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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAYr, January 10, 1821. YVesterday, at Bishopsteignton, the Lady of Edward A reher, Esnq. of a son. On Friday last, at flearitree, the Lady of Capktin 'Wooloombe, It. N. of a son. On Weduesday, at Ashbiurton, Rose. the wife of Capt. Wmi. Hill, R. N. of a son and lieir. lat riMt. This morning , at Kenton Cluirch, by the Rev. C. ji. Collyls, the Rev. Jobo Sydenlaam, only son of John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY Jeanuary 24 1821. 3flt fi MDnn At Exrnouth, ot the 19th- instant, the Lady of Colonel Payne, of a daughter. On Monday last, atT'irerton, by the Rev6 John Pitman, Thomas Learmaa, of this city, gent. to Thonmasin. only daughter of Thomas Beedle, Esq. of Southwood, lilar Tiveaton. At Keverne, on Tuesday, by tbe Reverend James Paseoe, Mr. John Borlase, Surgeon and Apothecary, to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WE]DNES;DAY, J~anuarty 31, 1821. Tbc Reverernd Pe~hatn Feflotoe8 (C~a, has been in-w xtitnted, bv M~r. Preceutotr BSartlarn, to the Rectories cof F.,,eeford and Chawvleigh, in IDevon, on the pre- sentatiOzI of thxe Hon. 1!ew tonv Fellowves, the former being void h~y thle resignation of thle Rev. Riclhard Bryan. a3nv1 tbe latter by thle resiguation of th~e Rer'. Bonchlier MVarshlal!. 33ht130.) ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Rbruary 7,1821. I~~~ ?? aXI th Fr.tlbp 3rlgoi,.forSotbwto;an On Thursday last, the wife of Joseph Sparkes, Esq. of this city, banker, of a son. Same day, at Belmont-Honuse, Berks, the Lady of Thos. .Dimsdale, Esq. (daughter of Henr.y 3anning, Esq. Sidmouth,) of a daughter.- On Saturday last, Thomas Jones, Esq. of Lledfer and Eskirevon, Mont6omerysbire, to Emm Anne, eldestdanghter'of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Feb ruary .14, 1821. On Monday last. at 0ston-Honse, the Lady of the .Rev. Richard ~llicornbe, of a son, On] Mmday 1ast.pit St. David's Chnrch, by the Rev. Pri;eentor Bartlan 'the Rev. N. Cole. of fulrston, to Ermnmeline Mary ntchanan, youngest daughter of the late Dr. Morris. At Birmingliarf, on Wednesday last, sincerely re- gretted by all who knew her, Anne, the beloved wife of G ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of WEDNESDA;Y, February 21, 1821. e d On Monday last, the Lady of R. W. Neewman, e Esq. Ml. P. ofason. gr \'Yesterday, the Lady of John Beaumont Swete,* Esq. of larnhead Cottage, pf ยง son. e d '''4 e On Monday morning, at Torr Chunrch, by the Re. F. Belfield, MAr.-Samuel Crockwell, Jun. draper, of Torquay, to Mary, youngest daughter of John Cowell, Esq. of the same place. ,,i On Thursday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, 'e'bruary 28, 1821. 33irtoij. On Saturday moring,. 9-Ionth, the Lady of Charles ifford, Esq-.of adsoi. Same day, at Allpbington; the Lady of Thomas Snow, Jun. Esq. of a daagbtef, At Dawlisb. on Thursday lait, by the Rev. John Marriott, Samuel Knight. Esq. of Miltou-holisG CGan- bridgeshire, to l'rances, eeeonid ?? of the late. John Cave Brown, Esq. of Sheftoij-en-le fields, D)erby- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LONDON, SUINDAY3 Marcll 4-. cinb B116 t6 of iclarturi . The itfruit Princess El iabeth died this morning at one o'Clock. It will be reeollected that mho was pre- mnaturely born ; bitt notvithstanlding this cirmuin- stianoel she wad. rapidly gaining feialth attd streunth 'tiil the, sttldeln ciiages of the weather began to affect her. OnP 'iTlhrsday? night she wvas, a little feverish, and oa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1821. ,on Monday the 26th a] t. the Lady of the Reverend John Templer,AAshburton, of a son. , JI~~4'Iaritb,. Friday last, .at Bow, by the Rev. R. C. Ryder, of ClanndboroIgb, Jobhn Wreford, Esq. of Nielolsnymet, to Ann, second daughter of the late Robert Reed, Esq. of Effird, itn this county. At Great Torrington, in this county, Anthony W. J. Deane, Esq. to Sarah Elizabeth ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I . 7.z. M A -311 i. I~ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1821. . ?? E - On Saturday last, at Tborverton. G. S. Luke, Esq. of this city, to Miss lary Barnes Forest, daufflgter of the Jtate.)r., FPoreasjsrgeon, and niece of Sir Digory Forest, of Ebford,. Devon. Thursday last, at St. Stephen's Church, by the Reverend Wmi. Stabback, Mr. Jobn Symons Higgs, Haberdasher, to Miss E. W. Snell, second daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1821. ?? This day, tbe Rev. William Chanter, A. B. was liceneed by the Rev. Mr. Precentor Bartlam, to the perpetual Cure of Welcombe, on the nommiatien of the Rigbt-Hon. Lord Clinton, void by tbe death of- the Rev. Mr. Badcock. On the 8th inst. at EB-erton, near Liverpool, Arthur Latham, Esq. to Susanua. and John Willis, Esq. to Eliza. yonngest daugbter of George Roach, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W5 FNgsloY MARClt 28, 1821. , ,i . - n,: .: . On Thursday last, -the Rev. Thomae ffobbs, M. A. of Orjel ColLege, *.Oxford, Chaplain to the Marqllis of Fleadfort, and Reetor of Cossington, in Somerset, was institited to the Reotory of Templeton, in Deoni, on, the presentqatidli of $ir William Templer Pole, of SnbteA in Devon4 Baronet, void by ythe 'death of the. Rev. Ch~rlei, Ducklaid. .n, 9.ti ...