... 17. BlttTtt-At Aberdeen, onl Monday the 15th inst. the Lady of Major I-ItNDE:RSON, Loyal lEnginieers, of a Son. Mnarried. at the Manse of Urray, on the 8th clir lv the Rev. Roderick AMack-enzie of Knohkbain, ALEX. MsCKeNZIr:, Esq. of Kimnahaird, to MIArCA- tirT, eldest daughter of the lRey. Donald 3lacdonal of Urray. Marriili here, 12th inst. by the Rev. Mr TAWSE, Capt. G. WAsoSO, of'the chip ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Iiirthf>. On the 12th current, at Boulogneaur .Seine, the Right Hunourable Lady JANE LINSDSA.Y CAR~a.,F., of a son. Vn the 16th current, in Great Cumrbcrlan, Striet, London, the Lady of the Right HonW Lord GLAWAtS, of a sun and heir, which died the sne dayy. On the 14th carrelt, at St. Andnrewv, the Ladv of Capt. Was. PLAYFAIIL, ofa ,ion. On the 2S3d ullimo, at Glossop, Derbvsire, MARf, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH9S, On the 2d current, at Findrassie House, the Lady of CEA s. Ararr. LESLIE, Esq. of Fitndrassie, of a still-born child. B On the 5ch current, at XGeorge's Street, Newbaven, Mrs JAMES BELL, of a son. B, On the 4th current, in York Place, Lonrmon, the Lady of WM. WRIxoN BEcure, Esq. M. P. (formerly Miss O'Neil), 1 of a daughter. On the 6th current, in Queen Street, the Ladv of Lieute- ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 10th current, in PicardylPlace, the Lady of Major 45MSE HARVEY of Castlesenlpi6, o a daughter. ,,the lath current, at Abgebirmby Place, the Lady of Vt-,PLOM.ER, Esq. of a daughter. On the lath current, iti Coats Crescent, Edinburgh, the Ly fasofN HoaxocR, sI Esqi. of a son. MARRIED. A4t Thun, on 24th ,ltimo; EDWARD CROMWELL DErs I QWt, Esq. his Blritannic Majesty's Charge ?? to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.> On the 15th curt. the Lady of Acux. FRASRR, Esq. of. Thavies Inn, of a son. ?? thie ROyAl Barracks, Dublin ,on she 13th curt. the Lady Of Lieutenant.ColoUiz LINDSAY, 7tlh HiglhlanderS IOf a daughter. On the Ist April, on board tie I.orl Hungetford, at sea, the Lady of Cot IN CAMPBE.LL, Esq. 'Surgeon of the Horse is Brigade on the Bengal Establishmenut, of a daughter. g MARRIED. r At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT1HS. At Gmernsey, on the 4th curt. the Lady of Lieflr n Colonel K1ENNFEDY, or a son. At Edllbarah, onl the I 1th curt. the Lady oif c r I DALRYMIPLP IlAY, Bnrr. of Park Place, ota sona;,,h Onl the 7th curt. at No. 23, Fowth Street, Mrs I.: as B30iDIE, ofason. MARRIED. At Dover, on the 6th curt. Captain RoBERT DIAN the Royal Navy, second son of thle late Admiral l)rnnd l MARY, cldest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i - ?? MARRIED A .dt St., aey-i-brnc Cli rcli tlie Rev..Win. Seys, 'ica r of 'Trelliek aid of 4iatof Aute, wido Yof the, late Johnr Posley~ieusitigtoin, Esq. of Pqltney.- ?? Rev.. Geo. Ran~dall' Orchiard, of ?{orth l radley,. to Eliza, ,only dauhter of 'John Hooper, Esq. of Bradford.-air Richard Parker, inficitor, of S'toud, 'to M lrs..hlary mPearse. Mr? Robes t nbgo~od?,droaper, lof ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. ' At WVillbsdon, Middlesex, the Rev. L. Brirroughlss, of Offlev Plate, Hertfurdshire, tq Miss An,, Diclire,- of 113.nndsbury, Middlesex.-AtHorrnastle, the Rev. J. F. Ogle, Fellow of Jesus colh:ge, Caimbridge, to Frances, daughter sof the late Janius Conington, Esq. of the former ?? Rev. ?? C(nlifle, soil of Sir Foster C:unliffe, Bart. nf Acton, to Dorothea, the eldest daughter of T. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRI ED. At Hoddesdon, the Rev. Robert Rede Cooper (of St. Mary's, Beccles, Suffolk), Rectorof Iogoldisthorp, to Louisa, daughter and co-heiress of the late Benj. Henshaw, Esq. af Moor Hall, Essex.-At Southwold, Suffolk, the Rer. F. B. Grant, Curate of Southwold, to Margaret, daughlter of the late Rev. G. Drummond. -Tile Rev. E. H. Actosn, of Silliiigstone, Dorset, to Louisa, eldest daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. J. W. Birch, Esq. of the Inner 'Temple, to Diana Eliza, eldest daughter of the late James Bonrcbier, Esq. of Little Blerkhamipstead, Herts.-P. Andrews, Esq, of Ashford, Kent, to Mary, daughter of Mr. Norby, of the same place.-Ml. Edward A11day, of Birmingham, to Anna, youngest daughter of Mr. W. Wade, of Uradvell Mill, near Coggeshall, Essex.- ,Mr. Henry Sewell, farmer, to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? anD Dizatboo MVARRIED, On Monday, the 19th instant, at St. Paul's Church, R. IR. Lin- gard, 1Esq nf Heston Norris, to Mary, youngest daughter of the Rev. Geno. Ion. It'of this town. On) Tue d:y, the 20th instant. at Ealing, the Han. E. Perceval, secnnd soR of Lord Ardert. to Jome, eldest daughter of thil late l~ighr Hlonourable Spenrer P rcetal., On Trhursday've'onighc, at Great Busweth, Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . . r~~Bl-RlIIS. At Edinbnrghs, thoe Ltdv of Sir Jamieii DaIr mple. e of Tark ptlaoee Hatrt. a son allnd heir. At Ettricl bmk, on the Sth in -ltA ?? _ Ogiivie, ~siq. youigqr of' Ciesters, ot a oil. On .Saturday the 11thI current, tile uite of Vm in bie, carding master, Mile Erod, was delierel ,, ?? on Mgnday the 12th, of too daudtrtlyrs who * iti tijrq thor areall domgisWell. a - a : f ...