... but the water canf tiiued to flow ill until the shaft was as full as it ever was before. A serious accident occurred at Drury lane Theatre on Tuesday night. Master Wieland, who plays the monkey in the afterpiece, has to climb tip the side scene at the ...


... DREADFUL FiRnn-About half past nine o'clock on Tuesday morning, a fire broke out in the bake-henue of Mr Penfold, No. 128 Drury lane. Such was the rapidity with wlhicb the flames spread, that the inmates were obliged to save thremselves by jumping fromn ...


... Thoems Jay, late helper in the King's stables, was acquitted on a charge of stealing a gold watch from a person unknown at Drury- lane Theatre, on the night of his Majesty's visit. On Thursday, J. H. W Kitchiagham w'as .fopnd guilty -of bi- gamy, having married ...


... and Regent- street-4. Philosophy oferim. Corr-.5 A Poetical but true Narrativeof what took place on the King's visit to Drury Lane on Blonday-6. The Panorama ofLanusanne-7. T'he Life ofa Tor; No. XIV.-8. The Interior of Pekill-9. WilliamTell, In preoaratlon ...


... the timber yard. The house and premises of Mr Findon' are reduced to a state of ruins. Several of the houses in Coal yard, Drury lane, the rear of which adjoin Mr Findon's manufactory. have suffered a good deal. The premises, furniture, and stock in trade ...


... as well watched as any part of the City. -BOW STREET. James Neil, proprietor of an infamous brothel in White Hart yard, Drury lane, and Julioa A'Clare, were on Monday charged by Mr W. Ashmore with a desperate assault upon his person, and with robbing ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE. COtJRT OF, CHANCERY, THUROSDAY. MARCH 1. THE DRURY-LANE AND COBURG THEATRES. ELLISTON AND OTHERS V. JONES AND OTHERS. Alr. HART this day resumned his motion for an Injunction to restrain the defendants from performing, printing, or ...


... will sing Nid Noddin,' and Charlie is my Darling.° At the endofthe Drama, IL DIAVOLO ANTONIO, e rom the Theatre-ltoyal. Drury Lane, wili perfiens his Gpyn'tseic Exercises paon LA CORDA VOLANTE, OR FLYING ROPE. Li tnhe courseof the Evening, a favourite ...


... witness went up to his room, when be was hanging to the bedstead by his pocket-handkerchief, quite ?? Joseph Greaves, of Drury lane, deposed that he was one of the deceased's bail. About four months back the deceased carried on an extensive busi- ness ...


... had been separated from ber husband about seven years. She h was now living as house-kerper to Mr. Smith, a publican in D Drury lane, and between oneand two o'clock on Tuesday mern- iig she& her master hadsome words; he was extremtely violent, and to prevent ...


... was convicted of stealing a silver salver and other articles, value 101., the property of Stephen Price, Esq. (lessee of Drury- lane Theatre,) to whom the prisoner was butler. The Jury recommended him to mercy on account of his previous good character and ...


... was out of town. The case involved the right of the defendant to represent one of Lord Byron's tragedies on the boards of Drury Lane Theatre.. The COURT sasil, that the cause having been called on in its turn, and no person appearing in behalf of the plaintiff ...