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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ?? Ot' TlJtL ?? tONou~t:& L~.TEi CO.UN-TESS ,'1'ALB01 T ?? 1 DUtnLrN, TssunsnAv Ev~N'N ; DaLC. 30.-It has pleased Divine Providenc& to visit our illustrious I Vicetoy, the good end' popular Lord Talbot, with one of the severest trials that can afflict man in this world. Ata quarter before six o'clock this morning, the amiiable band most excellent Countess Talbot departed this life. The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LINES ON T DE Til: oJlOMVUEL ROMILLY. I ?? reot IXAQ10AT1o'J A-TORV. Phantom, from earth- slow-rislingf+ Who art thou ?? The sadness charactered upon thy brow, Thy hilo's ray insufferably bright,:' t Breaking the depth opaque of struggling night, ,,The sanguine shrod . alat . taiji Words reply With force of this heart-rending ora'ry ? t 'Tis he, who, standing. on the height of life, A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ?? rD 4A-' , I HIS ROYAL HIQHNE8S TIE DUKE OF RENT. With heartfelt sovrrw we have this announce the Death' of his Royal Highness the Duke of.Kent, which took place at Sidmouth on Sunday forenoon, at teu o'clock . General Moore arrived express with the mournful' intelligence at Carlton House, yesterday morning, at.eight o'clock. From the first account of his illness, those who were the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HIS LATE ROYAL HIGEHNESS the DUKE of KENT. EXETriR, JAN. 29.-The mournful preparations fior the funeral of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, are in a state of forwardness, though the diy f6r the removal of his Royal Highness s remains is not yet fixed obn. Aessrs. Bailey and Sanders, ?? Re- gent's'upholsterersi are to conduct the funeral. It is supposed, on account of the great ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRUAOES, - On0t c1 inst. Wi. J. Levi, Esj. t & Behecra, ?? damghter of Hart, rq . of Peaehoech-sreer. tort, GO Esreedav-at-, atlrBarery, ,Iiln North ilkins, Esq. of. Bourton- iothe- Water, Gbtordstrrhire to Ann Eliza, eldest Irmothy Cobb, Esq. of Banbury. I0r On the rst inst, at edn brirdge, Georgre Iarshiall, qpt, of fillm; Sarah, thi'ii d irgliere'of the late Jatses Alemnrde;; MIt. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... REAL STATE OF' OPINION RESPPECTING THE LATE KING'S DEATH. The old think of ?? own agge, and compare the nusm- ber nf their years with those of the deceased. 'IThe elderlv speculate upon how inany events they may live, to see. T'hle younger speculate more so, and with less pensive- nes. The hypocrites pretpnd ihat every body is sorrowing and shediling tearst: tiongh at the same time they ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DE1ATILOR-GEORGE ITRE7R-D. I i, r.ictytsyieerse ?? 'i'iird expi red ?? ?? sle,-atss re> I,.ittirti- .pas't -eti't os-lurk 'on--a$terd~y-wee {Is;1 ?? i-s*~il waii~thout-a-strncgle-oceany ;app63aracee of-s*iffer. iii I-if-High uthn Duke! - Yorks,*Who -wsispreeni, liej% fil-wlews die Pniice Regetats lih-bearer ob w1iichsavas O-d er - I tght. -ie eads-sid C-rliionse-wi rlrslhe-tnden- ,itvhuna ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rME LATE Dout OP KtNT. The Fl'llowing paisgages are ItItten by th, late Welch Judge-George Ii ardinge. Tbey will serve, we think, to bear out what we lately said respecting lite mechanical 'ort of intellect possessed by lyin Royal, Highness. The scere iq the Duke's mansion at Castle lHill, iear Ealing, and the occasion is when thb ray .Julstice paid a visit to his Jilustrions acquaintance. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL SOLEMNITIES ON TR E INTERI1ENT OF TZIE REMAINS I Or t111S LATE PiR O YA L HIG HNE SS ?? D UKE op KEN T. Although the more recent calamity of the death of our late veierable Sovereign had, ill some measure, diverted the public attention from the melancholy fate of his Royal Highlness the Duke of Sent; nevertheless, as the period arrived for paying the last earthly honburs to his remains ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TH FUNEitAL H1IS 4LA E iMAJEST^ It wasa the intention of hi 'present M ajesty to h .e been the Chief Mourner, to pay hia last tribute of ,e tiotn to his late beloved Father; buL his late dalgerous' and severe illndes has deprived hinidof the Oo b qii of giving his personal attendance. It is only within this 9 day or'wothat tbe Physicians attendint the King have g been able to prevail on. his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... CEBREMONIAL FOR THE INTERMENT OF HIS LATR MO8T SA- CRED'MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE THID OF BLESSED MEMORY, IN THE ROYAL CHAPEL OF ST. GEORGE, AT WI'DSOR, TO-MORROW EVENING. The Remains of his late most Sacred Majesty, of blessed memory, will lie in State in the Royal Apartments in Windsor Castle, from this morning at nine o'clock, until the time of in. terment to-morrow evening. The Public will ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL or KING GEORGE THE THIRD. ?? preparations which had been made for the last testiinony of respect to our deceased Sovereign had drawn to Windsor, even at the commencement of this week, multitudes, Auch greater than those which had been collected at any former time within the memory of man. Neither the Jubilee in 1809, with the enter- taijments. then prepared for the public, nor the ...