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... TlHll' EDINBURGH MURDEIRS. LYR-1t rilE' EflINtURGH fIVIOFLV JOURtNAL.1 Thre thrice-0yed caitiftl. Hare and him wife, Are' still in rlus- lady; and fervently we trust, not mnerely for lke prottection of t1heir vile lives, buit as the silre vietimrst of sacredt VenigeaCe. It has been stro,,gly argjeil by a csanteosporitry, that as the protrC- tiont Of the eociuT crimm~is c in ex tend no0 farther ...


... ; Xiff-CFL1(NELLOR'S COURT'-FRID.41 . . 1~,( ! riitt v. RlotQrs AND I) jrIsEaS0-In thle CaUse, the q f fl,:,rAt kbtnsion de Beauvoir the cousin and heir of Icreri Peter de Beauvoir, prays that a lease, granted by k ReterenI eter Me deatu'rir to the defendant Rhodes, may ,red tp to be cancelled, on the groiund that it was ot- rIth is relotioti by fraul and deception The persons ed with cerrying ...


... COURT Oh CT1ANCERV.-J}RJD.Y. T~4ONTrAcj V. AFH,-1'he petitiuner was, in this case, brought . ?? appoi ?? bon hehalfbof the petitioner, that Satur- dsy eat r apoIte~ forheaing he etilion. de LC ORD dClANCELLOR bad nj objecticn, provided the other I ,RE LORDf CARYSFORIT, A LUNATIC-Mr. PHILLIMORE rr 1 h' tfirAi,~,j0 Of the Malter'8 Report in this case. tL:, I .ttr, n 1in hi0 fteihr. bad ...


... M AN SION- [IO USE.-AJ ernin. ritnsed WtILLIAMt MU,[Alt, Who WAS Said to noe a muercloant Of i fiurar,'e sod revpgCtalhrIhiy, was, somte days ago, cbargr'd, before bir Clatuilim Stephen Baunter, with baving tmade au itutriroper exhibtition in the wits- dews of' a chamuber, in the Ge~orge and( Vulture Ta'rvern, in Corn- bill ; and yesterday an application, of rather- an anrrusul kind, was made ...


... -- [SATURDAY. BOW-STAEET.-BILL SAVAGE, tba pugilist, who ia a ca- briolet driver, was Isummoned by tbe driver of a hackney- cach, under the Highway Act, for damnaging a horse by driving furiously. The liackney-coach driver said that lie Was on his own side of the Way, going at a gentle pace, and the defendant was driving at a gallop in an opposite dirrction, when one of the shafts of the ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE-REFORM. The Meeting convened, and digested the dinner, The subject proposed was 7he Temple, called Inner: And SC-RL-TT, as Chairman, was placed at the head, For all learned friends, they must have one deep read. SIR J. BC-RL-TT. A Reformer myself, you are right to expect My wish Is cur Bar should he made more select; Exclusion is barsh, it must needs be contest, But the ...


... P LICE. GUI IDIIAL-Frr a, irigtlk of time t c, lior're Fa'r, ti I S irlhi¼l2 hr etr Wit 'nr ' Trint tie rh~l'rs, raIl 'I!, tril. ' thtr li'rr's jirreted with Lire gldaiiirS, kind wh, it p tawij,~ irirve ririi-! i Sid tbran have applied, loi thle Macre trati's sittinL!a irr ft~ tae )fiioT kirireo rhita r, dres,' tle ii' livtenet, the 'iriari i hits cronstRiltiv hreir, Olat Thier 'rellely wois ...


... | 'CE-CH,4NCELLOR'S COURT.-TuAf~r. INJUNCTION TO RESTRAIN THE PUBLICATION OF PRIIVATE LETTERS.' CULLY T. WUzfSH.-Thia was an application to restrain the efeniant, an attorney residleu in the County of Northana^er- laId, from prioting or publldbug Oertain private letters written to him by Messrs, Mathew and George Cully, whilst employed by them as their agetit and solicitor. Thse.1 ?? 11ave ...


... ICOURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-TuESDAY. I Eitthligas in London, before the Lord Chief Julistice B11sT.] BANKRUPTCY FRAUDS. WEISS AND OTHERS, ASSiGt4EEs OF BARNARD, A BANKRUPT, V- BAsbETT.-Mr. Serjeant WILDE (with WhaW was lIr. F. POLLOCK) stated the case to the Jury. It was an action brought by the assignees of the bankrupt, Barnard, vfho for- wierly was a silversmith and wine-merchatut, corner of ...


... VICE-CHANCELLOR'S CO UR T.-MOYDAY. GURNEY V. BERNHARD AND OTHRRS.-TIIe plaintiff in this csiue is a Mr. Rici:ird Gurney, who either was or is the De- puity Warden at the Stannaries, and the cefeidants are Gentle- men carrying on business Hs brokers and merchants. TThe p1atd- 1ff baving deposited sime jeweis of thfe alleged value of 5,000!. in the banids I tse d. fendtantq, received from them ...


... 1 MATRhMONIJAL FELIClTr.-Tht lady of Lieutentnt William Tapp, R N. of Old Windsor, appeared before Lord Hacor ad Mr. FOSTER to prefer a complaint against her husband for ill-treatment, and refusing' to five with hei, ot tbillow her a proper maintesuce. Please your worships (said Mrs. Tapp), be's very Unjust to me indeed; he said, that he could keep peace with any other woman; that he did not ...


... ARCHES' COURT.-TUESDAY. HAMIENTON AGAINS5T HAMERtTON.-Th515 was a suit for di- vorce by resson of adultery, promoted by Major William Hamerton, against Isaheila Francets, his wife. The adultery was alleged to ihave been committed with Jehn Bushe, Esq. at Cheltenham, where both the parties resided, and else- where. Tbe suit was originally instituted in the Consistorial Court of Gloucester, and ...