Advertisements & Notices

... income of 251., paid most punctually half-yearly, at the sq 'reasury of the Theatre, withodit any deduction whatever, and ry, seeused upon the immense. property of this splendid Theatre; an, and a Free Admission for So autccssive Seasons, transferable ?? may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... atte oitioll iii be paid to lie Stock liistri d to his care, 1rtithingham g'euzlX C. 20, IS20. I i I i I I I i i i i i I THEATRE, 1SWWCH. For tlhe Benefit of Mi,ss Bruanton, And the Last Night of her Performance. Ou Satlrdav 22d Jall. the Comedy of THlE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Collingwood, ditto, Mrs - - - - 10 Claphaus, ditto. Mr - - - - . 20 Doubleday and Easterbly, Close. Mesqieurs - ,00i De Camp, Theatre-Royal. Newcastle upon Tyne. Mr 1 1 o Davidson, Head of the Side, Mr - - I I 0 Davidson. Esq. Westgate Street, Thomas - - 220 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Byrne.-Tickets to be had of Mis Byne 6,Tav~tck-owCoentgaden; of Mr. Samns, S~t. James'ssstreet; and of M~r. Rodeelnlatthe'Theatre, where Placee in the Boxes may be taken. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROCK I6s. Mrs S; rsnet ?? ?? iss NICOL 3s.; Joanna ?? Mrs i-l. SIDIDONS .to After which, for the Twenty-foorth trimt in this Theatre, a New Grand arid Comically Historical Harlequinade, 1S. with new Scenery, Machinery, Dresses, and Drcora_ od tions, called ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ih' sarne Anthur, A VIEW of the ENGLISH STAGE (lately pubjihed), 8Ii ?? 12s. THEATRES. Just published, price is. ?? pROCEEDINGS INSTITUTPDY the PRlOPiIETORS of the THEATRES ROYALDlcURY-LANBst,,'j0 VENT-GARIDEN ?? the MINOR ESTABLISHMIENTS. London Prited ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('ard Money lett at At Roger's. Gower-street 0 6 0 Mrs. llotte 2 2 0 .Ifew RWdicals b 13 6 G. and T. Fitche 2 0o Adelphi Theatre; per' Dow.Countss.Manversio 10 0 1 Dmessrj.Rodveiland L 1. Mackintosh 5 5 o Jones~whopaidevery B. Rickards 2 2 0 espenothet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and more expeditiois ol refined acuire- mnefts than public les6ons. Faamily Pirties attended. Yolc ?? the Profesiion -or Theatre. ; - , - - .AS-141N:ABLE DASC1N.G.-QUjADR1LLZA5 Y *Walties' Espagnioles,' Minusets, Ac. taught; in the mostt f~ssbIouable-st3te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COURSE of his LESCTURES on the THEORYand PRACTICEof MIDWIFERY, and on the DISEASES of WOMEN and CHILDREN, at M1lr. Taunton's Theatre, 87, Hatton-garden, on the Evening of Tuesday, the 1st of February. .mHEATRE of ANATOMNfY, MEDICINE, &c. J Blenheim-street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... puliished; likewise an ilegant ColJfotion of 1bund Books, in various and superior bindingas and Boxes and 'riekets for ?? and Theatres. t *STATISTi.CAL ACCOUNT OF SCOTLAND. In two vols. octavo, with aP accurate Sheet Map of Scotland, rice 11. 46. boards, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wanflteydcourt, Temple; arid at An Annuity of 1001. per arnnum -for T.lwd Liees, ;arid 'L'hree 1001. Bonds in Drury-lne Theatre.-By Mr. BURRI.ELL, at Gardaway's, THIS DAY, at twelve, in Four Lots, P Clear ANNUITY' 6FL .100' per'>AnnunrA, well 4m A secured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJNGS THEATRE, CONCRRT~oQML K .-To the JUDGM~ of. TH-E DRAMA :. ?? -TNACAU.LEY, ,V.hos7be Lite~ra7y arid Mirsirail legallo, as;wjth'. draw' sorni weeks ago, inl consequence of, her, engagement at CoMAt-garden The'atre. blaeing b~eli again dri~ven from ...