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EXTRACT FROM THE LATE MR. ELLERBY's WILL. For the guidance and instruction of those whom I may appoint as the

... executors of this, my last will, I do here set down what my wish is, concerning the disposal of my Itly: -After iay decea-: 1p, I voi'rgeet to lii placmedr in n very plaitn shell or coatti, witl fill posibile tIv.,lott-h ; thltt roy friends mitt d 1tC(q l i:t ri c's tlie ASSNU'riMldI's , Oti itt Coin- ve ilent. )PreferrjrrI to, Irt of carre trtie after tmy (rlrrllr, I dio will, rist), he , ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D131TII OF T'E POPE. - d The folloing is a private letter ffronrm Paris :respecting this lamentedevenlt : 1Pais, .onArdy, tkr'ee6'cloc'k.'The Christian world Y ias now to lamnent the loss of one of its brightest ornaments -the viituIoTs, the colighiLened, the' Christian Pontiff, Pope Pius VI I. is n rmbre. fIits Holiness departed this life on the 20th of this month. y The pasricuihirs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... G te JR1 itl On Thursday last, Mr. James Hemingway, mason, to Miss lenmolsh Ctrawshaw, eldest daughter of Mr. P. Craw- shaw, of the Crosree enld Cushion Iln, all of l)ewsbusry. Same day, Mr. George Wilson, of Hlunflet, butcher, to 'a Miss Hasnnsah Brolwn, dnughter of Mr. James Brown, of the Clothiers' Arses, Ilollicuk. On Tuesday last, at Roclidale, Joseph Ruedman, Esq. of Witworth, aged 73, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On, the 26th ult. the Lady of John Blayda, jun. Esq. of Oulton, of ason. On Thursday last, at Birstall, by the Rev. Win. Heald, Vicar, Mr. Jlohii Lawford, of Mill-Bridge, manifaecerer, to Mlry, daughter of Mr. Thomas Parkinson, of the former place, plumiiber and glazier. Saine day, at Pontefract, Mr. Jackson to Miss Jane Hunt, sister to Mr. T. Hunt, Bookseller, &e. alloftheformerplace. i Saine ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ly ar i it On Thursday ia't, at our Yerlsh Church, by the ilev. Richad e Fasett, vicar, Mr. Jackson, of Manchester, to blary,' eldest daughter of Mr. James Walker, Upper Wortley, near this towsu. ,r Same day, Mr. Samuel Patkero joiner, to Miss Ani Wilitakdr, rs both of Halifax. ; Same day, Mr. Joseph Wright, hnnkeeper, to Mrs. Hannah Crab- ie tree, both of Ovenden. r. Samu day, Mr. Josepit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Mondny last, at Lambath Church, Ioden, Tlicha d ('lewen Gri sith, Esr. surgen, ?? son f Samruel Griffith, Fsq. of Travistoek itreet, Bcdford-sqruaye, to Eliza, secolld. daghter of the late John Cooksion, Esq. .g this town. Oil Tuesday, at St. G(corgee- Chtrch, m-larnucr-squate, Lon- don, Bryan Cacke, vsq. iof Owston, tE Charlotte, daughter of Sir George(lookc, Whceaticy, both hi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 13th hust. tihe Countess of Shefileld, of a daughter. tC On the 11th Inst. at Branch 11111 Lodge, near London, the Lady C of T. W. Beaumont, Esq. ?? of a son and heir. Same (lay, the Lady Alice Peel, of e son. n Or, Wednesday wreek, the wife of Mr. (eorge Drucksop, of Lit- IL tleiaoor, near Aphover, weas delivered of three fitnd daughters', T they are all tivjig, and with the mother are ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I, IC at lSirtb0. IncIlor: tre Lady of tile It ght lios. lobeht Peel, of a rdto list, tile t.ndy0 of Sir IV ;lliarn D. Cooke, Dart, of * Dear Doncutre of a son. 'rilaY It. William loster, second soal of Johr Footer, uelt block ?? ttley, of Stlbbiln-louse, near j lst, oA York, 3r. JolI Oison. of Nordvtve, a i1,to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of ir. Nult, of in a]l inatra, John NIlanyaring, jun. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Fl, On Thursdlay, at our parish chitr-h, by the Rev. Ricliard 5 Fasweett, vicrair. Grangir, of thib pl:iee, islicitor, to Mlis Mary Thompson, 'OllC ot thc nicces of'ltichbrd Thompmn, Esq. of Ponterictk GR.' Wedilesdy. 'at Thornhili, by the Rev. J. f,. Sisson, MA.A. ain Thomas Blayy ClArtleana, Eiq. oflWalslrielsd, to Mirs Bedfoel, 23 of Overton-IHusev, it thss. Itihling, atij eldest daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ottl ie 3d(. at our parish cr relr, Mr. Ilad (11 tt01', s(iwitoar of this toiyn, tv Mis', Phorar ps 0 WI 'AilhoscL' IIto, lla:rj ?? tolyn., A few days age, at llrtlittX, Td,,r Sarrrle Listrr, if 'it. A~w1 r tile Gr-ove, ts 3Ilsw Smith al, ert to Mrtr. Smitli, cf the Dci- ?? roIns. ltl of honltthwrtom l, ?? ?? tbr::er hlare. On Tumeday last, Mr. ' rrseT ocirr groccr, to '.irs. Parr, of tle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nt ?? Thursday, at Huddersfilid, Mr. Joseph Shaw, to Miss Mors- 0h~dell, niece to Mir. Luke Muatnion, carrier, ali~of that place.. Sonic ay, a our Parish Church, by the Rev,. Mr. W)ltiassoni, Beak S ad ?? jlit rrrairjin. Wesicyon Minister, toopiMtld, prC olp Youngest daughter of the late Rev. Mliles Martindledi. pr c. Onl Tuesday last,L nt Kirby Maizeardl, hy the Rev. Thomas Fur-~~ bank, M. A. ...