... COURT1' OF KIMNGS B2NCH, JuNV 1. Lord Sonsdes v. Fletcher, ClerAk-Mr. Selwyn stated to the Jury, that they Were eniopsnelledl Lo assess the damages 05n a bond for 12,0001. subject to a condition that the defendant would resign the Living uif Ket- rering, in Northamptonsbire, presented to him by tile phlirtiif, as soon as either of the younger brothers of Lord Sondes s0ould be qualified to h ...


... ASLECTrOY C.18E. I . I . WVeurti and o:ll~rs v. the 1'susos-., ra itrel di c UNCit. of Linlithgow. At t;st Er elhcicl ua ulectlion of tli? ?? of the !hlutgh of Litilithugow, SI ILn tile nnties vt he CoanlCl neer' Iilseare d in iho ien.viapers iul the usual Witv', it ilili:lejin list wvas llsot puhlislwhd 1y desire itf ;i %lou ,lgnt ill Ldii: hurgh, of theil itncs of Uvcntly-Six persons ...


... COURT OF, ADMIRALMT. THIE CASTII.TA. This was a questinn of seamen's wngrr, nf im- portance to the cnal irie. 'I'he mariners, prn- aceeding against tile ?? to rlcovr their wages, undrr a conrract From Shiflds to Londin pnod back, alleged tlev were entitled to he paid for tie run, lhavitg ao;ittcthl vtisl l uinder cir- ?? (on SVtrci tlr %lre nie oniciwrradic- luiry evidence. le vesel S:iled Li ...


... ATELANCOMLY CASE, . . X I .I , . - n. Adamson', tile carter. i1 0 %;aro;wsedCt o dien day ee'ennight in the pond bet wccn I ihi h Walk and the ffitter Read, livcd is thc Aihet hilt. lie h tld cen wbo sometime remrrkably ulfrortulatt tn his' luses, ihet andlat's he sol at jat died flrst one, then aitlcandi lac y esl , in ;day clock and purchiled t. third. Nse ai as occupied iln drawnift goods ...


... Perth, 17th Septembter 1820. is The Circuit Couryt for the counties of Perth, Forfar, and Fife, was opened here yesterday by the Lord Ih ?? Clerk and Lord PitMilly ; and a ,number of cases ,nof an aggravated and heinous nature will be brought be- a fore it. .. . 'n Robert Fent~on, sihoemaker in Perth, was indicted for ,f teaingvarous; articles frma farm honse iri the nih :0bourhood of Perth. ...


... COURT OF KING'SBENCH-Dee. 17. 'Bfore Lth3 Lono, Ciutar Jusrics and a Special Jury. th ItUNT V.NSEWCOMiS AND oTHialt. dir The Lord Chief Justice Abbott took his, seat In Court Thb thltpst nine o'clock. This cture was immediatl h called on Ithe list of Spocial Jurors was called ovecr, and 1 tenl ansivererd to their natmes ; ise Zefendituisi declined to milE pray a tales ; the pliain tiff wes not ...


... PRiNCIPAL MACFA RL.AN'S CASE. List of she ajorily and Dinority in the General Assembly, Dt 25th May 1582. wa stAsolti]';. INIsTERas. MIr Macdonald, Portree bo Dr Brunton, Etdinburgh iinacrac, North Uist Ql Brown, do. itimpson, Strollsay St( I og~lis, do. ~Barclav, Dutirossmess Br Baird, do. ELDURas. Dobic. Linlithgow James Hlare Wilson, Falkirk Lord Provost of Edinburgh Mr Liston, Ecclosmachen ...


... CIRCUjI7fT I2'LUI.LLICENCr. AYUt. 0 Tue C irc-uit Court4 of usticiary ivii openedl at Ayr 014f -Monday lost, bev Lord Meadowbaout. I 1. Jobsi Weems pleatded guiltv or staiga ?? belonging to Mr D. 000(1, in IHigh Cttiitus, and was senteniced to It twelva~months imnprisonnmcnt. a J. MGhiecr was accused of carrying off' a pistol from the ?? of AMr K~err a tnd J1. F~orran, one ft-rm flhovhsp of ? ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH-3urY SO. The Lord Chief Justice, the Duke of York, and Earl Bathurst. took their setts on the bench, when the follow- ing cause was called: BRADLEY V. aRTHUR. This was an' action for assault and motiny, specified In several counts. The defendant pleaded Not Guilty. Mr Broughaim stated thce case. The plaintilill Volonel- Bradley, rais ed himself to fils present rank by a ...


... COmRT Or KINO'S HETCIM-D ' CLEALRY V. C0OBBE loed m ~r Brougliam, a litt'iz, before twelve o'clock, moved M onl the part of the plainthi, that the tria of d bit~ l,.ps~ed. The act'o ?? t Ion C 11e''itesad lblt witl th t h M ~ -Wight badutteed te leter orge b forgCeary, koigtaltter Da ting Alie a t fogr.4 teeseu.M Cleary; which wasea commna juycue hedfnai Wrihtan Cobe houd iI dbeided. 09- ...


... IRELA ND. . County Conrt, Limerirk --Mornda5 Dec. 17. |ha 7tORoRlt OF XEt ST4a t.A'i' John M'Naniaraand Thotras Molony ftyepttt pon theiree trial for the shocking murder of NMrs orane ic er had eocited such horror, and. agitated the ublic ,tiind brt with such awvful interest, at the time of its perpetrltion. nol DIMNaaira manifested an indiftelenee and isensbility at th the gommenremeit of the ...


... I SEIt~TIOUS CI1UFt.IS Yesterdl. little Wadding:0n, of radical notC put to the bar, to take his trial tipon the chare ?? ?? ;o published awicked and seditiou, libel, for the pni.1t i. exciting sedition amongst thl soldiers esal from their-allegianee to his iMiajesty. ti:g , Mr Reynolds stated the ease. The publication of the ?? Was proved bitt y who apprehended Waddiogton i' Ch~ariln Cras ...