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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATI0ONS. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. 66. IS THIS DAY PUBLISHIED. CONTENTS. TIFE ofr Curran. by his Son; Sperce's Atiec. doteis of Books and dMen; Observations on Foveign Con- rnefce'; Busby's History of Mfusic; Lives of Haydn and Mofart; Remarks on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... receive0 THE MONASTERY, a Romance. in 3 Vol8., by tire aathor of Waverly, Talex of My Landlord, &c. &c. EDINBIUJR.H REVIEW, No. 65. QUJAItrERLY REVIEW, No-.-44, and Index, c First Part. orr AUU(llM'sTRtEATISExfADULTERATIONS hu' of FOOD, and Culinary Poisons, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Quarterly and Edinburgb Reviews, and the Mis- iellaneous Departments so arranged as to form a distinct Vo. lurse at the end of the year; thus combining in the same Work, the severaf characters of a MAGAZINES, a REviEw, and an AN. i.UAL REGISTE P' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tbe' S&blime, contrasted. (cob. ?? RTeark. eD SnfLLv's Poetry-Revi' af ' The I'onteste-Elerrios,. a Novei-Review of the Fever Hospital Report-Review of, New Music-Obituary :the late Adtiiral Sirf'HB Caidw.ellthe late MiJHavyIey-MisCel- laise%_LoNso*, FAsFrwNs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... property, it will be acknowledged, paramount to every other in a Book dasrigned for the use of &1bools. -Aatijacobin Review. Bj' The Reviewers, in a comparative view of the different mnethods of marking the Orthoepy of the English Language. adverting to Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Among the Publications on Dyssentery, that of Doctor WVilliam Harty is particularly to be distinguished, &c.-See Critical Review of Medicinre, by Dector Sprenget Pr ijiessor at .Halle, in the d;rnburgk Mledical Journal for 1817. 1 We consider the Profession ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MONASTERY, a Itomnee. in S Vols., t by the author of Waverly, Tiaic of My-Landlord, &c. &c. i EDIN BURGH REVIEW, No. 65. QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. 44, and Index, I First Part. A CCUM'sTREATISEofADULTERATIONS . of FOOD, and Culinary Poisons. MEMOIRES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... du | Dioeone de Quebec; Memoires de Lainbehty: Meore's Mathematiqs, Chillingworth's Works, Tillotnon's Works,i I Monthly Reviews, sauie fine Prints, Paley's Theao gy Bower's History of the Popes, St. Augustine's Conressions. Wetham's Annotations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5, Alecklenburgh-street, Dublin. DOCTOR JOHNSTON'S QUARTERLY MEDICO CHIRURGICAL JOURNAL; OR. LONDON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REVIEW, NO 7. On the FIRST of OCTOBER, 'Wl~ ILL contain extensive Analyses of Baron on I Tuberculated Accretions of the Serous Membranes; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Davy's and IFourcroy 'a Chemistry; Medical Journal. Commentaries, Pamphlets, Tracts, Observations, Transactions, Register, Review, &c. &c. Sale to begin at Two o'Clock. Catalogues to be had at the place of Sale. N. B.-A fair Valuegiven (in Cash) for Libraries ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Majesty s Special Appoisiment, and to HIS EXCELLENC'Y, Tr9E LORD LIEUTE.VANT, &e. &c. ith, Haq just received, LeHE QUAORTERLY REVIEW, No. XLVIII. :- T EMOIltS from 1784 to 175U, by Jame., Earl of his Waldegrave, K. G. Witb a Portrait. S BROWN E'S LECTURES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Beginning at 332 in Catalogue. Astrissn-st %'lich are, OD0)SLTEr 'S Anvttfl Register, 46 0's- E- I b,.rg'h and Quasrterly, Reviews ; fveivster'.s En. ,!po4- li 4 l'asts;.Tte&.. Ditt,1, 43 Pei-ts Votire's s, or S, .65 'oN. Mav'v's Usniversal Fistory, 25 ...