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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, .Janua?'~, 9. I lartied, at Abrdteen, on the Id nIist. by the Rlght I Rev. ]3iBhap Skinner, Jxmn:s 1).VIDsON, Esq. Caledo. i ?? -- d .- . . - 1. s . .. I nian (anal, to Elv;.NOit, Daughter of JAMr:S IOL- f LINtiWOttii Esq. Clhichiester. Died,. at Allanaqulioich, near 'Mar Lodge, on the 28th Ilt. JAMES l-t.NImuy: Esq. of knock-inchl. I)ied hete, on tlie 28th tlto. WILIAM DAVIDISON, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On th& )Oth ?? at Beddin 5ton, in Surrey, the Hon. Lady 1- fELP.N W nlU , Of a Sili. On the 20th ult. at Bailcarias, tle' Lady of Captai'n. HEAD, of 6 daughter. Onl the 2itd ult. at Piwltycrochan, Nortlh Waler,. the Lady of Sir DAVID ERSKINE of Cambo, hit. of a son and heir, On th-e Ist ult. at 13l6bo, tihe Lady of Lient.-c'ol. BRTI:USF, of s ton. On thc 22d tilt. at lliddletfo, Terrace, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d | Zi ticrh. O At '22.'orgC Strect, on the 19th inSt. Mrn Dr MaC- I lagan~. of a hOfl. I At Batraelipore, Bcngal, on tile 11th of January last, 3irs t,. t v n. of a ?? At North Berwiclo lolge, on the 13th1 Curt. the Lady o, !ot)lajor-Gentral Dalrymniple, of a daughter. ! @~~ttrrtag~eg., I C ,Newniill, on the 12th inst. bv tile Rev. 31 Bu=ts, xAl. Waln(r, Pertth, to Janc Blair, chdest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... X8itt11¢. Mdrs JOHN G1s1oN, Dundas Street, of a soan. At Coates House, on tthe 21st uIt. the Right Hor,. Lady EUBANK, of a daughter. At Thornton HOUse, oan.the 6th ult. Msrs CwxLtc- HA.t( of Thornton, of a son. , a~~~~~rritge0. At Laurieston Place, on the 23d uklt the Rev JAmrs | 1AnsPrsa, North Leith, to BA7s5 eA. second daughter of the Rev. Dr Peddie, Edinburgh. At Helmbill, Dumfries-shirei ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PIRTii1.--A' (l'a illolb Cott-ge, 1o1 ie ?? il,,t. the JLaly of' LiLlnt.- tol. IINIiS.\Y, 7 ,itil Hi LOIIjS of a Daug hter.l Married, at i( Cisi Oil tiiC l t t ('lilt. lis.Y 1yiIt:;. | Esql. surveyor' if 2I:jety's ('llsitomil ;, to Ji.x,5 | thild daughlter( ot' t'e late A\l(eIJ 2 3lilh, 1 .lo. IrrL- I chant there. Diud, at 1)nniuivo id 011 the 26th tilt. Ti ?? ill- faiit son of P'ter ArlI'ev, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... : : ?? Oir the IOth cuar A CAd eiarfi niarise Mis F L1MING of a diaughtoi. On tdie 20th curt. at Stratidlilrev Cottage, the Lady of Majdfr B~iddS,, yo[Ing& of Sthatslitl'y, veas stifel delivered of a sob. On the 12th'eut. at 6t14 Adrliralty, tile Lady of . ?? It. IC. Dotudrsa Esq; iA. P. of asbri. Onttb~ ]lth' Aug'ust last, af Bhooj, tte Ladj af Lieut.-Col. MIACONOCHIE, Hon. East India Cornpa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mberbeen. WEDNESDAY, November 19. BiRrv.-At Beauly, on the 10th ins¢. NI'S ST'ART M'LEOD, of a son. On the 9th inst. the Lady of Captain MACKENZIEi FRAsERa, 93d Rlugiment, of a son. On the 7tl curt. in York P'lace, London, the Lady of JosEPH HuMEi, Esq. M. P. of La daughter. Married on the Ioth inst. at the Mains of Monaltry, by the Rev. Alex. Macfarlane, Mr Ai.i.:x. AM AICLUM, officer of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I)n ]d 2-11 b erb .e ellith WEDNESDAY., JeiY 27. Birth.-On the 24t! inst. the Lady of' Major J. S. P1 at S'INCX.A1IT, lRoyal Artillery, of a daughter. f On the 24th of .Janulary, I 825, at Arecquipa, Peru, the E j5 Lady of Udny Passniore, Esq. his 1Majesty's Consul, of m of a 505. ra ., Birth.-Mrs. MloRisSoNS, Ilaughs, of a daughlter. eW l On thc 21st instant, Irs 1FRASEIR, CuRliLtIlel, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AVEDNESD)AY, Aitgei t2o. lit ?? Fettercs'so Castle, on the 1 li list. .1t Tiit)nAs AUER CItatollY ivt't ., it t soIl. ,married, at Richnin ond llil, near Aher decn. *n thc -l0th ist. Sl i ti'eON )ua ii, Eiiq. M\Ierehant, Lontlon, to :\l oUGA1 : 1.; `lglinghLer of the late Thos. Mi Cotibie, Esl. tit' ,aster Ske ne. il1:tlrie(, at (onmcly PIank, in the 12th instalt, tle it evcetenl .1nt NXViso-. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at '18' I'N 1>1 AY, l/ I 'l IT : '!it pyy]\, Iilm 'ii t .J~ttaicia, oii thle 22d tit!!2 t itittisolott R v Ja ttc the in ' oit, lt t-i, t 2it; ii l:'il At Aitgti' tin ii, in It'l. ?? tilt.,xt', Con cii', p 'ite 01 ol M JitN STUAllT, Fl~inttl' th~ ?? lin thle ?? ?? Iiud, t fti, oan!: XPri,( the 26t nt Atx , Lintli nttli (1'tr2IN.t''t, Fe1. Ii'OdA tilt, it toe lt~th Uev. tii t mt~t lityc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ? ;a. !if; ?? ?? I 'i -, 1 Q;o Q ' -- ( b v V oten. IVEI)NESD'AY, A7 gvi 0 2. BI RTu.-At M luryicid, on the 20th ult. Mrs CmIIsI- oL nt, ef a dauoghiter. Married, at Aberdeen, by the Rev. l)r. (Ilcrnie, on the 21;rlt instant, Allr. IoII:n tc TAYLOR, to L l' RA. daughter of M)r ,JI 0u I T AYI. Hi. Mlarried at Balniageith, on the 8th ult. by the Itev. William HOyes, AL.L\. Mlt'1r1 , IsqJ. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgh, on the I4h !nst., thA Lady of Iajor W dn ir Bertram, Bengal native infantry, of a so. d .; At Dundee,:ron the 14thI.current, lrs James Thorns, of n daughter. Ac Elliston House, Roxburghshire, on tke 30th ul., the it L dy4of Sir Robert Henry Tulloh, Esq. of Elliston, of a s daughter. d At Poonah, on the 18th Miarch, by the Rev.. R.War rd Edmund Montgonerie, Esq. Civil Service, to ...