... We yesterday received a Flanders. Mail, with Brussels Papers to the 24th inst. The following are extracts:- CORP, MAucis 16.-The Commlssion formed byan Order of the Governmentof the)17th of Jan. having condemned to six years imprisonament, Apastasius. etastirnamed Cuchi), as an accomplice of Antonio Martineulgo. The Lord Commissioner has ordered the execution of the sentence. Sir Thomas Mait- ...

Published: Saturday 28 April 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 527 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... PoRTSMotaaro, Dzc. 8.-This ?? the Active frigate,1 Captain Sir James Aleanstder Gordon,. N.C. B. retunred from1 Gibraltar, where she landed tbe Earl of Chathartt-and suite,;af- ter nearly. tree weeks' passage front tbisplace; Sheleft ?? ralrarion the 24oti Itt and touched at lisbon, on te e2th, but was refused yrsirpee uttlets tevedays hadebpsd sincebherdepaxr tare from Gibraltar. She left ...

Published: Tuesday 11 December 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 993 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... STATISTMAYL ST SCQTLAND. It is admitted on the Nptlhnefitk C thna is the country xvhere, at the present mom e's, ?? of observation and 'of inquiry, regarding objects of :t Statrsireit Nature, is carried to the greatest pbrfection. In the vourse ?? a few years. a dls- singulished ndividual '(the Right Hanolrable Sir ohnl$ln'clair, Bart.), aided, in the commencement of his uidertaxing, by the ...

Published: Friday 19 October 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3425 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ,fp: r*Y& &j~le lia ill¢1q!* .&Mot olr Chathun, aid, ?? ba~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? Failby traits^ ,2Q . $7 eq 4he wrd-hound as beoe ?? of'tln gl~s, u ~pi, which; 1% ?? bab stll to the ,eaitrn 4 of packet, wish rol . tiw lfa1l*. nnter qar- lnes owng o b riajFbir4| c>piP9 sestd h oO le, DWeditrrna .: s 'rENY 8ars~. X.-AsrWPd thA ; ?? ji i3?4ket2 Rose, from Londorn for ipallioqt~*~i@ last ith~n~r ana ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 894 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... DALt, Dsc.-WindS. W.-Cme down from tie River, ,he Carshalton Park, Clark, for Jamaica; and Lady Hare- wood, otonng, for Grenada. A brig and an American ship bave gone to leeward, but no boat went to their assistance. The boatimer are still determined not to go off to any shipd, except t) save lives. PL.xr;ouirn, DEc: 2.-Wind NW.S.W.-Arrived the hope, Kel- K, .from l- Isboin; the abov e. with ...

Published: Wednesday 05 December 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1066 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... tIMPORTED THIS TrAB. At Liverpool . , 64,996 Same perlo4 last year . London . . .. Z9,147 Glasgow .. . .6 EXPORTED LAST WXECa At Liverpool (bags of 2501bs.) 14 Previously this year . London . . .120 Previously this year . .4,296 Glasgow . . . Previously this year . Total exported . 49,99 On the east side of Whitcombe-street, near the western 5 trance totbe Miews, the workmen enployed In ...

Published: Saturday 10 November 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 457 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... STJIP' NETS, Dut. A. 5.-Wirnd : --Arrivea yesterdav aniA sailed fr. tW: Rlver, the fRonitilus, Crawfor from St. aineent's; RI- Jiard Reblsldt, Ilake, frd ml 'T Msionary, Davis,from Oeorgetojnr Gi, eaier, Bardwellfisr Tarragona; iBenson, Smith frO j'ebec; Tyhemioutb Chunne, frorn ,eterchurgh tnr. Briseof;- and the Matrys from Ytirmiurlh for. Oporto.- Swailed f~wthe iverttbdavs tbe -Priocikot ...

Published: Tuesday 07 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 273 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE of March 17

... IFrc~n2 the LONON GAZETTE of Marck 1V. I `TANKPUPTCIES ENLARGED. J. Burall, of Swansea, Glamorganshire, cabinet mater, from Mah, £7, 'to April 26. ?? J. I)avis, of Hereford, cabinet maker, from April 2. g of GreatBolton, Lancashire, money scrivener, NV, I-lughes, ?? from March 27, to April 2 8. BANKRtUL1TCIES suPitSEDED. it. SbIgdem. late of 1-1ythe, Kent, grocer. Rt ?? gullsam,; late of Lng ...

Published: Monday 19 March 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 543 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LNDON GAZETTE of April 21

... From the LNDOON GAZETTE of Pri21. BANKRUPTCIES ENLARGED. W. Jordan, of Sunbury, victualler, from April 24,to May I. J. Hollis, of Goswelt-street-road, stone-mason, from April 21, A. Macrae, of Devonshire-street, Blshupsgate, Jeweller, from April 94, to May. S BANKRUPTS. I. NatIhan, q9f lingsdown, Gloucestershire, -anicnseller, May 2, 3, and June 2, at twelve, at the Commereial-rooplS, Bristol. ...

Published: Monday 23 April 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 644 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... TZMRWEp .RAZ .1 . I . . TO TlE EDITOp. SIR-It appearing that those 'Members of the JLdglolture who are so earnest forea reduction of the duties on foreign timber (from which the ship.owniers anticipate such disastrouis cone- quences) are 'nspressed with the idea that the price of timber il this country wonuld be wheieY rleduced, the following.extract from the ObseA,ations fa )t'ritish 31&chlat ...

Published: Monday 05 March 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1285 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

London Markets

... Zo*bou fatieto. CORN EXCHANGE, JULY 16. We bad a nsoderate arriral of Wheat this morning zhiflly from Essex and Kent, and tle supply of all otier grain vas on the Whole very limited. For real fine runs of Wheat last week's prices were fully supported, but all below this quality met a dull sale, pn r atber lower ?? being scarce conti niues improving in value, and we consider it from ls. to 2s. ...

Published: Saturday 21 July 1821
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1153 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I - I A1.1I'MAR]NE IN TERL!f.-FN E. ?? John, Ot -F\ ldii SmLdIk&s, J. IL. Juncl;,- rrn.o ;;r She *andi, ?? wm`&anr thr etki . ~ zsince. fil ; ;Arallichi, on her pxas e to Shh Id.iith t imber. -}hi-atv inle t.1 ;. tljh thre ?? af- . btim), on the 5Ath Iec. wv ili rundrr.the CUp 'f u- c nel. about thec-nd of said ino ?? and atur-ans .nic-n uito due kcircus oo. Ns. ,'sh1 is e'vioclcd rat S}UC ids ...

Published: Saturday 17 February 1821
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1663 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce