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... THIE FINE ARTS. Tbe two Scottish painters, DRavid Wilkie and Willitm 1 i Allan, are employed on pictures, which, for concephion, sU churacter, and execution, promise-to excel all theiY other D works. The former has ,laid his scene in Chelsea, on a or pension day; and the varied scene of military glee and thi carousal is unexpectedly heightened by the arrival of the ro Gazette of a victorv ...


... EDINBURGH MUSIc.!. F3jV. to ir. T Te Treasurer of the late Festival- presented a re- en port of his intromissiosi to a meeting of tle IDirectors, he on Friday last, from whirl it appear's that the aa Receipts were L. . 4.9 i 4 4 10 of Expences .. . 97 18 It to ~~~Surplus Lre51 re As there are still some tr ifg clais against tiel at Festival, a small sum baa been retainled to satisfy he them, ...


... T'HE WAITERLEY NOVELS. IWe Lead-saime time~ago ilhe pleasuire of mnaking orreaders S acquainted with the general chirt er - and design of the Pi projected edition of these Novcls'. andi, bey the fa'vour of the t Publishers, we were-also eniabled to gratify titem U-1th some ra iliteresting speceimens of the cutriescs aed, highly chanracteristic in Notes with which it is to ?? entriched. It is ...


... LITER ATURE. TILE-- REVIEWS. tht fficit Ldittors, like the troubles that Thle *tril'A tarets itnmer. Scarcely a day piis5- d V. thle ott prthidctig some fresh annoyance to this e CS frct. A huaitd subjects often solicit their at- a tti~et jaronceand ech is clamorous for precedence. -At ita ante nstan theyare called to the right and the left, fp the ed he rarand like the lady who wvas claimed ...


... '10 C. Thore was a time * ien I could smile at love, And say his pains wvere beit a poet's tale,- Like one who, careless, sails before the gale, Nor deemics that vdinds can ever adverse prove. A d w hat Is I-rve at best, n ethou!ght,-a flower, A sickly plant that blooms bhit fir an1 hour 'Tis the w ilcd p han tom of a fevevish brain, A Crd viisi!ppeats w hen reason rules agai a. So thoelght I ...


... THE THEATRflE. The tragedy of Foscari was repeated on Monday evening to a numerous but not crowded audience. In the boxes; there was a brilliant display of beauty and fashion; and the ladies, with a commendable partiality for a dramatist of their own sex, seemed all extremely anxious to give their suffrages in favour of the fair authoress of the play. Un. der these circumstances, we feel that ...


... 'jI'iL jLrBRLW MOTHER, tJ' 5jI1s fliEMANS. ( roii}s 'TVito Amulet.') * i YcC we x -irii1 ti hblool onl Sharon's plalitr W.a`; T'nther , v-ith her Virst-born, thei;f ' n ' Z; tnl; tfit the boy was vnw'd T:wo ',,1lll-,service. By the fiand ''hi!n,:ii ,Iel silent sool, the While, . iii alto' v l.:!lhter of' his eye ca-xsael's'!1 s~i,, ist&Plitxa. i welt, if~ to ?? .: ; tilsusl ?? ?? v. *as LL:s ...


... LITERATUREI. TlrE POitEIcN IIECVEW, NO. Cit. TiI thle Preface to some onc Of his numerous andi lettineed work, Iayl ha stated, iii order, we supoe to accountC for thle very great alpparcan erudition they display, that lie was ?? to read with his fingers ;ill other vrcros to shunl his eye ill rapid succession over the pages of hooks, like a swallow over a meadow, gleaning anti gathering upl ...


... ITAyr.On's IlTOTORtIC etUVetY Or GEIRMANT POETRY. Vol. I. London, 1828. The prospect of ai general survey of German Poetry in Ettglish at last opens to us, and the hand schicli lifts ticea COt curtain is that of one to whom every portion of cthe wide ste tie landscape titat prset itself is famniliar, frotsa the vagle R and misty outtlines whicici rise dimly ilt the distance of an- ( tiquity, ...


... LITERATURLE. qua the Hironca or the, waa in the PF0Nstis~ria under NAretraOi; rid totwhich is prefixed a View of the Political and Military stir SItateof th 'Our Ielligeeront Powers. fl General li :tee F Published by Stie Countess Fuy. Vol. I London, tlen of sad Tbe tooth of this brave soldier, appsroved patriot, distinW.~ [ant guished orator, and able statesman appears under verg, ia- in an- ...


... elliot .jjs1 ia flf& d i. .3, As.,, The East Lothian Agricultural Society held their spring meeting at Haddington on Friday last, when the premiums offered by the society, for the different kinds of stock exhibi- ted at this period of the year, were awarded as follows:- Ist, To Mlr Bairnsfather, Beanston, for the lot often cat- tle most suitable for laying on grass, L.5 5s. 2d, To Mr Read, ...


... Nonsts'A SE&anAS tin AnistancA. Por Don .lbrgenloan y lion Antonlio do Bits,. Sacudas a uin par Do-iDvil) BAILEY. London, Rt. Taylor. Our readers will probably recollect the celebrated scion. fife expedition if Don J. Posts nd Ullies, in company with the French astronomers, Godin, Bouguer, and Condamion, in l173l,forthe measureesent of a degree at the Equntor,iasrderI that their experiments ...