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Suffolk, England


Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England

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NORFOLK. NOTICE is hereby given, That a General Session of Sowers will be held for the said county on ■

... Thursday the 24th day of October instant, at the Town Hall, in the borough of King's Lynn, in the said county, and all ; Jurors and Officers of Sewers are desired to attend accordingly. ROBERT WHINCUP, Lynn, October, 1822. Clerk of Sewers. i CA TTON NURSE R V, near NOR WICH. * GEORGE LINDLEY, HAVING retired from the Nursery and Seed Business, at Catton, requests all debts due to him, or , to ...

Published: Wednesday 23 October 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9935 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

MANOR COURTS. r pHE GENERAL COURTS BARON of his A Grace the DUKE of NORFOLK, for his several Manors herein-after

... mentioned, will be held at the usual Places, on the Days and Times following: Harleston, on Monday, Nov. 11, at Ten o'clock in the morning. Earsham, the same day, at Two in the afternoon. Ditchingham, on Tuesday the 12th of November, at Ten. Bungay Priory , with Burgh and Soke, same day, at Twelve. Forncett, on Wednesday the 1 3th of November, at Eleven. Kenninghall, on Thursday the 14th of ...

Published: Wednesday 30 October 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11244 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

A MOST DESIRABLE FARM, With Immediate Possession. 1 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the King's Head Inn, Stowmarket, on

... Thursday the 7th of November, 1822, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, (unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given) r i^H AT capital FARM called Chilton Hall, JL FREE OF GREAT TITHES, situate in the Parish of STOWMARKET, in the occupation of Mr. Chas. Turner, the Proprietor, who is declining business ; containing, by admeasurement, ONE HUNDRED and FORTY ...

Published: Wednesday 06 November 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7274 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO BE LET, With Immediate Possession, At a reduced Rent, according to the Times, AN excellent FARM, containing ..

... Acres, of which 307 are Arable, 267 Pasture and Sheep- walk, and 100 Meadow, all in a good state of cultivation ; with a capital Farm-bouse, Barn, Stables, and all other re- quisite Buildings, nearly new. j ' Further particulars may be had upon application to Mr. I Carr, Weeting Nursery, near Brandon, Suffolk. TO THE DEBTORS AND CREDITORS OF GRIMWADE COOK, DECEASED. ALL Persons who stood ...

Published: Wednesday 20 November 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5152 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

FIRE. £lsp REWARD. WHEREAS' on Saturday Morning the 9th Inst, a Barn situate in Thrandestone, in this county, ..

... of Thomas French, Gentleman, containing a quantity of Barley, was wilfully SET FIRE TO and con- ?? is hereby given, That a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS will be given by the said Thomas French, and a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS by the Suffolk and General Country Insurance Office, to any Person or Per- sons who will discover the Offender or Offenders, so as he, she,, or they, may be convicted of the ...

Published: Wednesday 27 November 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9369 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

I TO THE DEBTORS AND CREDITORS OF GRIMWADE COOK, DECEASED. ALL Persons who stood indebted at the time of his

... decease to Mr. GRIMWADE COOK, late of Livermere, Butcher, are requested to pay their respective Debts forthwith to Henry Wyatt, Gentleman, of Brome, the surviving Executor of Mr. Cook, or to the account of Mr. Wyatt, at Edmund Squire's, Esq. of Bury St. Edmund's ; and all Persons who have any Demands upon the Estate and Effects of Mr. Cook, are requested immediately to send an account thereof ...

Published: Wednesday 04 December 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10788 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

EAU BRINK DRAINAGE. THE Engineers for Drainage and Navigation having appointed to meet at Lynn on the twenty ..

... the purpose of taking a General Survey of the Eau Brink Works, and to report their present state and condition i We, the undersigned Commissioners of Drainage thereby ap- point a Special Meeting of the said Commissioners to be held at the Crown Tavern in King's Lynn, on Thursday the twelfth day of December next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of receiving and considering ...

Published: Wednesday 11 December 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7367 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

Security combined with Profit. SUFFOLK and GENERAL COUNTRY Amicable insurance Office, AGAINST LOSS FROM FIRE t ..

... the DUKE of NORFOLK, His Grace the DUKE of GRAFTON, His Grace the DUKE of DORSET, The Right Hon. the EARL of BRISTOL, The Right Hon. the EARL of ORFORD, And numerous other distinguished Personages. DIRECTORS. Western Division. Eastern Division. JOSHUA GRIGBY, Esq. D. ALEXANDER, Esq. THOS. ROBINSON, Esq. JOHN JOSSELYN.jun.Esq. GEORGE BROWN, Esq. REEVE BUNN, Esq. ROBERT M AULKIN,Esq. J. B. SMYTH ...

Published: Wednesday 18 December 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8122 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

Security combined with Profit. SUFFOLK and GENERAL COUNTRY Bmtcabie insurance Office, AGAINST LOSS FROM FIRE ; ..

... the DUKE of NORFOLK, His Grace the DUKE of GRAFTON, His Grace the DUKE of DORSET, The Right Hon. the EARL of BRISTOL, The Right Hon. the EARL of ORFORD, And numerous other distinguished Personages. DIRECTORS. Western Division. Eastern Division. JOSHUA GRIGBY, Esq. D. ALEXANDER, Esq. I'HOS. ROBINSON, Esq. JOHNJOSSELYNjun.Esq GEORGE BROWN, Esq. REEVE BUNN, Esq. ROBERT MAULKIN.Esq. J. B. SMYTH, ...

Published: Wednesday 25 December 1822
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11572 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LAW. WANTED an Articled Clerk in a Solicitor's Office in Norwich, where an extensive practice is conducted.— ..

... Johnson and Co. Agents to this Paper, Market Place, Norwich. WANTED Immediately, a respectable Youth as an APPRENTICE to a PRINTER, BOOK- SELLER, and BINOER. Apply (if by letter, post-paid) to Mr. Thorogood, Printer, ?? T^M«»i_ *^ — » - 'S^HE MISS HOLLANDS' BOARDING il SCHOOL for Young Ladies will be re-opened on TUESDAY the 21st of January, 1825. King Street, Lynn Regis, Dec. 28th, 1822. ...

Published: Wednesday 01 January 1823
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3722 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFFOLK. THE Committee of Accounts of the several Divisions of the County will meet at the Times and Places ..

... at Eleven of the clock in the Forenoon :— • Beccles Division — On Saturday the llth day of January, 1825, at the King's Head Inn, Beccles; Woodbridge Division — On Tuesday the 14th day of the same Month, at the Shire-hall, in Woodbridge; Ipswick Division — On Thursday the 16th day of the same Month, at the Shire-hall, in Ipswich ; Bury Division — On Wednesday the 15th day of the same Month, at ...

Published: Wednesday 08 January 1823
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8677 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds