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... H e, presented an account of the receipt l»st P«uditure at the Port of Liverpool for the id '° were presented from certain occupiers H °ra of land, in the counties of Wiltshire ■ ,, p ' complaining of the hardships under at present laboured. A simiiar Pc, . as also presented from certain occupiers of th county Cornwall, setting forth the V er which the agricultural interest la- imputing that ...

©fie Ittotmttft Itei

... MONDAY, February 18, 1822. No. 15,890. Price 7(1. oTRREY THEATRE.— THIS EVENING, ?! for the BENEFIT of Mr. STEWARD, who personated ty Chair. pion of England at the Theatre Drury-lane, ad who v.*. iii appear ia complete Armour, on his ma^n ficeot S«reer. s-prrjly caparisoned, accomp-*r.ic._ by his father's «r__le Sin-. ?? 'be l * ! i? ill y popular Equ.-_r;an Romance of TIMOUR THE ...

We understand, that many of the most eminent Physician* and Surgeons, have of late reemnmeoded the use of ..

... ANTIBILiOUS PILLS, in such cases of Dueoted Liver omd ohilinate Bilious Affections, as have hitherto resisted the usual means of cure; there cao be doubt, therefore, that this medicine possesses virtues, greatly superior to any ever before offered to the public notice t and as it exert* peculiarly specific action on the liver, it removes at once every predis position to disease. We are assured ...