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... TflE OkTVG I Z .\ I .m IL THE' ?? Thnvrsi.iv his '17jesty hell a dlr~!ivis-rroorn Rti Ruckingharnhouse, being the first this year. A detichment of the King's guard mar(ehed into the Court*vard, preceded by the band in, their tststse uniforms ; shortly after a numerous detichnneri of' i life guards, with their full hand. in aitldIt~O- i. these were the life guards, attendiesz the Dl:e of ,York ...


... TBE TfTEATRE.- I'lpih Nsew Theatre Royal Was opened last n;,,h and ceitainly so far as,,regrards the structure itsej very tully realizod every expectation whvich could be f'ormed by ibe public. The audience part orcupies somewhat nore thar. alf of the great round y,)OM, andl thle ?? portion 0t ithat magnificent ipar; rlnt is sdeveted to tlhe Stege, which seemns IS be esut'ficienil vwide and ...


... T-RX FASRSOYA4JE WORLZD -A a1mar A5IMRAVT AND 'Cizol.ONtaLz Or THR TL1:33. 'Ihe Earl Of JDonotsglssnort left ils Card, at. her 1ietY7's residehce on 1?ridav last. ,fin Friday the5ul5e r0 of Clarence and Piinceis Augusta. with a surnovelous partV, dined with Prince I eopold, 'at borough House. On Friday. the Dlsiless of Clarence dined vith the Du, chess of Kent, at the king's Paslace ...


... TMYE FwSoHJNAIL)L WORL., - At B m:RIESE AIIsIVRACr CH:RO cNttoliC.L 0' TIIF TSIjs.`-- Arrived at the Prince of Wales's 110ttl. Gerard Irviae, Esq and family, from their Seat. Rioci':6eld, County Ferniataagt ?? their way to londun. VI Lady Mtidmay gave a splendi l bill and suoper on T'oseda last, at ier residene of £Egatv lhouse, Xiocalitasltr. alos iic were present most of ihe distingishi d ...


... '1YMN OF THE CALABRIAN SHEPHERDS TO THE VIRGIN. DARMR. and darker fall around, The shadows from the Pine, It is the hour with hymn and prayer To gather round thy shrine. Hae'a us, sweet Mother! (hru hast known Our earthly hopes and fears, The bitterness of mortal toil,. The tenderness of tears. We pray thee first for absent ones, Those who knelt with us here- Tbe-father, brother, and the noi; ...


... DEATH'S 110ORSE. (From Ilie Review of Tiles of an Astiquary in the Literary Gazette. The forest near Wolfsfeld is so infested by demons, ?? no person can pass unmolested. At length a bold knight ; nrler'tikes the dveitiore: he sets off, with the Evangelists . it his saddle-bow, his spear in his hand, aid a song on hlb lips. . THe was carolling on In this manner, when the wood be- gan to ...


... (Ffrontan anpu~ished Ronaiwa.j By TDaoxAs ATINLSO0N. lJ Is not love-wbate'er you say, Whate'er perhaps I hope too well ol I have watch'd for many a day, For looks such gladsome news to telt: But, as the fire of feeling flashd Across a face thats more than fair, I felt my inmost pride abasb'd, For, 0, there was no passion there ! I know not if he eer bath read The meaning of-my trembling true- ...


... Mademoiselle Sontag, about whom so much has been sail and written in the way of eulogy for the last eighteen months, made her first appearance on Tuesday night, in Rossini's n Ber7iere di Seviylia. In person this young lady is a little above 'the middle size, elegantly formedi with the sligihtest possible Inclination to en ton point. ler age is 22. She has fair hair, with soft and tender blue ...


... Till yesterday we had not an opportunity of being present at Mr. Carey's Lectures on] the Fine Arts; and consequently, we are unable to offer a connected cri- tique ol those parts of his course which have already been given. Yesterday's Lecture consisted chiefly of a historical review of the progress of the Fine Arts amongst the Greeks and Romans, especially the latter, together with the ...


... LIT ER ATUR E. II The Famaily Library. 2No. 8. The Court and Camp of Bonaparte. Murray. Ours is the age of extended and universal information.- The mental energies of every class of the community are called into vigorous operation,'by the continued demands upon their attention, which the countless publications of the day are making; food is supplied in abundance to the era- vings of the ...


... PHfE FA.HZONABLE WOflLD A SIMEP A7suTaACZ OF. CHRONiStCl OF TH lRTIS. M, eremble hasleft England, for his retirement at Lniv. sanpe.' lie has executed a deed of gift, substituting Mr.. Ihurles eamble the proprietor. in- lieu of 4iimself ol tl ecI valuableashare hipossezed in Covent.gardeu vThatre. The fluke of welliniton leayes 1 ondo elsortly. olU a flsi tO his gallant brother in arms Lord ...


... I OA'tDN ?? rr,4TREl: i +- C a~['7717 I P iper of 701'lt.v1 '7'Ite ?? VI IT 7)f77 7)A-r..71 73' .7rfer17moll 17f 7ir.p .7t five. 0'Q~i j1 .113!-i-.y 71 ic t Ihis P1i i'1 P.111 Mail, fr'.111 hI; P.tiilikonri t ?? ilW hi rnvve! g3 Ca'ri-i', (.77-t bv a7777' of' Ulllit Ifor~e.. 'ie 1iogt rhn'td s ?717 efier Ilil, lirrivd. ?? Wiere,', tni v' f(!r vw 07,' T1,hr71.c-. -E, y p vclit 7dii 77 177 ...