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Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... WATER-PROlOF F.:lBRlICO, IN TARTANS AN!7) CA;.1BLE TS. JAMES AMOWAT & CO. 1 EIG to intimate the arrival of an assortment of F ) TARTANS and CAM BLETS, rendered quite impervions to rain by a cheimical process; the fittest arti- cle for Travelling Cloaks ever invented. i hey have also got to hand a choice selection of West of England Superfine CILOTHS and CASSIE11ER1S, of the most fashionable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1) E ,1 1' N E S 8. Ma. lODEN, (AURiST lFlROM GLASGOW',) X,23 ISsECTFULLY apprises the Nobility, Gentry, Is: 3l 1' and Inhabitants of Aberdeen, that in consequence of the many pressing invitations to visit the above city, Cu atd trou. many persons of the first respectability, he has NV acceded to their wishes; and may be consulted on all the I' (liscases ofthe ear, at Mrs JM-:,-qs AltlrAN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DI .RF BOYLE, 1 hOrFESSOII oft h/e SCIE'NCE v SrINrGIrG, And td THEIIO R Y of MUSIC, 'T OST respectfully begs to ecquaint the Ladies ji'L , and Gentlemen of Aberdeen and its vicinity, that 1i h '5 WIs taken a House, No. 25, MIA10SCIIAL STRtEX I, 491 .br she purpose of receiving Pupils, either in Classes or an( 'or ?? Instriettions. C :u r B. is a Pupil of the following Masters, celebrated for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN MOTEL, QUEEN SXREET, WAMES rIASLIN must respectfullyyeturns thalks ( eJ to the tGentry a;;d Public in general of Aberdeen, for their most generous support, since lie has opened the va above House and its he intends to continue the samne lnze of conduct he has begun, hopes for a continuance of their future favOtus. co J. A1. begs leave to inforn the Gentry and Public of C: Aberdeen and ...


... IAIPSON, I1, BROADSTRRErT, 3 EG to intimate the arrival of their WINTER tic At)STOCK, all purchlased inl LoNDioN-, LEE-Ds, he P1S)LNC5IESTEU, aind GLA\SGOW, by Air Sinino With ti Cash only. S. & S. have this daiy commeineltI an 11extra. In ,rtijinary Cheacp Sale, which will continue till farther WI niotc,-tlrotc wishing to avail themnselves of good bar- as ~atas, will do wel to apply early as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bir ALEXa. I3ROWN~ &,fs A , - In one larOe Vol, lice. - P3rive I boards. RVU ANNAL S ci, SCOTTI151- EPISCOr,10 sti From the e-ar 1788 to 184f inci uttllve, being Cthe'v'rig(d 4!uring whilch tile late 'l1t. 1Rev. ffi~sjji .9kblh~erlholI 5 the Ol~ee t SQO~n Y~ijihoo I ~rimus-orwhvlom , Thogcr,.,jr atIC l i prelis,.d. BY tile Rev. JOHN -L A. Al. Forfar. Al rrn' ;'Lm.'nsatt, 1-'llest, & Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOTI'M ROY & SON, BROAD S7TREET , ) EG leave to i titnateto theirnuimerotis CuItomrs JV and the Public, that they have this day commenc- Ses ed selling their WINTER STOCK, consisting of dec Wool-dyed UABIT CLOTII; PELISSI] CLOTH] * ev DRAR and GREY FRIEZES : Cao.imereSQUAMES e and SHAWLS: HOi\1BAZEENS B1lackandColoured; BOMBAZE'i'TS, Plain and Figured POPLINS, Figured and Plain ; SA RSNUTS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND PANORAMA OF ST. PET1RSBURG I. :zfront nlee Tower I'the Obscrreilorg/, andalZ/orcvae by th1 first A fiets to be the best l'Itn;l t 'l( Pfbitingrver Celidbitcd ine Londoln, [FRO31 H{ENR-Y AST(ON ItA1tKEII'S, LEICEST'EU WI SQUARE, LON'IDON.1 WAS OPENED UPON MONDAY LAST, S altaL lagte Citdculnr .Thtilhineti in Aing Street, next ]too St. ndreteu's Churi-ch, hall Fromn Nine in the Morning till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-E ABERDEEN ACADEMY. 7 NIHE CLASSES Dt tbis Seminnay wvill be Opened -1 on T'fURSDAY, August 2d, at tile usual hours. a Nctheikirkgate, Jily 24, 187* b EDUCATION. R. JAFFRAY respectfully announces that llis -1tt DAY SCHOOL, and Pri te Classes for GEO. t;RAPIIY, wvithl thc Projection ntl Delinceation of tlaps, and the use of the Oebes, EL jOCUTION, &c. will be re.openied on Monday the 30th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMOVE, AND SHOP T10 LET. r 0' OlIN LUMSDEN & Co., No. 15, Marisclal sStreet, intend to REatovE, in a few monthls, to No. 4:Ji ( ,stle Street, presently occupied by Messrs. George r - d MWilliam Pirie, where they will carry on the 6R11. Y FOREIGN SPIRIT, and WINE Trades, as i'r tn'rly. ,T. L. & Co. are desirous to Let their present SHOP, with or without tile FURNITURE. They request an curly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAilE oSl wl\t'^, . PUBLIC SAL' OF Q UE-PrC lNE AIND HA D 11/D(OD. Oun Saturday first, 6th of December, there will be ex- llosed by public rcoup, the entire C(.nao of Ti1 O, 11, P JUst landing from the Quebec Packet, Ctptain .lder- s son, from Quebec, consisting of tL 7 D IECES of YELLOW PINE. 7 t 2C\ Do. of RED Do. 5fi Do. of 1III'TE OAK. 20 Do. of LM. 20 Do. of B]11(111. 15 Do. of ASIH. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JONES ILLUSTRATIONS OF GREAT BRITMAN, -WALES, & IRELAND, In a serr es of Vsieus, Engraved upon Steel, in the first style of the art, each No. containing 4 Views, with 1listoricel, Topographical, and Critical Illustrations. Price, Is.; India paper Proofs, 2s 1' MIETROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENTS; O-t, 21.o- DONx I Tt'}E NINETEENT11 CENTURY, in 40 ?? 3 are publislhed bi MO0DERN ATHENS, OR, Eimnu11nncir ...