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... CO(UT OF KINWS BENCII.-WEDNESDdr. rmlim -n tst andd a Special Jury.] LbIttIngs before Lord TEsNfTUDER111IN 500 5F - a TROVER FOR A STOLEN NOTE. Dr LA CHAUMITTE V. THB GOVtRNoR AND COMPANY. OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND-Sir JAMES SCARLETT, for the plain- tiff, stated that 'bis was an actin of Trover, brought by the plaintiff against the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, to recover ...


... COURT OF (HAINCERY.ToPJDAT, Aithol~llh thluf W9S SP Dsy, his Loidahip, oWiug to his tn- g ~gemenza elsewbere, dld not attend. I B F- ('I1AN'L~L LOPS ('OUR Tw.-TVRSDAY. 'I'l)i was tbe lirst day oi the Seal, hult the rnotionc of any im- lorlatlce were p('stponed ill coflaqllen~ce ,et tbe continued ab- . c' of tiec leading CounteI At two o'clock his Honour had C Jhd o] vriol all the' LearzI,'( ...


... COURT Oj KING'S B .r*CH.-THuRSaY. (Sittings In Banco.e GRAND INQUEST-ALDERMEN OF LONDON. Tl~e Grand Inquest of the County of Middlesex were sworn in (or tie Teim. It may be recollected that Sir Peter Laurie wa. called upon last Term to serve, and that he pleaded an ex- emoption under the Charter of tbe City of London. He was exempted crn tbv ground of his being then the Sitting Al :erman at ...


... POLEtg g wiasrharged witb hiaving presetatl aJe forgedbil eflexchango at the husfrte ofiLdrost and Co.t bir fthe sum aof 1701.and IS Doc sthead, an rfterwaeds to a be a rcept ed by t La adtenttall- rDwasfoade pawhre at tas*re aboe bakngs ue et wa.dre Tbenr NprlsonWr Wfatbefsild, G.a hi8sy &O Rotdbereot intboae mhenin wthebil wicuas raseto eds wbo Lsisrk uillsotst the Clerns dMavrkedt. was a ...


... POL ICE. 1OW-STREET-The Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon charged W. TARRANT, the driver of a glass coach belonging to a Mr. Hadarth, with horsewhipping him at tke Operta bouse, en Sa- turday night. It appeared by the statementhof the Colonel and his footman, that the defendant very improperly drove his coach between the Colonel's and the coach ot a Noble Lord-the Colo- nel, in attempting to back the ...


... ?I MANSION. 4fOUt7SET G7P Cov- PANY.-Yesterd ey the Lord Mmyr Na gent the following note, in contradjotfon to tne mtrt ?? at the Mansion-holuse, with resprvto his .Loedsbip's rna- nexion with the Gennappe Mining Comotly- Wardour Castle, netr Salisiury, Nor. 2, 125. MY LonoalIHavie am by the Papers, that in proceedags befoge your Lordship, my same has been quoted as -haribg' I atte ...


... CASE OF TRANiFUSIONR U BLWODM [Ir M TOAL .UOS In accordance with the notcegiven- ?? meeting, Dr. Uwina detailed acme in which theoperation ottransfolon ?? been successfully perfumed by Dr. Blundell. The patl I, Mrs. B-, of Fleet-street, was delivered of a fine child i Sunday night, November 6, 12, at twelve 'clock; It Ia. bour was natural, &ad the placenta waa expelled about halr al hour after ...


... OLD BAILEY SESSIONS.-FxB.21. AIR. MlOORE'S LliBIIARY. M lessrs. JNO. 'I'TttKIN i'TutN & OSGOOlJD TORKINGTOS. ftither and son, the ftirmera respectable lookinK au1n, about t0 ) e rs of age, and tile latter a genteel youth, about 20 years of aje, stood indicted for felontiously receiviug emie hundred bonirk, value 2Zi. tIbe property of J. B. MWore, Esq. Barrister- t-La.W, well knowing them to ...


... 1'0T(E. I GUILDHI.4LI.-Tinc s~ vitrelis us. ncosCly i 2 vears of age, wer-.' yest ~tI'- fore Mr. Alsderintur Bsidize,, cli igeui ivtut 51 cial pleader, ofIiscs',I-Is. ir.Is i (inf tfss, ;art of Mr. \lss. i 1 - l, seasl ultl 'ii o thalt .i.lrislav Irossi ot--s - ,- by \Ir .4 M ll SAL(ies, iH tll '(-a i iils'eiili' 55it i l) i it, -e remain in the I ii-rI'l e-rs lcir'itt s , I ak 't ir -. ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.- -SATURDAY.| - . . % 1iddleasx rmitxet Sitteir. after Trinity Ternm. ?? the Load Chlat Ju~tice antd Comrno, Ju ies. PejAtsolq T. WuEKLF.R.-Tbis was an action fnt a false and decetitul repre-rittton, as to the value of the good-will anl lease of a public house. .ucha-ed by the plaintiffof ele defendant Mr. SCAnRLETT and MMr. lARIDINE Conducted the plaintiff's case, and Mr ...


... ICOURT OF COMMON PLEAS-Moxwr. I I-- I- The Court were occupied for a considerable time in bearing justificationvo( bail. among these wooa caustic old man, who, when asked whether he had ever been bail before, now produced a large note book, and looking down the fir'ut page, gravely re plied yes, three tines.- And what is the amount of the sumsfor whichyoubavebecomebail Theoldmancarefully ...


... CJVRT OF COMMON PLF4S-Fzjur. STRONG T. IIA RVLY.-ThiS waan action on a Policy of Insu- rance, effected on the ship Waterloo, of which the plaintiff was she owner. Both the parties were members of an Association called The Paciftc Mutual Assurance Association, in which each member Insured the other, the capital of tbe Society being formed of ?? aggregate amount of all the ships insured. This ...