Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC -WAREHOUSE, 28, CLARE-STREET. ( HODGES most respectfully informs his Friends Co the Public of his return from London, and that the Grand, Cabinet, and Square PIANOVFORTES, &c. which he bha selected at the different .101anufactories, are now ready for in. spection. NEW MUSIC-WAREHOUSE, No. 52, YORK CRESCENT, CLIFTOA' C. HODGES most humbly solicits the attention of the Nobility and Gentry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /X MONEY WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS Sterling, for F wbich undoubted heritable security will be given. f Apply to Campbell and Mack, W. S. 21, Society. EAST INDIES. WANTED, FEW YOUNG MEN for the Honourable A1 EXIST INDIA COMPANY'S Horse and Foot Ar- tillery and Infantry. Capjain WILLIAM MARSHALL, superintending the East India Company's Recruiting Service in Scotland, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itG(fl-L.AND SOCIE1t o 9col'rLAND. 2/GE:NERIAL MEETING of tluis SOCIETti *L takes place, in tirns oif the Chirter, on *\loNnxy the 40r day o' July insr. 'I'lr Meeting ivill be held in the Hall I Reval Ckllege of l'lhygyiians. Oeorpe Street, at tie °Iclck afternooin of that day,wbiere it iq rnquested tlhe Mkeii. etrs vill assemble, precilely at the linor of meeting, :Is, he. sh~e vh ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .The retel ces RE1 fixed for TUESDAY and WEDHEO ' DAY, the 8th and l9th-day~ of AUGUISTnext. Thp pa tihuhai's will ;ppear i* uftute 'nimber of the Racirig'Calendar. ?? -rd Viscoont VA LETORT, - r i -AY a! Stewardo: ;. p:ta~in CARlPENTERt, ?? . , ADQ A0 IXJNI, SIP MO.U.TH. lH!E .F4RS'i7-UBSCRUB WP TION BALL. vwill * . be heldi at Lhese. I M U : WEDNESDAY'next nly, GI~r Ibl.~; aod;.copltlnue4i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUTZ BLUE.-The FREE and INDEPENDX T ENT1 ELECTORS of the CITY of GLOUCESTER resident in and near London, In the Interest of It. BRANSBY COOPlER, Eiq. are requeste4 to MEET their Worthy Repre- sentative at SUPPER, on Thursday next, the 6th instaz , at the Ram Inn, West Smitbfield, to celebrate the Glorious Trium Is of the 25d of June. Ltondo, July I .1820. NATH, HARRIS, lion. Sec. Supper at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANT PLACES. AS FOOTTMAN,. in or out of Livery, or in or out 4i .of Towvn, a Young Man who perfectly understands his business; and can have an undeniable character from his last place;i-ha no objection to travel or go abroad.-Letters, post paid, for G. L. 30, Hatton W'all, will be punctually attendedl to. A S FOOTMAN, a Young Man, about 28 years e 1£k of age, either in or out of Livery, no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIO be SOLD, a good convenient FAMILY RESIDENCE, situated at Shildon ,u pon the South Coast of Devonshirel;with a sieail pleasure ground, and most excellent hitchen garden, well stocked with fruit trees, and commanding one of the most interesting and beautiful views, of sea and land in the:kiugdom. The property ,i Leasehold. For further particulars, apply to J.:Moisey Bartlett, Esq. Solicitor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tiiid OVioid snd S SANT t -ord .~ ( tber, e - BI . P lder~of the 14th J q. Samoa O'-Rteiliy. E . and kinal b,4 I ufi( oil the ?? : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3eo Mr. to ?? sta- (wve qS) ad- t 4t leit ellI t ;) he est ied veln el's ty, he nd at of as ral d - , *.D ElRBY RACES ibein-tfixesd for theSgtifi-. Dof this Month, the Ujunaxu~i SbACribefil iare reg~qieeied tn . r selid in tbeir repctive SubscrijViiousntro tih u- 1 Pisuss, CRoMPttON, N51WTON & Co. De]ba;, an Or oeflre Friday tihe 14th instatnt. . , * CUV, LZoN; . . fbLOWXS, Stevards. Juily 4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 113. GLOVER's ElXHIBII TION. of OIL 'and AI WATOi.R CO~iUo PiTTINGS is NOW OPEN; at ?? NO' 16, Old Bointdstreei, opposiltest'tffsrd s-ucet, from nie till 'dok. Adnittatnce I. Caalngue6d.- T AUSA'N-NE- ---NOW Ein )EI4 yi.t Y ASTO1aN TBARKR BS PANOiA'.A1, Laikester-s quare .1 1iicily.finished VIEV' of LAUSA\NE and the LAIK of GENEvA,- refresenttS Z a AselUtiful display of Smis scenery -'l'he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 33RID(GES, MA&on. A. OhMMllN COUNCIL,bolden in the CMAMW -A1 BBERl of the G UILDHALLofthe CITY of LOZNDN, on Monday, the-17th day of July, 1820. Resolved, That it appears to this Court, that a Bill Is now in progress through the House of Lords,by the preanqble of Mhich her Majesty, the Queen, is charged pith having carried on ail .-adulterous intercourse with a person nataed Beigaml ;.and: 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the-. ?? goeorrsponpynt. ro- Mffieca-otM, Thurzqtsda aS ear DMsPEsAktY.tink lliug to Make ourasi for in a case of the merits of which we are 2 arnZ ide last week declined the letter of C1etRrncRslrsUaLt for it was to be ?? asan advertisement We bat ate been advised to pause, before we pursue the ai; n's any further; and-therefore, ?? take a iltdete,, she peruse and consider of tbe propriety of ...