... .titESTING AT LEEDS. On Mondny, a Special General Board of the.Trustees of Ihe Leeds Inlirionry, wns held in the Board Room;, to .determine upon the expedieney of relinquishing, atid upon what conditions, the proportion, to which this charity is entitled, of the.surplus oftihe receipts at the'Miaster, in York, front last Festival, under the resolation of the committee, on the Wtlt of May, 1824 ...


... - , , 7-,, .-? -- , ? (O aw .7V z * . THB'FASTERN KING. |P THI Pii4GR1M'i -IIL.S (Fromn tihe tJolden Violet; hy 1. 1. 1. ) lie flutang hti the rblrplet. he threw down the ine- h ' Youne aionarch, wh.et sorrowv or ca'e ci ;. te thine? cc There tire gems in' lhy palece, each one like n star o That shines in ihe bbsanm (if tw1lighl afar Thy goblets tire mnantlig in p'urple rnd li, hl, el The ...


... O V LITERATURE AND THE FINE ATS. a as9l0's Portraits and Afreloirs of the inost Illustrious Personages of n * Jritish lHistory, London l fnlrdfn and L Iprd. r a It is several months since wre discharged the agreeable task of in. in ir, traducing Mr Lodge's work of Historical Portraits to the knowledge it of such of outr rcaderi asbhad not previously formed an acquaintance ai r wH it i end il ...


... i MIEITION ANDT -LOVhY #lt ' .F F RMECHNISM AND'MANUFACURP. I | *Tbie ezhihllon-triennieal, .we ibderstand, -com Iprises the whole circle of Itbe- useful .rti (asi ;distiii- gaithed from (be fine re srbnsgaldtiicf' Tbe Frepch Jourqals btve for wee s been revlh*ing, in, detail, the samples ot French skill, ,luapttry- and inven' .tinu, tHe brought, R'I it were,' ito a fo ,sJaod biter I makng ...


... LITERATUREj &a. -369STOCK; OR, THE CAVALIERI. * tni fromni bur Idst.) 22 i~arypsed, ag i4 to consider wAkt *is the meanlDo tr tbie inhuidob for be was not n peorsoa f very ictapprehension. B ut having at lenkth caught the 'eau'ng Qf il. be b6ist anto expldsion of louder tAltIe i han Jooelide iiael seete Wiic ibduilge in ori a gobd ยข' ight {snire,'ha liid, ,iaste thy jest; itis fI9t verr niorai ...


... FASIflONABLE SWINDLER. In the early parl of tie preaent montt, a person Of fashionablte appyearance and genteel address arrised in Bath, atnd look up his quarters at the York House. He slated his name to be James Alchey, and represented himspnlf as braviti coiuse foam Edinburgh to make the necesoary preparations for the reception ofhis rfimily nnd retinne, which he represented u4 considerable, ...


... r2ra P (D a a, a w ID a 0 2 x'? TffE HOUSEHOLD SPA2NWL. 2i; ALIBR s .oP TttE LEOO OG ONEIViEVE, &C. - Fro ickerimafn's ' Forget. we not.) lVoor'ocar! ho*t feebly thou crawl'st to lhe door, Thou, who wed alt beauty and rigour of yore; llow;lowlyithOl steralest the 4nonhine to find. And thy straw-sprinkled pallet-how crippled and blind' ! Tby hairs now Dre sailver'd, thou bearest my voice, ...


... Tam lp a M a, 112 VbMQW2211 T1E BURIAL OF WILLIAM THR CONQUEROR; (,From the New Molcnthly Mlagasine.) Lorwly upon, his hier The! roiyn Conqueror Iny BJaron and Chief stoad isear, Silent in war-array. IDown the long. instprN's. aisle Crowds mutely gazing stream'd Allar andl tomb Ihe w hile J Through misis of iucellse g1eamrO'd. And by Ihe larch's blazO thTie stately priest had said ffighwrids ...


... CHRISTMAS., (F, Ft iDe lttsyet Ze Not ) 'Tis merry, 'tis merry, in blithe spring tide, Vs'hgla flowers are blooming on every side: Asid the hawthorn buddeteh, and skies arc clear, And all things rejoice in the teorm Of the year: And Ieights and f hir dames to the tourney ride 'Tis merry, ay merry, in blithe spring tide. l' Is merry, ay merry, in Ostmmer hours, For brighter the sky, ani sweeter ...


... EXIIBITION. . It -L51 _\ .. Iu, The Gsillery of 1' The Nortisersi Socicty for the encou- nall ragemient of the Fine Arts, has this yeer been opined for the re- Exhibition of t'ictures by the Ancient lMasters, asill n moore rare oad interesting asemeblege has selien baer, cosigregated. The , cisse scorn the 11TWctictisljs of inderrn artists to tilnse teforts of _ triselielcil, which have ...


... meet- - ecaloo Trise nmusical porformttneosi and other enterttainmnorts tntc smalt of the post iveelt, says the Liveerplitl Advertiser, hove gone off with' Ifd y Mr. adegroeofeclatend eplerseloar clever witnessed before In thig tows, 0c and rarely eqjualled oat. of the mTrepoltTV19 From 'the, onuber of itedt to -vocal and Instrumntattl perforteeraofthle. first reiehrlty enrgagr for ait, Vicar, ...


... POETRY, SONNET ON FLINT CASTLE. The festal blaze, the rwfult pomnp of war: The feudal biamner.s flauentig It, the gale; The Aearder's beacon, hlniltrg frontr afr: The drawbridge turret frow:ii;ng o'er the vale; These arents, ;o ?? to a peaceful laind V~hl re Pleinty I)oMMrs aroun tirer verdslit store, Shll hure nash rlairr s cr ambritir clieer tilla Irl. e The tinie-worn tlowers reflecting ...