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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Lewishanm, Pindock Wm. AvOline, Esq. of Cam. berwell, to Miss Mary Ann Pollard Plucknett, only daughter of Mrs. Plucknett, of Blach'heath-hill.- Sir Robert Steele, lint. Lieut.-Colonel of the Spaniskh Army, to Emily, youngest d-oug.hter and co-heiress of tile late Vm. Clarke, Esq. of Beanlfster, Dorset, -Thowas Forrest, Esq. of Birmingham, to Jane, second daughter of the late Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7&znda/y's and Tuesdtfs Posts. LONDON, JAN. 25. OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF KENT. rTITH the deepest concern we announce the W death of his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, which took placeat Sidmouth, at ten o'clock on Sunday morning last. His complaint, as our readersare already informed, was inflamnmation of the lungs, so violent as to baffle the utmost efforts of medical skill. From ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M iARRI'ED.- Thc Rev. Josephl Milner, B.A. of Catharine hail, Camebridlge, to Miss Crorispsnn, niece to) the Very Rev,.Dr. NIlIner, Master of Queeifs ?? Rev. James Cotiminig, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cauasbrjdge, ta Sarah, eldest daughlter of Cbarles H~umfrey, Esq.-At Airesford, Hunits, the Rev, Clisrles Henry Grove, youisg¢st son of Thomnas Grove, £;sq. of Fern H-ouse, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRI ED. At Camberwell, near London, the Rev. Thomas Anderson, Minister of the Countess of Huntingdon's Chapel, Glocester, to Miss Eliza Cross, of Cheshunt, Herts-At Bath, George Peacock, Esq. ti Jeniilsa, eldest daughter of Colonel Durnfurd, late of the 3d Foot Guards-Mr Whiterton to Miss Dagnell, both of Devizes.-Jas. MIGavin,Esq. (f London, to Mrs. Long, of Clifton.-Mr. Edw. Ball, of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIE)D. At East Barnet, Herts, S. C. Shinve, Esq. second son of the late WV. C. Shawve, Esq. of So1Lit lgiste, to] NMaly,eldest daughter of Edw. Egan, Esq. oif Usage House.-At the Friends' Meeting I-louse, Henley- upon-'T'hames, C(harhLs Dix, of Harelhill, Suffollk, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of tile late Edward Ladd, of the former place.-Mr. William Pegg, of Bledllw Aills, Baclis, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED-.At St. George's Church, Lord Suffield, to Emily Harriet, youngest daughter of Evelyn Shirley, Esq. of Eatington Park, Warwickshire..-William Drake, Esq. of East Darelisfi, toMartfli, dau-giter of G:. P. Loekley, ZEs of Half loon;street, Picendill y.Frfncii-aslin Sto6keEi sq.:of Wal- barn-lGreenFulham, to Juliana, second daughter of J; Davies, Esqe of Sackville-street. - Mr. Joseph ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IffA 111.1 lI D. At ~ti ?? d: Crypt, Gloccster, Edwn1 .iDtlddv, Esq. barrister at lawv, to .laria Elizabltl, ellest diutighter cf Adlernuial U Ood, .11. P. for the City of Lu;don.-At Alvestoz Church, I.arkice shire, Captain George Blke It. N. N ?? FOI of Sir Rc. Inedli of Berners sirmet, to lEi. abe:h Octavia, fourth daughter of the late Wiln. llartihg, Isq. of Branset ), in the sadl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. The Rev. Cornelius Heatheote Reaston Rodes, M. A. of Barlbro' Hall, Derbyshire, to Anna Maria Harriet, youngest daughter of Wim. Gossip, Esq. of Hatfield House, near Doncaster.-At Cotterstock, the Rev. Henry Good, to Anne Maria, 2d daughter of the late Charles Berkeley, Esq. of Biggen HAJ, Northamptonshire.- The Rev. Henry Rudall, of Crediton, to Miss Cann, daughter of - Cann, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MWARR IED. M. James, Esq. of Northbrook-street, Newbury, to Mrs. Coombs, of Regent-street, London.-Hir. Moody, cabinet maker, Basingstoke, to Mliss Baker, of the Anchor Inn, Basingstoke.-Mr. 1. Matthews, jun. of Blarlston Farm, Bucklebury, to Miss M. Dew, of Hampstead Norris.-rrancis Hayles Wollaston, Esq. B. A. of Trinity ball, Cambridge, son of the late Archdeacon of Essex, to Caroline, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IWtARRIED. At Kington Ifagna, Dorset, the Rev. Thos. Manners Sutton, Rector of Great Chart, Kent, and Chaplain to Earl Brownlow, to Lucy Sarah, only child of the Rev. H. S. Mortimer, Rector of Kington Magna.-At Oddington, the Rev. George Elliot Ranken, to Harriette Anne, youngest daughter of the late Steph. George Church, Esq. R. N.-At.Biddenham, Beds, the Rev. G. I-l. Bowers, Chaplain to the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IMlARRIED. At Darley, Derbyshire, the Rev. Richard Burton Pidcocke B. A. to Harriet Millicent, eldest daughter of John Gisbome, Esq. of Darley.-At St. Mary's, Marylebone, the Hon. and Rev. Edward Southwell Keppel, third son of the Ear] of Albemarle,- to Lady Maria Clenents, eldest daughter of the Earl of Leitrim. -At Wincanton, the Rev. Wm. Michell, Rector of Colleigh, Devon, and Barwick, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '-PIAMM=ED. Robert Bellers, Eq. of Nevw Lodge, Berlhamp- sted, Herts, to Elizabeti daughter of (Geo. Bridges Esq. of ciloceter-place,: Portnman-squarCe. -G. H. Gosling, Esq. of New Hall, Mistley, Essex, to Eliza ;Nunn, second daughlter of Thomas Nunn, Esq. of the same place.-Ilr. Samuel Soanes, rope-maker, of Stepney, to Susan, eldest daughter of the late Mr. George Bird, of Walton.s, Steeple ...