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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... Ol- stir H. ATHERSTONE, )US VF.TERINARY SURGEON, ¶)ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen 'R of DERBY and its Aicinity tIldt hie bas succeeded to tire Al VIarsTnINAoY BUSINESS latelv carried on by air. Draper, in tie Premisea occupied bgy him ., and hopes by strict attention to arid assiduity to merit a share of that paironage which has ICy been so liberally enjoyed by his Predecesior.-H. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET9 For a terni of sit or eight Alusohs, in la !!easani part of Drrhy, , Goeod HIOUS: ~ v ell fu rnished.--Any At Famiily wantiog a W#onpnrary lsddericr, b- aoi,1blig, at tIie Prillter'll. nla lhave jilloewreilp f P.i Fnce. N. 1I. This AdienieniseIt gill not be rontinued. TXESI RABLE1 HUNTING BOX - Family .) IHPesielce, (,auriouaid'd by Lowd Amunis and Ali. AmoL vuell's Fox Cov. rs,) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 60-IT1, Pt1J.MAttS1, COMM~t, 0& COLOS. I FF. PIlLL, entirely V.'getaible, discovered by tIle L Bev. C. CA IIIliN~ilI'ON Vicar riflierteley, One utf Hil MivIrjesly's Depuly I1ieuterisrtts, &c. for tIle County of Glunceat er.-Byi cncreassilg tirir energyv of tIre bra n, a nit prouriorg new life andI vigirlr Irnt 'tire colisritirtion, lreY cllit'be Ki natrre to nuike irteredible efforts f'ar the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ý0100LIwit COMPAV Ny, 18?? A nA?uR\, 20th MIAY-, 1825. 41t.Board of Directors held this Day, 1,VI A. I atioube made to Parliament in the TAPPlIeatiO for leave to construct a RAIL ROAD from .11enCg mbriidgeshire & Leicestershire, to Cromford, lbon'e, ~w~here it will join the High Peak Forest Rail er ??an Act has been obtained in the present Session 'ad, aor-1nd from whence a Communication to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THF GRAVEL AND AT)Srox LUMBAGO H ICKiMAN's PILI.S ar U11BAs o ~epG0 4 Pre~~~~aratilm~~- firF(taIre lllOujn to Je raI A recurrence of thlose Disorders whicl, arise; from . inell ¢,t of Ihe Urinary Organ1s, as Gravel slid Stotte an initperae 0, f] the back and loinis, suppression ot uire, &I iUab g0 pall must innocent ingredients, this truly aaltobe c. C'got, suffering patifent fromi the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... irIiSIGNARY SOCIETY. Ego\NS in aid of this Society will be preached on i i 2t~a~ct, the oth June, by the B rr. r'. t. 'IILLIPPV, .. ?setor sf IlathDrn, and Chancellor of loucester, At ht-h, in the Morning; Service to commence & 1RPOS't MetoasE Chtlrch, in the Afternoon ; Service E vr HArOLD, in the Evening TfQ-thy toe pebl.ll 7 beautifully printed, corplietezin 2 vols. * w. e l~rge vpe. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l i at ANGEL INN, DMRBY. it s, TO BE LET, And entered upon the beginning of November next, 1 IE, above good accustomed HOUSE, situated in the ,iL' Corn Market, Derby, with Stabling for upwards of thirty b horses. The household furniture, fixtures, brewing vessels, stock-in-trade, &c. to he taken sit a valuation. 1 For further particulars enquire of SAMUEL ELLIOTT, on the r Premises. d Derby, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE - COLLIERY & HOUSEI. Oh ld.5tTO BE LET fron yea), to year, ore'g.sthe LL that Valuable COLLIERY with the Engine, Ft tst.had A Whimusey, Rail Roads and linjIements thereto belomging,A6 nmense and the Wharf occupied therewith, situate at LITTLE HALiLAM,A e com.. in the county' of Derby, and late in the occupation of W. D. ,. Flarrisntead, Esq. during ,Also all that Capital AJESSUAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ANTD t. SteadY, respectable middle-aged Woman, as upper P ,uns in a sm4dl filmily, where two are kept. Also a respecta!)Ie iniddle-aged Woman as CoosK. Undeniablo referenceS as to Character will be requircd..-Apply A at the Prit ter's. y'OUNG LADYt who has hlad a liberal education arnd becn accetstoned to tuition, is desirous of taking a to ctainas (,OVEltNESS in a f'amily. cc Letters ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE IS HERE11BY GiVEN, T HAL we the undersigned John Fletcher tie clder, of Itipley, iui tae t oiity ol' Derby, iBrewer, j F~leFh tcher tlc suu roir 1 ~arverlisl lalbridge, ii tle Coutly of L.eiccsier, Breoer, & J oinFtcher, tow or lire of Altretuo, ia t lhe County of' Derby. Breiver, trading at Ripley Witresaid as Brewers a IA (o partiers, snider the lirm of Juhn Fletcher anod C. srnpay, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E 'tell.Dttf Dtiry co'rS. jounJlg Stock, .§heep, I-lay, t i Igga, Caz'la, Faring bmq.!eIents, 4C. I TO BI;.SOLD 13Y AJcTION, .: AllMr. JAC.NSON, t~pon t1,eA'rentiprs-at IEoRpy , ac AsrotIN.,. - -4 .- .ise Conty tol Del hi - Zute in ibue octh vpdpfton of MIr: lI/ws xt , deeeUSed, . ffuucsday auth r , It Il.e 8th and 9ih slaup 1a1 A LL the Live and Dead Farming Stock, tkc. £ i um Ifie saial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMES;1 AlTKINSO3uN, Pcrflumr, -14, e,-rrard Street, V suolloqtlarv, London, respecfully into0mrns Ihe Ladies andI Ge.ttetnen of' IJEsny awid its Vcinitv, that iehS h Us ut senlt E .SupIp Of his appnrv'd FORlB.tiiN and EN61 Ai S I1 3:l1d LiUMER V to PsdVCf1:11s, SADLER GATE, DEBYt . 7',e faolnvilnq Articles are partiealular palronizzed: AsAN~soN's Concentrated ESSExCs, of LkVENDEtt, being six ...