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Advertisements & Notices

... rag'edy, Milis J. NCOlI, froln the Theatre- It ergva:, Ulasgolv, wvill perforri a fbvuurite Sccvts Pas Seul. To b1hib will be added tile Scots Psstoral of H1OOI1Y AND FAIRLtr r0conclude with1 for the ilxthwtitte in this Theatre, a we v Gran d and cosnlitity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... guaivi~rs. UndZ romitionaeif their inelleoetuel e1inpaiFtr on Fridraoy !it, to the general satihi':Ctioni o!ihie ihilic. T'ie 'Theatre lios heen ntew lyaini tiistvfullv decorated by Mr AMr iNS and conciriereble imprnv'Lemiot nenacu ill tine Seenic L'e- partient; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... which may be seen Tt - : he place of Performaltce. These Dogs were also engaged Vi l Mtr ' iistofl, Propricttr of the Olympic Theatre, Londosn, {thre e OUiss, at L.20L per monllth ; whirl, is a proof 0thl -lie ssiniatiolt in Wlhich their performaances were ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MN~r W. MURRAV\ dma ole- Lady Mordent byMis55 ROCK Joarna y Mr kSIDDONtS firs: ?? vwhich, for thre Eighteenth time in this Theatre, a neC New Grand and Comically H-istosrica~l iriarequiinade, itm'r oand with new Scenery, Machinery. Dresses, and D-coza- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROCK I6s. Mrs S; rsnet ?? ?? iss NICOL 3s.; Joanna ?? Mrs i-l. SIDIDONS .to After which, for the Twenty-foorth trimt in this Theatre, a New Grand arid Comically Historical Harlequinade, 1S. with new Scenery, Machinery, Dresses, and Drcora_ od tions, called ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in Two Acts, interspersed with Music, called A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER. To conclude with, for the Twenty-ninth time in this Theatre, a New Grand and Comically Historical Harlequinade, with new Sceeuery, Machinery, Dresses, and Decora- tions, called HARI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tO rj1HAT Commodious aind vell-finished HIOUSE, 1,Ti on the West Side of' Marischal Street, inimedi- le ately below the Theatre, in which there is arn elegant Dining Room tand DravingTT Room, a large Kitchen )r entering from the back of the Hnuse, two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )Jruni I lo 31&. /with the pricepritg- ed on each. ' All Applications for Agency mutt be jwst-opaid. or will not be noticed. THEATRE OF ANATOMAlY, Bl*nheivim-Stiect, Grcat Mnrlborotts/k Sireit. IE Spring Course of Lectures ott ANATroMY, 1PEtYSltOLOGY, alld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Influence on Personal Character a , and Public Spirit; on the Dramnatic Art as influenced by the g Lpresent Practice of the 'Theatres; Lines written on New v Yearbs Day; on the Oracles of the Ancients; Hereafter, a a Poem, by Barry Cornwall; TnE COLLECTOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... February curt. at teoo e'cluck forenoon, will becold bN public roup, in *tat d Shed il Shore Luane, directly opposite t11 the Theatre, e fllslI HIIDS. of LONDON BROWN IS UTil'0UT OtRTER. al TWO H H DS. of DUTCH l.TNTSEED; and _ ONE SHARE in the ABERDEEN and ...

it.IRE CHANG;I: 0; I

... applause. q's n' ?? which, will he performed, first tame, an ,. w Mely at' s .eIrforled it unbounded ap- eflat the Surrey Theatre, written by W. Bcaitci'Motp, t Li with neW Scenery, Drcsses, &c. called, Wbi THE MUTINEERS, in Or. jO D4f.DA/S on PJTCAIRZ''S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rapid Ascent on the Rope, nmc n te bach rf [te stqice to the back of the Gallery,.(em- tht ~cl tile whioie excent of the Theatre,) and weill; on her cat ,,arv, actreo ill the Clouds to the top~ Of the Stage, theSCent! Nonotiog a FairY Pailuce; ornuamnted ...