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Advertisements & Notices

... =- 'I'le ADVoWsoN of GUESTLING J'ear to Hastings and WVinchelsen, SUSSEX. rszio BE SOLD BY AUCTION, A L By Mlr. FAREBROTHER, At Garraway's Coffee House, 'Change Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Friday the 27th of Mlay, 1825, at Twelve o'clock, (by direction of the Devisees,)_ The PERPETUAL ADVOWSON and NEXT PRESENTATION (the Incumbent being in the 54th year of his age) to the RECTORY of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lttilla-- Toble MORIRIELL'S BLACK LEAD PENCILS. anid w MORRELL'S inip)roved and war- SanI55 O rantci BLACK LEAD PENCILS. onad H.H.-For Engincering and Outlining w ith H.-Adapsted fioe Drawing spcct F.-For genaer'I use (admitting a firm point) rlab H 13 -Hatr and Black, for Drawing and Shading raIlC S.B.-Soft stid Black, fur.Shading spor- B.13.-Extra thich Lead, ofor ditto M .-Mediuun quality, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W. YOUNG LA I IES SC11001, SE TEP.SFIELD. rrnl Ss IS PLtUGl)MAN Iell s-s most sin - ghtt t ' core thanks to ter Friends, for the great C ncoit strr- ragement SI!C bees already received, and crusts, by the. Scp- moset t ucremitctig tittetitin to the health and cleneetit re cufrins Coflicr Of Ul'lLPIi joined to her earnest cndes-- hlad zours ter tleir metital iimproveruent; she shall ensure to' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - : - Q - ) Guns TOaU 11wIV'R.lHIrP5,L T11 1otited ALWF O(F T12 Xl, 1v11O'flu ' 0F PtT'OS1t, nnbled L, the owxIlerSi-nedI request yoij ,W. tantces Call a H EETING4 Of'the lnatbit e witid Parishes of Portsmouth sod.Portse, sion tt5'I en with THE HAMPSHR1LE GENERAL, BNu etf ,even CIETY, to consider the propriety of enabl K id fore Local Committee, and to appoint or recouil 1e a bot- Agent and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rf)s. PoT'rSMjOU''li VlCi UAILL1'G oEI'IC!,; 12thi Djeember, 1827. NTOTICE is herelj/ giveln,- ?? ont T4URSs- hits Y )5) 270i iflsti~'ri Tenders in wrifny jsele UP)edil fie receired alt i/eit' Aent Vietualirr'e O~fflc~, iS of: for the Ot~p/ly 0efsirh picanilsinis of WlOOD) HOOPS Ety a-v niag bec demsandedr floe /he Service of this Dt'parb~eit'~i it be- ?? t/he eisisrng learts lf the( YVe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D ANJ'ED,. n a Gentlesan'.sjarniily,., in , 1t T the Country, where a regular kitcheni-maid is e kept,-A VERY GOOD -COOK, who thorouglly understands her business in all its ?? s letter, post-paid, to A. B. Mr. Rowden's, ewport, s isle of Wight. a TO BUILDERS.. ERSONS w1illing to Contract for the 1 ?? or any of the Works required in the Erec. e tion of a COTTAGEI V'ILLA, near-lHorndean, ten q ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , IS '101)T1O infhormss the Ladies of Ports- the V mouth, and its Vicinity, that her usual variety TR Ost LoaNDos anti PdstiS FASHIONS will be ready for nOI inspection on Thutsday the 24th instant. drui , --H re( i91), H I~rllSTlRElT, POJI'IS.MOUTH. - . us. P 1) respnectfully announces to o her Friends and the Pubiic 'of Portsmouth, ; P~rtsea arid their environs, that she has again co.t- stEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .11 ~~VaNcn THR, VATTIOXA~r p- LORD MiAt~IM AN I LAM)' CAOL1NR3LtN ie M S CARL{LP1 h5 ir0ion tlt'nii to rthe Nobility, (Gentry. & K. chaster anti its vicinity, that thle C'HRlSTiI d, will be on Thursday. December 2'thi~ 1- Tickets 3s. each,which, it is requented~ will be14 t1, to be htad of' Mrs. CJarlton, N~ortlt street A' 1- YONG ROMMS, SOUTIHAMPTON-'- ~'_I-1E, iAS'TER iof 8 1iritt ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEEVIL VICTUALWIN* YARD, NEAR GOSPORT, NaOL. 28, 1828. N T'I(C7E is hlerey ?? o0?'1'nlTRS- DAY ?? 13th ?? noex, I shall be ready to receive Iemlederzs in wT'ttilsu, ?? 'Up, ?? treat for the 11 RE of 1ifOl;SIES fin the 7tlaertaentioned ser- vires, for oai ycarfrot tlelst deqf Jansary next, viz. '1ltnsrs lhrl/cistioty and (Gr tdttiggAilalt, and Rais. ing l'olls, in the Brrewhouse, at per tun of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SiL Slpeon atiach cii ton a Itib Ii c I ~tistitition, _ianud also having an el crnive P'rivate Prtuiicc, hi.t n oay a vactncy far aA well td'cated ioung tentleman IB - 11 JUSIE, or OtJT 01 DOORl'UPuil as may bc e determine Ofpon by his ?? advantages ot Lhis si toation are nunneioun. a For addrcs nnd( other particulare sppily pereoeally ?? if by letter, to lir. J. LEaTe, Druggist,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST SUSSEX, EAST HXMPS'HIRE, & CHIICHESTER P INYFIR.MARY AND DISPENSARY. N Friday the l9th of December, a 0J ;13Q3LL will take place at the Council Chain- ber, Chichester, under the patronage of Nine Lady e Patronesses, with the assistance of LielSt Stewards. in aid of the FUNDS of the above iNSTITUTION. . -1 The Ball will commence at Nine o'Clock. Tickets, 7s. 6d. each,jmay be had of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n To BUILDERS, 1ERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. ,t MIEMEL TIMBER, DEALS, 4e. a OW'~t delivering, in Purtsmaouth Harbour, N xex Catlwerine Caroline, J. J. Schin, ]3Iaster,_A Ac Y well.selected Cargo of MEMEL CROWN TIM BER, e r. Planks and Plank Ends, Lathwood, Crown Oak Pipe c s Staves, Alasts, Spars,:&c. Any part of the above for Cc SALE, on the lowest terms. Apply to the Importer, I Ae alr. W. ELLIS, ...