Advertisements & Notices

... of OXJOsRD, 8th March,/z 18 20. A . MEE'IING of ?? C L ER GY Or tlhis ?? vilil be holden at St. Mary's Chlrch, ilon Tuesday next the 14th iastant, ait Twelve o'clocks, :when tibe Bishop vtill propose an Address of Condo- - lence and Conlgratulationl, to) bc presesntcd to liris ?? King George the Fourthl, on occasion of the *elamented Deatb of hris late Mlajesty, and of his Df present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEM13E.Y ROOMS, (:lsbg ES 1 l 1lij ; FIFTH SU CItiIeP IlN d Aoi r INtG ASSEMIliL. of this caqontw\l be hel on Ti `1NG AS5 ?? 6th April 1820. To commence at Ten o'Clock. 5jnglC Tickets, Five Shilli5 LI FO ?? S HOiIL, O; GREATpRN E'S STRE.ET~ o B ,,,SDAV EVENItXG next, April 1. at seven o'clock, On~~~lsru s~~vill, commence, COURSE of ILLUSTRATrION df iHIS. - , 1 connected with the most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /f-HiS PRLFS zi rE A'z (, poP. 13IE BEFS1 I OF MR i-I. GRAY, r _L CLoW ?? 1IIE RtSG, RJ!L *t .ith tile utmost respect, begs leave To, ~ 1, his liinccre arid grateful rhanltm fkor the pairti 5,c to he inhabitatr t ill IllIIs nai ll eity ae Ilth rt'lo huili ard romped lll itli rtlsc thenm, that the ti;iOV eriwtairin,,ot will ctlknince with (fir the first fiet year ; at ?? Theatre,) tile Grand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO At6tiCULTU'RISTS. ~1Repectaisbl, niii oldi-agoed,' sillle Malti, I A is ill walitit oi SITrUATfIONa.1 StitEISIN'TEND.. ANT ofa FARM. Ile IWS 'beeii IroU0ht uli to tbe Agri- i laly cult ovall btisiitess ; aoid is nowto Ananlgilit thle. Ewttte.-of~ All to a1 (iute whomi he tao rceceive the most ; hortlttrmll Cetinmol 1 o.haracter and thilities. i )u- A pply if' by knele, post1-pitl II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADAIR $ MARA!S NIWIHT' iKINGIS YI 'l l EAfTltE._(r this iction oni) ?? Mal.ARA respectfully informs the Nobilify and'the Ptiblfe nlI'e`a, that she nill give a GRAND .CO PCRRT 'NiS Rvikdo for which an Orchistfa XCill Ife erecteddt 'the atug' of tht Opera House. Principal local Prfbotfnai Madame Mara ahil Miiss 'l'ravis; Mr. Bartieran,4 lslessrs. ' C. ard W Knyvet tsnd Mr. V'aughan, hlr. Belay ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Gentlemen., Clergy, Yeomainry, ,and Freeholders Of the COUNTY of. DEN-ON. OUR triumph is more. grateful to my Y feelingis than the high personal distinction, whieh, | under your protection, I have this day attained. To your cause-the cause of the Conlstititiola itt Church and State-you will never demand in vain any most anxious and devoted attention. I have the honor to he, With the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the GENTLEE.N, CLERGY, and YEOMANRY, Frceholders of the County of SOMER ,GEN T I. I!,11F.t , 1' BEG ytou to iecept ny most searifelt thanks for .Ahaving so kindly permitted mue to be nousinat ed in 1 7y anavoidabie absencefroin I'eltS. . Aind it i- now may duty to ofjfer yoU tny ?? ac- 17011'oi~dgfle2Sts ose oeing returned this dayt for the fifthi tim e, one of your hileniers of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'o the Sabscribers to thc Is-ol l'ojittlji,;b 9 Diseases /f ifhc re. ,i. MY LoneUS, LADmES, AND GENTLE31FMN, rHE sudden and Iamented death of Mr. &o L having occasioned a vacancy in the situation, f Sfi' your Institution, I take the liberty of offliring illyself r; him in'the appointment which he held, siti so mo, himself and advantage to yonr Charity. The trecatmentof Complaints in the Eves ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, D)RURY-LANE. I TO-MORROW will be performed (7th time) the HEBREW; the He- brew, Mr. KEAN. 1Wlth (s-th time) JACK and the BEAN-STALK. On Tueeday (first time this season) the Comedy-of A CURE FOR THE HEART ACHE. Old Rapid, Mr. Munden; Young Rapid, Mr.Ellistons Frank Oatland, Mr. Knight. Miss Vortex, Mrs. Egerton; Ellen Vortex, Mrs. Itobinson; Jessey Oatland, Mrs. Mardyn. On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLUBLICATIONS. Just Published, - Paler, 2S, 6D. Tb CATALOGUE. OF BOOKS, I6R 1820, CONS19ING'N Tr SEVERAL THOUSAND VOLVUIES. Iew cad Second-Itand. in various Longuuges5 tN WHICH ARtE INC ?? Th MAdNY AR~TICLEBs OF ZARI~TY, TO BE SOLD, At the 14O0Mi:ATErs TCEs HMXedrto each, AT )0. 34, PANIE-STRrt1mT. DUBLIN. o'c 3 Librariex and Coalectinse of.Bokespurchased and cuecharged an fair tervis TIIE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. C oitiLZ, Orr a resi$eS 1f iWA years 'in Grtflon.sreet, has - removed to NoRTH',1 2$, Clkggeigreen. -10-)Tf ACffE, H116UGH ever so violent, instqntly and effec. 'T tually cured. without the lea5t pain tothepatient, rwhile ilia Teeth are at the same time preserved. with a ceirtinty tha the pain wrill never return. By Mi-. t. LANDZELLE. Dentist, 25, College-green, who has f(e honiourof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Coit y ofef tkc Cidj of Dublin to Wit, TO THE GENTLMEN, CLERGY, FREEMEN. AND FIEEHIiOL)EPS OF TlE SAID COUNTY ott riE SAID CITY. y Y 'r ir !ne of 1is MaIjesty's Writ of Election to L, odirertod. bearing date at Dublin, the 4th day f tinhe Fir Year of the Reign, We vill, on TlI U ItS- n. A-. 0he 51th I)ay ol Mlarch instant, at the hour of Ten o in the forenoon, at the Sessions House in Green- i ...