... 'T ., Dfi ,. B t POUC chit,ag ree, ?? 6ff thV L>A ?? was INr:' right aV, In,r art, . ?? aal h o.. pea ed K N lye aa t.id i ri og b a n wi ?? t el acientatlli pa~siingby. The gen'le., m~snth~nk Ln hii Ii, hi toivi~ifs', hit it witi 'nt lng until lhe dlsenvered tilat j P had recompsm .d himaetf for hr6 trouble, by robbing him nf hs goldl watch the Lenirlerma-i ha I ixi hi- pock, t at that momer ...


... ?? Mn O 7' o, ?? i c r - , NT AN ?, I 0.14 I I U 1.. - A,, ?? ?? '77 -L, ed against Mr. ?ose.h Td tW j hoaving, on she 2Gtli of' Decrnbe, 'r0. qn-antilr ef Ai orsted yarn With,1tt av- 'r ol cuted a license, and the pre:en,.e of a ' 's pa flcer. The goods, it appearedw revent O quay, and the seizing ?? e I 'Zell on tb ty of Ss.a pound OI1 ?? 5arn. ulle0 en A clerk attended frim theblturo of M ...


... LJW. COURT OF UNG'S BENCH. Thursday, May 24. THE KING V. EDMONDS, CARwW RIGHT,:AND WGOLER. The CHixE Justr=E delivered the judgment of the Court this morning upon the'motion madefor a new trial in this case last MichaelmasTerm. TheJudgment was very elaborate; but it wan delivered in so feeble am tone of voice, nasto baffle all attempts atnse-taldog. The opinion of the Court upon aU thle ...


... , 1.H1t1 .-PI1OSELCUTIN ~I'' 'lfiE CONTciTt, I'i~tt ING ii.His~wsv~Zi'r 's id-ti opened the Case,, ;%ich cot, tie sa to t dii iith~iflt'i ~ ~ t i te i fetitl ant with hasn sag pie bshed ta lel aninditheI K AgteGseuntt niteCnU 2ii r. Ser-gQ t JIL1 Iflk aid fisi 'rietl ha icd i omed the ~ Jury i lie er~ir of' his iidictwlitand thitt his tlutv, as the o pros_~ u ~ it1 5i h i in avery narrow ...


... THE INQUEST OF THE JURY, On the body of Francis, has been returned WILF&L DItUrRese; but complaint is made, and justly, that every possible difficulty has been thrown in the way of identifying the persons of the guilty'. From the accounts which have transpired, who, that has the proper feelings of humanity, but must shudder at their perusal? who, that has a just regard for the character of ...


... IRELA ND. . County Conrt, Limerirk --Mornda5 Dec. 17. |ha 7tORoRlt OF XEt ST4a t.A'i' John M'Naniaraand Thotras Molony ftyepttt pon theiree trial for the shocking murder of NMrs orane ic er had eocited such horror, and. agitated the ublic ,tiind brt with such awvful interest, at the time of its perpetrltion. nol DIMNaaira manifested an indiftelenee and isensbility at th the gommenremeit of the ...


... - 1ZIGC COURr OF r7USTIMIARI atitjhtr1S f . noC,- I_ L 1 - :.1. evi- Satutdav, the Court proceeded, with shut noes doors, to the trial of William Montgoraerie, ac- cused of 'ctmmitting, or attempting to commit a rape, on Ann Dilling, a girl about ten years old, Li-near the ruins of the Castle of Greenan, in the a to parish of Maybole, Ayrshire, on the 6th of Sep- ded tember last. The Jury ...


... FRIDAY-AUGDsT 24. ADJOUR NED IN QUEST ON RICHARD IOAQEY. . FIFTH DVY--C0NTNUF-D. Mr Ihumbert, living at the Hyde Park Hotel, Oxford Street, a Royal Military Surveyor and Draftsman, on half. pay, saw the man dead, and carried along, but saw no soldier near him ; was near the gate, and saw a detach- anent of Life Guards there, drawn up ; saw two or three otficers, and dislinguished the officer ...


... FRTDAv,.API'LtY iS (Continued from our last. ) P .Tohnz SArm'), accused of discharging a loaded pistol at te Alex. Livingston, one of the Countypatrol, fon the 19th Janunry, 1820; in Bridgetoiof c lasgowpleaded Not Gnlilty.. . An Objection was stated by the prisoner's Counsel, M:r. Smvthe, to the admissibility of the wvitnesses, founded on the circmtmtattce nece~sssrily arishb from the nature ...


... i'.VORQV.l.RHl ()NT TGU'IBAtSx Qi{-'SCO'1'-LA~D . . I :cotiiILnti4'L t as day b~riarJ In 'CYVo Iit P atl .end the biat 0 ?? aid,'i-'tvt'iiti' kitowiti 'iemil tilwvto r-c'l, 12, ?? i5 fl eigitt iea.Wi Lfi-e ikin-si violrhothis tijoc W~s~aoi's itieii tind 'tria ito1c Ilin-r 'klci-!'i-vsihit mci l' ioeLI, o'r Jit brittc-r. inl orin'rto S5y12 hintro k nt ii'i Pm iibit9 ta Li i- Thle o in ...


... GL.OtCE-T'ER A$SS1ZlS. rsr~ltlU~:, :Sa.t.COL. Bltt;`.RKVJX . . .he rs t rated the ca C se. I 1;i pillt .I .Jolhin M tteis, Esq., is the sun of the Coil il wt ite tr use of NvUis and1 UAs., bt cc Ot Iondosij and, in the vear ISIO, whilst ott a visit to tie ti oi Mill. bec.itull. L tunnlited with 11iss Jane Lascelles ite, eldest daughltcr of ct~t~ain Blak3e, It. N., who wiss ur wiveral VeCiS ;I ...


... . I' it ?. 64,01UCIOATZ its,& ?? e, ?? eS- I MI. Co £.-3 dierT~oIuev. ^Bbrwkeley.-'fIss re- caise came 6u' abottivo o .cdock ou 'Satrdy, before a ay most respectable Special Jii m`n&d as Ito ?? 'ak till after eleven o'clock. The damages vere laid at for 20,0PO1 The followving are the facts proved in evi- ey ! dence. The plaintiff, John Waterhouse, Esq. is teithe son of the late Benjarmin ...