Advertisements & Notices

... dispatch. .WK . VOCAL r.MUSIE -The '0 VERTUR iE . '-'SONGS, DUETS angai-OERS fnihte COMEDY oF I RROIlS, now performing at the Theatre Royal9,Covent Garden, composed'by H. I ISHOr, pr pe 15s.-The fdl. lowing highly popular Sobgs ga)se 'had separate.-' Sing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tilecelebratcd new Farce, called A SHORT RElGN AND A 731E RIV (IN C, fImsided on nn historical aneclhed+, as ner- formed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Gnrden, is in preparadtin. RECITATION AND C('HITICIS[M. N TUESDAY EVENING, at Seven o'clocl, 0 11r. O~GILV1E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... taken at one o'clock precisely. By order,RBT. AIMLD, Sec. E AGLE F1RE and LIFE OFFICES, ,C~rnh1lQ, atid:ppoire the King's' Theatre, Haymarket.-'Tli'Dbl- r, ect~t resitfully submit te. the 'Public the advantages to Per- sons insured at these Offiices. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and well adapted House, near the Park s, at a convenient distance fromt ths City, and central to the Public Offices and Theatres. 'l'wvo large apartmenits, a dining and drawing room, are for general accommodation; the drawing room commands a pleasant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RDEN,producinga clear ?? ?? paid most punctually half-yearlate T'reaqury of the Theatre, without any ?? whatever, and secured upon the Immense property of this splendid Theatre; and a' Free Admaission for s0 successive Seasons, tratisferalule *annusal ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the above periods for the payment of *the premnitlm. 11'4AGLE1 FIRtE and LIFE OFFICES, Cornhill, s and opposite the King's Theatre, Haymarket.-The Di- c ctora respectfully esubrnit' te the Public the advantages to Per- n agnes insured at thw-se Offices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Amateurs ( 'k and tile Choral Society, wheo have lindlly proniiaed their assist.' 'a suice on this occasior,. se P Tcs Ie Theatre suitl be well warmed, of lia Plcs in te Btoxes to be takets asste Stri ofp i.o' of Drewry, Buohlivielur. ee Particulars in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Woodfall'sLnlr n ;k Tenant, Sugden's Purchakes, &c. Solt' itr fE~ I- land, Besham'sditto, Dodd's BIblI arsLctrsIBl' British Theatre, some choice Engaigdc c-ob 5, viewed on Saturday and morning oF sale; Catalogues may be id had at the Rooms, and at Cottle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the tlast 30 years, 4 vole. 24s. 7. Tir InisitwosmAs, a Comedy. By Lady Oarke (sister of -Lady Mlorgan), performed-at the Theatre Royal Dublin, 3s. 6d. t 8. TIE HERmx is LoNDos; or Sketches of English Manners, e vols. 18s. 'Tis pleasant through the loop-holes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... this City, to be held at the GUILoDALL TO-MORROW, at one o'clock. HENRY BLACKALL, Mayor. Exeter, Wednesday, Jan. 5, l 820. THEATRE, EXETER..ON FRIDAY Evening, January 7th, 1820, will be presented the much-admired COMEDY Of TOWN and COUNTRY. To which wil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Office; of R. Sutton, Bookseller, '15 Paradise-street; also, of Madestoiselle N. Ferai, 'No. G 71i, Christian-street. NEW THEATRE, PRESCOT. 1 5:VxDER THE MANAGEMIENT OF an. USH ER.RP L BY DESIRE, And under the immediate PATRONAGr of the Right Worshiful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Shells, &c. by Paul Seaman; Car-e's Life of the Duke of Ormond, three Volunis ; SuidaJ L exicon, large paper, three volumes; Theatre d'ltalie, et'de l Graride Bretagne, eight volines; Biblia Sacra Latina, eight volumes ; Astle's Origin of Writing, larger ...