... SINGrLATE SrsciDe.-A mendicant named Stewart lately put en end to his existence, at Leeds, in a fit of deoperatins caused byan assaulto bhegs! His wife stated, in her evidence before the Coroner, that in tie night her spouse said, Kitty, I cannot get any rest for bigs. To this couiplaint Kitty soothingly replied, assuring the hug-bitten beggar, that when mniruieg came sie would 1 see where ...

Published: Sunday 20 August 1826
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2111 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... ACCIDENTS, OFF ENCES, 8c. EXECUTiON AT STa.RtING.-On tite $1%th irst. the usual appt- ratul; being prepared, and troops, both horse and foot, be4tg drawn up before the Castle, the gates were throwaw open, erd Baird and Ilardic appeared, attended by the established Clergi- men of the town. Baird looked pale and thoughltfui;, *ardie's countenance did not seem miuch altered. With astonishing ca ...

Published: Sunday 17 September 1820
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1440 | Page: Page 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... DREADFUL MoRDER.-A great sensation was excited in Carlisle, oa Friday week, by a report that a woman bad been murdered in a field at St Nicholas, just outside the city. The rancour was too correct. Many persons hastened to the spot, and there they found, weltering in her blood, mortally wounded, a woman named Alary Brown, aged 26. The perpe- trator of the crime is Philip Tinneley, a manl who ...

Published: Sunday 17 September 1826
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3314 | Page: Page 12, 13, 14 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... ACCTDENTS, OFFENCES, &c. One of those melancholy terminations of human existence which, from not only being sudden and, unexpected, but from being involved in impe- netrable mystery, give so much greater poignaticy to the sufferings of the surviving relatives, occurred this morning at the Castle Ian, on the Quay (Southampton). A 1r Charles Leiv Moller, a gentleman of independ- ent fortune, ...


... MANSION RIOUSE. TuI WARMmNo PAN;.-A well-dressed butt vielg'r-looking woman applied to the Lord Mayor for aid, with her solicitor, Mr Hobler, jun. who explained that his client had recently married a venerable Member of the Corporation, now in his 75th year. Hlis fatnity, displeased at the alliance, had interfered and separated themn; and he had tried is vain to bringrabut an ?? Son or the old ...

Published: Sunday 23 August 1829
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1095 | Page: Page 13, 14 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... . POLICE, MANlSION HOUSE. F tON THR B&~Lw -On Wednesday, Ricard Gi ard, a young man said to tie respeetably conneieed, underwent an examination, charged wngb oviinitting forgeries on-the Bat of. England.- l appeared from the Remi~eet tkhhat hosd btainedl 1261IofthIree per cents, by forging the faiarne WfT.J ieerfbliiailer h IC suon h's since been replaced also'a dividend of 271. on 301. three ...


... LA TV. ! COURT OF KiNG'S BENCH. FWednesedau. Joir. 12. WESTVtIENitBiR LEc'rtoTN.-CULLEN Ci. 40R11t S. This Vifas sI) act ioi broviglt by Ie p1ainriif aveiinst Ilie MliZ Bailiff of Westrnirnster, to recover dooireres for ha vi rig been c-e- prived of his right of voticg at tlie late Election of n Aother of Parliament. Tire fauts of the case w ere sinitily thesc :-Tlie plaititiffhias been cone a ...

Published: Sunday 16 January 1820
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 571 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... .J(CCI g) ! N TS, 0 fJ b'EN CI S, ' 4 c. D m.rlS TuRotcar COLD AXIt WALNT OF'OOn;-Oic Thursday ?? , errl rqmr rii(:l wa., trikeir Oit Rmliiid-corirt, Strrirtt, ?? lrode. C jlii MNters rid Mare Iris ?? deeerrnr'r rrgbm porter', erliorlye by several r eron. ill ths i Tigt - *,irriil Wr., Efi Sober' irails. Ile acnd his ?? ltdged '1p- a a od, ci a !enar ill a bmac rorr lat a rol,;se ili Ri ?? pas ...


... LA-AK. I COURT OF KING'S BENCH. . Il'ay, Ea3. 26!. CONS'TUTIOW4A1 ASSOCIATroN.-T'RI XING V;. D'LAT.. It will be reuollected that at tlte laet Sjtisq ii-csb(rr ented iy the personts calihag- themaelevls - Tlie Qonei6#iuitrnl Asueciatioi;') went off for unindifferency in tdwe Slerifl: w4*te returned (te panel, hle being-in-effect ane eof thle rosepvo -s7*r*-HD a stbscriber to thle putrposem oft ...

Published: Sunday 03 March 1822
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2187 | Page: Page 13, 14, 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... LJW. COURT OF UNG'S BENCH. Thursday, May 24. THE KING V. EDMONDS, CARwW RIGHT,:AND WGOLER. The CHixE Justr=E delivered the judgment of the Court this morning upon the'motion madefor a new trial in this case last MichaelmasTerm. TheJudgment was very elaborate; but it wan delivered in so feeble am tone of voice, nasto baffle all attempts atnse-taldog. The opinion of the Court upon aU thle ...


... I KJNGTGS BElVCJ-fS.truaDAr, APRL. 22. Mr. Pennei-atner applied to thie Court, on behalf of a Mr. Sergeant, wh o lives near Caher, in the County of Tipperary, for a ecndifioviil order for cri- iminal informations anoniwjt the Rev. John Wallaca and his two sons, Charles and John. The charging affidavit detailed a ntumber of circutsizances (.vhich it uight not be quite proper to publit1 befo:e ...


... ?? CHESTER ASSIZEbS, APRiL 15. CONSPIRACY. THZ' KING t. KEING AND ANOTHER. This was an indictment for a coaspiracy to poi- a.on. It was tried yesterday. The first count in the indictmentchargedthe defendants with a conspiracy to poison bis Majesty's subjects; the second witb distributing poison for the destructimn of butfle; the third count with a conspiracy to poison swine. The fourth, with a ...