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... CONSTITUTION OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES 'IEngrand thn .t, Se'of Com imons natarily di- vides itse'lfnto Io. paFtes'one~proseB the Au dress, the other the Amendment; but in . rance a- Committee was named todraw up the iAddress. It consisted of nine Me'mrbeiers and among those vine thmere were:at least cm a.Yk645 ?? of parfy, knowms by the namesof .jit, Lefj-Cenitre, Right- (*enfre, anid Rigrht, ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 645 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT * IOVS) 4 LORDS-iowstt DMc. 2i. 'NREWV1'APERl STAMPI DUTlES DJ.LL': LORD SIDMOUTH having moved the Orderof the Diyt roese and after th. speech reported ir yesterday's piper, mar-. eti the second 'reading of the. Newspaper .Stmp5 'Duty BilL- The questioir, being put- The Earl ofDONOUGHMORE rose Xad spoke 4to the fellowinge effect:-4 Minitters haveE ehess last. ?? ,happy ?? ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3197 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... .. To n D ItOtnatbf n t3prnat sL Aind Daily Comrca Acv rt~ DUBLIN Saturday January 1 1820 Toe English Ma o fesday an& 'Wednesday' have arrived- .. THE TS E. W =,,NRASURES. The Newspapers Stamp Duties' Bill , i'utes' J ,illl, read. a eaen-i ire in iae Hoise -of Lords, o011 snight. f sie - bf hieib vwifstrtt'; fiull 'ep'r't:>fhte;Bit wa-. eo-ommitted on vlle foilig evening,j i a verv thin house ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 258 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... STATE OF ENGLAND (From, rift Lrmis Maiscutv.-) We have IIOwY befbre us two letters, one firom )lanchester andl the other from Barnsiey, both of. them written by mnen of veracity, oi who- e inforna- 1 nwe can rely, nd bethl of theni tending tn shew that the alarms llrsi;lg out of the situations of those places have been greatly heightened and exagge- The fearful ainunciationsmlade in ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1416 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... . LIMA - LORD COCHRANE Accounts have bece received from Vaipraiso of: the 25th August: An express 'had just reac1dd that place -frm Buenos Ayres, .Yith newg that a Spanish'squadron, consisting of two ships of the line and three frigates, bhad been discovereed off the tape de Verd -Islands, on the 30th of Juneodes- tined for Lima.. el, i iiif stion had created a considerable serwation at ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1980 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... PARIS PAPERS ' I PAI~at,0-:l):s Dc4.+Tler' wi4ljlf -hi' egraluI dir.- neratthe 'itillerieson'.theis.4t -ahtiy. - The. Kine gave a prtivae au *ienceothi, ,mong e the Marquis de la 'Tourytdu-Pin,; Alhbmadaitr frogm ii~s.Mnijesty th~eing of the Netherhiuds h Is .M- jestv alsn recieivedl the Ahh'e-Sicard. The prison oM e ovigo .is cionstattiflrbe siieged. Lyeal the Li1sera7L of ?? Capital, vho ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 443 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... CATHOLIC AFFAIRS 'The fiiulowing Corre pandencee- has: iJake* 'ac between Anthony O'Brien, Esq., Chtairman ot' the CiQ hohic .Meeting, htely held -ii, the 6 e' Clhapeel, NvMariboroughlstreet, aid the Right 'Eton. Hieory Gratian ?? . Upper Oar ner-street, Dee 24,1tjl9, SiB-Aa Chairman of a m*smerotjseand. respectable Aleeting, of .tue Roman Catholic inhabitants of' the .Pajishes of . IIMy. St. ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 421 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... EXITAOltDkNAIY ATMOYMlJP RIO PI!Ex'OMt=- | - NON AT MONTREAL. - We insirted on Tuesday, from the Awericahi Pa- f pers, some accokint of the singulair, we might a!- z most say terrific, darknes4 whilh overspread thba to6wn. of Montreal iU the tarly ?? (f lait month. i The following more interetting particulars are froth i the Carzadian Courant of Nov. 10 I- . I R119tARkAsLz OSsCURITY.-To those ...

Published: Thursday 06 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1237 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... SPE'ir , ,CT TV ?? *IC LIT t1oWOURABL'9 ~ 'If; 4~H ,N NS., AN TUESDAY, ;#IA#>JN'I~ ~ csnenoelI by obsdrving, Ihatf ?? DouUkk ot ben veryfa~ir-'. tiy stpe'+ t dlj$,'itn-ini uced which did noti neceaiy 601e~ffivi~thesubject, andwhich had i & y ts t attention of tlhe House from he j 5 matters which pressed for their consideralion.There bad been some address l in making the Base 0f Lord ...

Published: Thursday 06 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 5069 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I ?? ?? Oa 11 And Daily Commercial Aaiverdiser. 5 DUBLIN-THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 18So. I PROTECTING DUTIES. A' General Meeting of the Manul'acturers of' Dublin will be held ¶-rr'ns DAY, at one o'clock pre- cisely, at the Weavers. 'Hall, Coombe, to deter- mine upon the propriety of appointing Deputies forthwith, to accompany other Deputies from the City-of Cork,' and elsewhere, to London, for the ...

Published: Thursday 06 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 800 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... a MM, -?11141jlft- ?i I.- Major-deneral Lewis Grant has been appoin G I Gornn, of the Bahama Islands, in the room of Charles C m1eron, Esq. resigned. The: Prinee Regent 4as app a)h~d of the lank bornpanic, vf the -25tI Regiuent behig permitted to. ieorn their eatin,. npts, the word. Martiauq,. itt,.conmieerncqiqr.a at diitiniguished services at tre reduction. of ari, Tlue; in tbe month of ...

Published: Thursday 06 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 949 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... CATHOLIC AFFAIRS - BIBLE SOCIETIES Doctor Walsh, Roman Catolic Bishop of Waterford has lately addiessedan A~ostollidC4arge tO hij Dioeeis, peremptorily enj .ming of his communion carefully to peruse-ihe Holy Scriptures, pointiog o du also, that the differkce..0oe Translation between the Douay d A dt grolis Bible ?? be no hindrance, as they are all alikto in rha ?? Paper. TheTranslatiop of the ...

Published: Friday 07 January 1820
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 523 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News