various kinds, and among them h he discovered Ws master's. The man who appeared ...


... said, i that be was hired by a muarket-woman for a shilling to carry the basket and its contents from Covent-garden to Drury-lane, and while taking it thither, be was taken into custody.-Guilty. The Court sentenced him to six months' imprisonment in ...