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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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... INSTRUCTION IN HARRIET STRtEET. XHE; ANNU4L AL EXAMINATION of this SCHOOL TL: tooak place ol) THuKSDAY last, Hi presence of ire 'Lrrl Prrrvost and 15Magistrates. the. lrofvssors of mariwiletI C-liege. the Clergy, SherifllSubstitute, and c the Rector anid M asters of the 01Armar School. Tie a nmrrsber oF Bitys educated at this Sthool is upwards of b 450; saud the -Visitors etpres-ed lhemselves ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Ta7iqfactor7ed wpon Blocks the exact Shape of he Ikead, and warranted to retain tileir Foom. 'N A THXANIEL DANDO & CO. OVAL HAT Manufacttirers. Original Inventors, and only. I i'akers Ut the i MP'OVRD OVAL SHAIC, HBEAVEMR HIAT N 4 C42, C gAPSiDE, |LONDON, rigaiai beg Yleve tu introtiuce to the nOtice of the P'ublic. tieir PArENT IMY1totEt OvAL, SHAPF 13F.AVEIR T-ATrs assuring thoir Friends' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELGIN BLEACIIFIELD, SEASON-1S22. WIALTER CZLIWFORD .kS laid downV CLOTI5, and BLErACiUS all e H li.&3s of LINENS. D1AI-ElS. and ?? a CLo'rTHi, in the bcst a rd inist expedi!tous Inanner, at c tile foil-tin prices, Vi. ?? ci 1000 1F-arn and under. 3Ad. per .ard. s 110LI and 12i00 Do. Do. 40. o0. IMOt and 1400 Do. Do. 4A dL. do. 1 1tH0) and 1801 l'o. Do. 5kl. do. r 1700 clld all above 5ld. do. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. IT UE Subscribers and the Public are respectfully j informed, that the following New, Interesting, and Popular BOOKS have been recently received for the use of the Readers at this old established Library:- Capt. Parry's First and Second Voyages for the Dis- 1 .overy of the North *I'est Passage, 2 vols. quarto. (C.ptin Lyon's Private Journal of the Recent Voyage of Discovery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r, - £zuXua sCLLtcrS5:, :Liv. VO. A GREY-HOUND DOG e 1WTAS found near Aberdeen, about three weeks S Y'ago :-Whlouever can prove binm to be thiir pro- perty, will have him restored, ol pavin expsnces, by It applying to .John 1 l Rertson, Lodge W'al Y. *- PTER3IHEAD WEAVER FRIENDLY A SSOCIETY. as 711 IE Annual General Mleeting of this SOCIETY - R will be held in St. James's Lodge, on Friday thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAL EDONLVI.I FIME INSUHADNCE COMI~PANY. ;1 F1 II El Dfmlc~rcs takLe thi, opotui of remind. class of' S ttmo i iks, whaeitlor coosiktizig of I MilieQ, f, 11 otitl lse l Iroritiiro, or Stoech in Trdmay be Iin. Silted at a Prcnlii t.M if Two shtillin-s iier t'ent. ('ontsdidring that Individualsnarn orbh from loss of' P. etts, inl cns'-qten ce of the desitruction of' Propirrty byI Fire, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AY lI DE IC N FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. posed Caluital of the Comlpany beiong rireadly Stil- Il scribed for, Notice is hereby given, that a (iEN ER,,L Uo .11EETING will1 he held wvithin DInattST111,1's Hotel, Aberdeen, onl fJrhfira te 16t d/il Ir/ f Steptt'sr/er sri,7f., aIt - I o'clock afternoon, when it is reitireted that the Whlole Pafttrers Will attend. personally, or by prove, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAUPER LUNATIC FUND. . The Annual General 'iMethig of the Milanagers of the of AIBEHrDEEN I'AIII'E I UXNAric F It il,) was held in sisW the floor's Hlospital, on Tuiesdvy, 13th ult. lit f __ cel t~l.11S 'Instituition has existed for SOSSet years: Its I i1JL idesign j5 to provide for the maintenance, in the forI Lun atie AsyluIm, ol such persons belongging to the parish of St. Nicholas, ats are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIR BsOiLE, 7 !2OF1/SSOR of the scIESIcfiE cf SlNGIXG And the THEOR t of M 1 USIC, Ow' tr OST respectfuilly bsegs to ttcqiaint ?? Lalies at 4 I and Gentlemen of AtberdeenI and its vicinity, that l iss ?? to No. 11, UXINoI l,:ll.l)Nt. S, where - :e will have the honour to receive Pupils, either i! Classcs F ! .i ser Private Instructions. A Mir BI. is a Pupil of the following iMlasters, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STAKE NET VlSHWG.M ie0 Fi I-E STAKE NET FISHING of' -MCMDCEnco, p r in the near neiglibourlieod of the River lion, Sil to Let, for suci nurn-ber of ye-ars as may be agreed oti, sI with entry at Andtermas first, tili There tire a set of HlOUSES, antd anl ICli TOUSE, in tfe, close vicinity ; with a CROFT1 of' nioct capital til LAN'D adijoining with till, or, any part of which, atl Tenant macy bc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -THIE MAGAZINE Or NATURAL RISTORY. I Couducsed by J. C. LOUDON, F.LS. CG.S. &c. ' 7Vol. 1. Ovo. pp. o04, ,j With upwarda of 200 Engravings, Price lls. Boards. bes Printed for Longman, Rees, Oome, Brown, and Green. SE abl The scain object of this work is to diffuse a kilowlege OF %side Naturl History among general readers, and a second object isi I to collect isolated facts that might otherwise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ALCO'N3:E'S ;SOT2L, No. 20, MORAY PLACE. UGH FALCONER, with feelings of sincere gratitude, TI for the many ?? he has received, begs to acquaint cal the Nobility and Gentry in general, that he has opened that Pr large and splendid HOUSE, lately occupied by JAMES gel STUART, Esq. of Dunearn, No. 20, MORAY PLACE, as lnp a PVIVAT i FASJILY HOTEL; and lie is confident of s'h no econtradiction when ...