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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'flartfir. On Thursday last, Mr. Meredith Pratt, of Kirkstall, near this place, to Aliss Mlusgrave, daughter of the late Mr. Robt.. Musgrave, of Bramley. Same day, at Rudby church, by the Rev. Benjamin Rich-' ardson, Incmnbent of Egton,. Glaisdale, and Goatland, the Rev. Richard Shepherd, Vicar of Rudby, and Perpetual Curate of East Rounton and Middleton, in the North- Rldinlg, to Ann, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Tuesday, the 20th September, at lleath, near Wake- field, the Lady of William Leathail, Esq. of a ?? Same day, at Beech Grove, the Lady of John Wm. Rhodes, Esq. of a daughter. Yesterday, Mr. Mattin Henry Goodricke, quill-dresser, to Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. Loine, surgeon, all of Leeds. On Thursday last, Mr. John Dinsdale, of Holbeck, sta- tioner, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Robert ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r 11, 11' ? rrc ' Ii Thursd:lltt, At Wo 'leythe lady 'f the lb. 'Thdinas .'CIILOV, ,fR a s17. t 011 the f4t1 ijibt, at the llesideiec lion' e, in the Mllilster-yurd, ba DlNl Yorki, tlhe fady 1f the IleA Wm' Vc1ahbes VX'erlnon of d iilighter. gt1 -. , - - _ _ __ _ _ _ - - - - - . - - G)D . ' ' ' ' ?? IL.8J n ~Sh to day O Tlilsdiy loot Mr. .oli Syl 'e ot Slutliwaite eloth-mt. ha orrect rtoi'e-l, ...

SettrituI. On Thursd

... ay last, at St. John's Church, Roundhay, Mr. John Walker, of this towni, botcher, to Ann, second daughter of Mr. Richard Hl.artley, of the formcr place. Onl Iliesdlay last, at our Parish Church, Mr. Win. Cooke, of Manchester, seconcd son of Mr. Johl cooke, of Pollligton, to Saralh Ani, only daughter of the late Mr. Sutton, solicitor, of this place. oil Sunday last, 31r. Win. Wood, of Wakelield ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . 9~~j'farrfrb,,i On ThurFday last, at our Parish Church, by the Rev, Richard FaWectt, A. M. vicar, Mr. Edward Hall Hudnber- Stoan, commission merchant, of lull, to Isabella, daughter- of the late Mr.John Greaves. of the -l-otel, iII this town. Same day, Mr.John Munks, woollen printer,, to Miss S. Crairshay, both of this towni. J On Wednesday last, atSearbrough, the Rev.David Stoner, I of York ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oni Snedaybil, at liareowood, the Lady of R. MMeisie, E of doagilter, still born. OlOn the Nth i24 t. 4itaNew 'V Tel rl'ace, near 'orkr, the Lady of e the Rev. Jlames Pasaoo, zof (i glhter. t Qu the l7th alt. the LOdy oR' U. F. Bradthehs, Esq. of 1iao 1 Halil, of a sollE te ?? 11 ult. at thle lD i cof aluerert's, Bailmialauo, Lady Georgina Granviile iT yer, or, so . a _ _ _ t On Thuirsday l2st ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ST era The wife of a poor labouricsqman, in the cmployment of Messra Diwers; and Bedford, near t e Woodman Inn, Dewsbury-road nred was yesterday week safely delivered of three children, two boys the and a girl, who, with the mother, are all doing well. don the $tIlfaLtgb. o, Oh Wednesday, at the Parish Church of lirstall, by the Rev. ,ni W. M. Heald, vicar, Mr. Joseph Ellison, of Birkenshaw, ...


... DEATH THE POl’E. The a private letter froin Paris respecting tliis lamented event: ** Pom, Monday, three Christian world has now lament the loss of one of its brightest ornaments —the virtuous, the enlightened, the Christian Pontiff*, Pope Pius VI I. more. His Holiness departed this life on the of this month. The particulars ids death arc not yet know n, for the melancholy intelligence has but ...


... The Spring Meeting, al H Perk, qear Leeds, took place last. The meeting was neither numerous nor select, and the Grand Stand was titeraily empty. Tbe was of the very worst description. The admission fee this new «chuol of morality was id. each pede-trian, Is. each equestrian, aud Is. tfd. each coach, t ...

Elizabeth & Ann Suinton, • »*, (i K-STU KRT, HULL, RESPF.CTHMXY inform tbrir Fricndt »nj the Public of their ..

... open « DAY SCHOOL forthelmiruction of Young Lodie* in the utunl bfnnthet of Education, on the following Term* The Enclidi Lrngnage.Geojraplor, £. t. d. and Needlework' » Entrance Writing and Arithmetic Jr, Drawing 0 euch, French * IQ 6 Children under Eight Yean Age J Miu Stalnton ha« for Ten Venn been Plicate Governed in one Family, with tatisfaction to her Employers A. Staintos hat had ...

EXTRACT FROM THE LATE MR. ELLERBY's WILL. For the guidance and instruction of those whom I may appoint as the

... executors of this, my last will, I do here set down what my wish is, concerning the disposal of my Itly: -After iay decea-: 1p, I voi'rgeet to lii placmedr in n very plaitn shell or coatti, witl fill posibile tIv.,lott-h ; thltt roy friends mitt d 1tC(q l i:t ri c's tlie ASSNU'riMldI's , Oti itt Coin- ve ilent. )PreferrjrrI to, Irt of carre trtie after tmy (rlrrllr, I dio will, rist), he , ...


... FIN’AI ARRANOF.MRHT THE MINISTRY, Tka arraarav ala of Iba M.Bialrj, cooaaquant oa tha lllnraa of Iba Earl LKarpoal, wort, lo many of laoiborary ckaraelar, boat a( laojlh anavlalpd, aa aalll ha by followinß -lalam'iil id iba way ur'aloatly aaraad i*B arhan Iba Marqoia Lwoa- and bla frl.ada afraad lojntn. Tha UnkP Portland Privy Saal, bat rHaiaa IB UabioM. Par- ara aaaaral pracrd fur ikia ...