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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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UK, i~fJ~kA-,* H .,

... Leoniard Foster, Joseph Thackray, John Farrar, James Turner, William Farrinery. Thomas Thonspsonl, Joseph Foster, Joshiua Tetley, Bejmin Ilanson, Thomas Tattersall, Richard Hardy, Benjamin Troughton, lienjaniin l-argrove, Michael Troughton, Jeohn Hirst, James ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tioen of Ctadtilerton, in the Cointy of Lancaster, Ba- a ronet,but now deccased, and Sir Thomas lHorton, of It Clitdmilerton aforesaid. Baronet, tisen tie Rev. Thomas vs Horton, Clerk, of the second Part, and the ser-eral bi Persons wlhose Names and Setls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tile Ciunty rlgenerally is so solictu indebted. J01-IN, GOTT JONATIIAN WILKS TPHOMAS BIISCHOFF', Jun. 0 -, ?? NrItINS, .luii. THOMAS NOIILE ROCBEnT D2ORR1INCTON GEORGE GOOOMSAN * II~~~ICHI). BRASILEY a ?? -SHANN e ?? DRIVER. In Conipllancewtlththe above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Occupation of Thomas Brown. Lot 4. All that COTTAGE or Tenement, near to the last-mentioned Lot,' now in the Occupation of David Greenwood. The Whole of the above Premises are Freehold. and may be viewed on Application to Mr. Thomas Stead, of Wortley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... situate aul being in Vine- r. Street, anl adjoinhig upon Hunslet-Lane, and are now in the respective Occupations of Thomas Stoekdale, e Thomas Davison. RoburtAllison,.and John Birnss. ters, The Teuants will shore the Pretinises, and for further bits, Particulars ...


... Physidans, being a Practical Compen- ditin of Materia MAledica and Pharmacy. By ANTHONY TODD THOMSON, F. L. S. &c. Printed for Thomas and George Underwood. 32, Fleet-Street, and Burgess and Hill, Great Windmill- 'Street, London. THIS DAY ARE PUBLISHED, Embellished ...

Advertisements & Notices

... obedient Servant, 6 Rotherham, June 22, 1116. THOMAS BADGER. , FV YO.THE NOI31L1TV, CLERGY, GENTRY, o P - ?? FIlEEIIOLDElS of the County of York. TillY Lolild)S ASD GlrNTI.EsiaN, Through the laeuented Death of Mr. [hardy, a Vacauley . talkes place for itie imnportant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Decree. NrOTIr(, is hereby given, that the PAIIT- _ N NERSllIP BUSINE1SS hitherio cairied on at Leeds, by EDWARD HOLY and THOMAS WAIL- 'ION, Dyers. is this Day DISSOLVED by niutual m Consent; sod all Debts duo to and swing by the said Firm, will be rcecbied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.80 0 0 In the Occupation of Messrs. Mithael'Samp- son and Thomas Richardsson, and' addjin- ?? of the Devines of Jo1i' Hfar- vey,' Esq ?? :. ; . ! ?? S t ) 0 o In the Occupalion of M. Thomas M redland 50 0 0 T Thtr PadsA ofJ TIP) OR' On a Part caljed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; together with nearly 100 Acres of rich Mea. dow andi Pahture Land. Thomas Brown, at the Cottage, will show the House and Land; and Rent and other Particulars may be half of Thomas Rishworth, Esq., at the Banlt; or at Mr. Brown's Office, Wakefield. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Smith, Esq. I Esq. Benjamin Sadler, Esq. John Edward Brooke, Esq. Thomas Tennant, Esr. It SamiIel Jowett BlirchaBl, Thomas Walier, Fsq. A pS sHa. ,lJohn Wilson, Esq. Lepton T)obsou, Esq. Thomas Rishworth, Esq. it Joseph Dickinson, Esq, br kr ikfield. f ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for Youtt, vere his great ineducetneets its taking- choice of it. If, therotore, Parents are desirous to securea sound and hardy Constitution, as well as liberal Lducation ibtheir th iftpritig, tone can be better adapted to tbeir issises. The School will ...