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Advertisements & Notices

... .*ourneyman Baker' Wanted. A YOUNG MIAN, who understands his but- sincss, and can be..well recommended, may hear of a permanent situation by applyimig at the Ottice of this Joumrnal. N. B. To prevent trouble,,it is requested that no one Nvill apply who cannot produce a good character for diligence and sobriety. GROWING CROPS OF GRASS, BOURYON- ON-THE-WATER, To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ARQUEES and TENTS, for Lawns, .. Pleasure Grounds, Cricket Clubs, &c. New and Second-hand, at BRYANT's India Trunk and General Repository, No. 71, St. Paul's Church-yard, London.-Letters, post paid,'atternded to. Beautiful carved Tortoiseshell Snuff Boxes, Farns, Pearl Countess, and other India productions, always on sale. OxfJord Paving and Lighting Acts. 1TOTICE is hereby given, That a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oRSE if TfWE LVE LECTURU ES an* 111 VORa I Will be c comenced rt .A oos No 4ESs, Jori 4(1, Sreet; hy'.RANCb i' p .F LE c . I~ol0NI A'i, J Itbl PI. a tA ; oolock, to be be ',',1duicda o Weheda sdays, Fridays. ml 'ther Coortte,'lt One Guinea eaich,, or to Oinlle Fr at'l'r i\S 'hrIlings. may ii procsrdl'dat the prithci. Il I rr~st , at l Sis*Soins resience, No. 6, Rankeillor nc ?? the I~ e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANEGAI.A OF SCOTLAND. is lerelb given, thlat the c f .,~rN55Sf ijoOM is agaio OPrENED for Public In- L .god t l~l contitwne so every lawful day, from Twelve fore¢ Adrnisaiofissued by Frincls Cameron, No. °2 8treat ADAMN F? RGUSON, D. K. Reg. 2j hargh. 22d June ISO0. -r- RAOE WE-EK ASSEMBLY. -ill!tWil e i ASSE~MBLY in tile /ilEnn in GfleorV Street, upon THVRSDAY EVEN th ulf , 18.°° to commence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KING'S THEA-T'RE.-. To-rnorrow Evening will be perf6rmeid:1o.irini's popaisa Opera of TANCREDI)I. End of the first Act a DIVERTlSEMENT. After the Opera, the-favourite- Balle', entitled LF 1'ERCIIAND DES ESCLAVES. On Tuesday next will be revived, Pa e's celebrated Opera of L'Agnese, in which Aladante Montano, froni the Opeca at Flo- rcnce, vvill make her first appearance in this country. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V'MHIS EVEN EG.KN INGGS THEATRE. A.. 'Mzart's' celebrated op.5o NGI ANIwl berevived for Signor CORRIS BENEFIT, after which, a Grand Concerto on the Fulte, by Mr. Nicholson; with the Bal. let of ADOLPII ET 1ATILDEo between the Acts of which BM. Bbellst will play lsi4 Military Concerto.- Boxes and Tickets at the Opera, (flict; and at Signor Coril's, 58, Golden. sqilar~.. ACADE~y, ?? ?? oN othe' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - SALES BY AUCTION. OLYMPIC THEATRE, DRURY-LANE. ;ESS 1Rt. ROB1NS beg most respectfully to ntify to the Public, that thev have received instruc- Isnott to submit by AUClION, at the Auction Mart, opposite ?? Bank. THIS DAY, -withoest reservation, .IIE OLYMI'IC THEATRE, DRU1Y-.LANE, vtiih all the Scenery, Maehinery, Dresses and Decorationls 'Ibis valuable Property presentsan opportuoutv to those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAL1ES BY AUCTION. ?? Il'aaitts, chiefly proofs.-13v -AIr. EV ANS, at Lis Ilouse, No. p16, Pall-mall, TIHIS D.11Y, HiE P'rivate Coflection of PRINTS of Mrs. Jane Tliovdell, removed from her residence at Hlallifoer con- ci !ri-g of a select ansd hritlliut asseniblageg of the choicest proofs of th~e engi avings of Woolletr, I ilElartoelaZzi, Sharp, Ileat, lEroni. l0eiklarton, a considerable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Mr.' Lysos's Librarv.-Sy Mr. EVANS, at ?? House, 96, - 'Pall-mall, ?? IS and five following days, HE-Cirious and Valuable LIBRARY of tle laf te TSAIIGEL'i'SON.S, Eisq. including Gorigh's Sepul- chral Mouriucuts,5 vols. iii russia; Fa'a'sCrrdls irst edlition, Ilynoner, 5i f, very te; rroissart's Chroniclese,by Lord 3Jftrvrisr IPisron, 155;Ialstend's Genrialagivs, very rare; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY BRANCH 4- SON;. L Oinday the i2th, Tuesday the 13th -Wednesday the F l,. T}iursday the 15th, and Friday, the 16th inst. p Ily at eleven o'a lock ead ddj, at the Hnanover- ,eaticolarly extensive, highly -tall a ud, diver. 'fied Assemb e d SUPERM C INA, which ,risei numerOltU eegantly'ornamentedDifiner, .Des- Breakfast, ?? Services, highly. embellished d decocated. w ithch burnished GOld7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUVABLV-- FREEHOLD & TL'fliE.FREE IESTATE, . - A-T F YND,RIN.V.- TO.]oE-LP BYPU YT, ATE CONTRACT, 7J'HE Utderme'4ioi-d AValuable FREi6OLD 1 snd Td'rTflEFMEE'ES3TATv shuated at Finden, in theaC ust ol erby,(in tehlpoin Pssif ol Mer. lboinas Cooke MliniaoId, or biis U'dertetka nts,) iser. together or in Lots, 'ia. A. R. P. The Pointer Meadow, -Col ing . * . 4 _.2 20 The Mjek1eV Meadow v . - . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SqOIiS P'U'LISHEDl) 'THIS DAY. A New Edition, small tWo.7. ?? JUANs ('Cantos I. and I1.-Printed fur ?? T tssunas Davison, and sold by all lOllurs. Is Sqn. price 3.i (id. EDIN; or, Ilir SZSt'E(1ItD OF TIlE Tom3,- I lH n. a l'em, in Seven Cantos. Secontd ldition. f. c. SVo. 7s. S60. lPtA i'ltA CA Il'XT5A . SO . od. By the lion. NV. ilEiBEItRT. Printed for J. Mnurray, Albemnarlo-street. ln a ...