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Aberdeen Press and Journal



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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... A 14 .ttlU .. 5rILLIAIM MIATTHEWS begs leave to ae-. v W aint his Customers anti the Public, tlhat hehas 1 to a lsrgennd commodious SHOP in St. ?? s jnd, next Shop to Mlessrs. Al1an & :Simp. thc soII, iromimongers, Union Street; where he will continue cxI to carry on the LEATNiER TRADE, ill all its bran. Ft ches, Wholesale and Retail. Large .Minufactotics will tIC' alvays find ready for use, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAilE oSl wl\t'^, . PUBLIC SAL' OF Q UE-PrC lNE AIND HA D 11/D(OD. Oun Saturday first, 6th of December, there will be ex- llosed by public rcoup, the entire C(.nao of Ti1 O, 11, P JUst landing from the Quebec Packet, Ctptain .lder- s son, from Quebec, consisting of tL 7 D IECES of YELLOW PINE. 7 t 2C\ Do. of RED Do. 5fi Do. of 1III'TE OAK. 20 Do. of LM. 20 Do. of B]11(111. 15 Do. of ASIH. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tis DoY is Published, price 4s. bound, HAMILTON'S ARITHMETIC, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED; Containing Tables of the Imperial Weights & Measures, Established by Act of Parliament, Ju1et, 1824. the Mensuration of Surfaces and Solids: an Introduction cut to Algebra; Compound Interest and Annuities; a short I system of Book-keeping. Ch WITH A SUPPLEMENT, Cot Containing the Answers to the Questions. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... w ,ft, ?? EIWND ESD)AY, Jul1 4. 6 ery . hie IIlTH. it BkIWSt, OIl theI Wl I Xi! ILt ,fie thcLadY Of * kinir Ml CliAY, Of' a luaghtCr, *n In ricl1) oni tie 2'th Jiune, by the llev. the Arch- u;. teanof York, the Rev. ; ?? Atoius'i'us ?? r i I I)MII lt, Ifucttr of Bisllplstotll, \ ilts, to ( tAA, Be X toird dighter of l)r ergue ?? am, late Pn DJal ofI tarrid at 11ontrose, on tile 2.i5t ualtno by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T^^,s'doy 'p ,,2iahcdt1, .;.;a. r';,' ,w~ Prio~2 7&.6. THE EDfINB0URGH PHIO AL-. JMRINAL' Nto. V1II. Conducted by Dr BEEWSTER ad -Profcsaor JAMSIEJNl>. - I: Alex. Scott's Captivity auniori theArabs(concludrd)-o fbservatious by Major Rnnel'on the Geograph o, MAlr.a 8iott's Routes I. Noi:h Afica-..,lajor lXcrnnel on tie. Currents betwern tuc paraIcls of Cape Fin sterre and the C,`nry Istinds-On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 43~j=2ZZE4t&. fW E SECOND ASSENBLY for the Season *ill tale T place in the Public Rooms, on TdURSDAY the 7th ol Januaryr. Dancing to commence at 8.-Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards and refreshments, as usual. Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s, Gid each. Aberdeen, 22d Dec. 182P. The Se.rvrdos wifll meet, in MhC Card Room.#, on the 7/Ic Cf Janyllw-y, al 2 o'clock, P.m5. to make ...

Advertisements & Notices

... All S~t iJL i rEp't-S Wlave to intimate to, hk.: fienda, that tie BALL, promised to his Pupils sometime ago, will take place on the -lzcnin/g of Friday the 13th inst. in the Ne. Inn Assenibly Room. * f DAwOciG to begii at six o'clock.-TICRcETS (e-'atis) toube had of Mr DuIcv1 only. Tickets of' Admissilon for Strangers, Ia. each. N. 1.-Mr DcFrF particularly requests, that thosc Pupils wha were ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CEORGE KNIGHT, CONFECTIONER AND GROCER, I lTH best thanks for the liberal share of public 9 tavour he has received for so ninny years, begs leave to intimate, that as the Christmas testivities are at hand, he has prepared a full assortment of CHRISTMAS L7 U.S. 1 ALSO, SEED CAKES, PLUM CAKES, POUND CAKES, a D[ET LOAVES, SAVOl[ CAKES, P/1ut and Onameoetc. a Mince Pics, Veal and other Pics, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEA ANDD VY1E TRADE. (ORNWA LL & SM ITH, (with reference to 1 their former advertiserrent,) beg to intimate to their friends and the public the arrival of their TEAS purchased at the last East India Co.'s sale: regarding which generally they have to say, that they are rot higher in price than the Teas at .Marchi sale, but are considerably superior in qualitY. They have further to state, that ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... phct WVEDNESI)AY, &t-rbe 1. tier HFBirth.At Invereslk, on-the 27th Auguist, Mvrs, D). flO I EtoNSist, rif a.Sobn: d og Birth.-At. Bigh Ousee, on the 29th 'Au, ihe Lady Ile55 of Majui Micic~ of a'sun. gag Birth.-..At Elgin, on the Jist ult. the Lad~y of Lieuat. Hi G~ G. Musteo. of~ a Son. Ian Mar-ied fiere, on the I Jib inst. ALexarA`1oraP Bert,, Esq. Berwick,, to Ma~tty, only Daughter OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AREEN ASSEMBLIES,' PUBLIC ROOMS. HE FOURTH ASSEMBLY for the Season will take T place in the PunsLic Rooms, on Thursday the 26th of Fcbruary curt. Dancing to commence at Eight.-Tea at Ten o'clock. Cards and RfJrfeslhments, as Usual. CT Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. 6id. each Aberdeen, Feb. 10, '1829. COOKE'S INDIA CONDIMENTS. C OOKE & CO. of 99, HATTON GiRDE-;, LONDON, T bave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8FA& FURNISH FITSTING UPG VP, &. &C.. R RETTIE cannot omit tee present opportunity of re. R . turning his sincere thanks to his numnerous Friends and the Public, for the very liberal sapport he has eaperienced SUice. he comnmenced butsiness on his own accoant; and that ]br the greater convenieihce of those rsho call ipon him in the way of j'miness, heintends RIt fMO INGtol) 13, UNION STRUET ...