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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0Iti it t WItb at iT5 tit ?? it~iii~S i.i 'hue. i' (nt ilien -'ro LIi'' 7 o-~;4i ii II Otw illt note 'itIt ;I to! ~ 1'ii c iii' ?? b it e I let I, i 'l I l~1 c - i'.il iL, i U 'iitv' it f' 'Otto Iii Die ?? - i'' , ' I - a ii att~oti'tti. Mt.'I ' tiy:I( R' v ito Xiii .It ) i`t;% Co-t F I,5t t ?? MLiI, V l i f t itit') po' ! t wti.laii.'t t M ' iX i 'the, ti o Saiiit ii M i Altt',tJct' 'if ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IIZ wi=s toh0 wn, On the 11th inst. in Liverpool, the Lady of Thomas 11. ma- llesketh, Esq. son of Sir Thlioitas D. Hecsieth, Bart. of aL all soui and heir. be- illy A arr itb hal OnT lTnrdat' last, at St. Jaortjij'saeumkk-Grcgory, York. bsy the Rev. ?? Richardson~a, SIr. L. Metealfe, ?? ,r, itt k. Teighiley, to Mlariani, eldest daughter of the latc Mr. I. tom Robiiso;n, wholesale druggist, ...

sides- tents, Vtt.'s

... On Tuesday the ?? lisoratit, at Pontefraot, thre Lady off fthe Filinto.ff Leathttite, Esqi. of at Oslo and. heir. Cent, S lrrib jelc On Thursday loot, tilt. It. W'totniald, hatcher, to Mrs. fr Lloyd, sta-a~ssuarteboth ifthls towi-i. sit at Same day, at iDarliold, Air. Thomasa St lie, fairmes', of soany Wart, to Mliss Allen, Of tiidhsiist-iittsi, near Baornsley. Samne day, Mrl. Jisist Ambleir, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oin Tuesday last, the Lady of John laivwon, Isq. of W19itill Grange, near T'adeaster, of a 0on apd heir. On saturdar lu:sr the Lady of ?? iB llemketh, of Ruoord 0lt# halln, r ancashire, Fnq. of at daughter. QOl tile Eld kilt, I at everley, the 14'.Y of tliei attett charleki W. Cliltey, R.N. of-a ?? anid heir. . i~~fliI'Titb, Onl Thursday. lit the Parish Churdh, lialtifix, Nlr. Jainie Cros- ley ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ol On TWgrsditY, at our P'arish Church, Mr. Jof~eph Willou, oif Ila S0herurne to Mary, 00 01041. 0017471te of Mr, lltblor0t-lolwttt, 0)0p lit ffcohijthllo, 0'tof- ..o ; i, -2 7: I l Surni day, at IlIrstall, 'Mr. Shair, of ijnvbill,u car Rlothe rham~,I tallilot to fiilos ?? Ilodojjo', ?? ofti Oolato TrfqI a liioo, w.~ I oliii'riimer'reweory. - On. WedrlcMday, Air. Wll~ia'oo Illfield, califnet ...

surras, hull TO SOU) AUCTION, BY HENDRY HYDE. .41 lie Kicgtlnn llil'l. IV tl.e f Ki*K»on-Mpon-IMt, FndO). ..

... lo2'J, at fire o’Clock at Soon, AVery Eligible and Compact FARM, Freehold and Tithe- Free. pleasantly fcitnated about Iralf Mile from the Village of StTTON, near Hull, adjoining the High Road leading Wawne. consisting convenient Dwelling-House, with Garden, Orchard, and auitable Barn, Stables, and other Farm Buildings, and Acres or thereabouts of rich Meadow and Pasture LAND, and about Acres ...


... For Uambnrg Hull, Harper; Mann. For Aotjr, Linr«. For Madti>a, Villager, For Vrietid«*n, fi*i»i‘Wfor!h. For Lred«, Cherry. For Oporto, Soii'h. F^ir Atthrrrp, Paul, Cooper. For Memei, Mary, Sdltoo. lor t'iunore, Wear. F«»r Amiterdam, Vroove NViafke. For Hamburg, Whim, Mason h Law* »on. For Uio Janeiro, Forager, For Oejfe, Laura, We»trigeu. For J'tfbden, F.udrucht, Znrmc^er. ...


... Th« visit of Mr. Buckingliam to Liverpool, b«s roused the latent feelings of opposition to the monopoly of the Jvo.l India Company, into most active exertion. Tlie lectures of that gentleman have been attended numerous respectable and attentive audiences, who appear to have deeply Wt the importance of the great question, which has boldly and ably advocated in his various publications, and to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 6 On Thursday last, at Marr, Mr. Thomas IHeslington, of tc e biccrtcni-leieloor, to Mliss Styall, of Mfarr-llall, near Dowi- Castel. Ru r Same dav', Mr. James Jowett, tailor and draper, to Ruth, daughter of Mr. Wim. Bedfoid, aigent, all of Leeds. Onl Wednesday ]list, ait Alconocdhbcry, Saimuel, youngest It soon of Mr. Coolcsons Stepheiismn, of i-ioloimirth, aittotrney at T itle, to Mary, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Shel d Onh the 7th ult. at Camberwell, flhlistoalhsr Ward, Esq. of Barl Halifax, to ilrs Cralbtree, uf Pclhlsan, Srrey, dmitghter of Do. or theiate T. Fuster, Esq. of Errisgton, il'ieb, hathis eounty. Do, tall On the !Ith tilt. at Edinhurgh, Sir Abr; lltou, Hlart. Meal or of Clevedoss Court, Someiset, to Mary, 0lcer laughter of ai ,u- thelate Win. Stcwart, Esq. of Castle Stcwart, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? ?? _ If - ; ?? t:; ties On tine athl lust, thq Rlght Hon. Lady Lyndihurst, of a claughs-_ ter. - .Ou the' 12th last. (the anniversary of AdmniTral Rodery'S victory over tle sFrenoChtleet),- thc Hen. MIrs. Rotdney, of a atos anrd heir. Bltst2 James's-square, Lady Barbaras lonsoaby, of a son. . ._ S. . . , . A\ On ThuTIday, Mr1-William Walker, of Dten-Head, clothier, to Malry daughterof Mr. ...