Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 23d curt. Mrs AULD, Argyle Square, of a daughter. f At Bosijedward House, on the 23d curt. Mrs JERDON, of 1 aon. sI MARRIED. 1 At Burgh Lodge, on the 19th curt. THOMAS GsZFORD, s Esq. late of the Hon. East India Company's service, to Jes- siE, only daughter of the late John Scott, Esq. of Milbie. DIED. . At Colombo, on the 7th of February, ALEXANDER CA- DELL, Esq. Paymaster ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PSA 711 027 DR CREGORGWI In our paper of Thursday last we comrmnnicate tiso melancholy tidings of the death of this illustrious main. al Ile was interred on Saturday last with great solemnity, his funeral being attended by the Magistrates. Professors, Jc and other public bodies, by his numerous students and m private friends. It is seldom our lot to record the death of an indivi- D tiutl so ...

BIRTHS. On the 6th c

... urrent, Mrs WM YoUNO, jun. Cassels' Place, Leith, of a son. On the 8th current, Mrs PRINGLE, Howard Place, of a son. On the tth current, at the manse of Crawfordjohn, Mrs GOLDIZ, of a SOIe. Onr the 11 th current, at No 9. Abercromby Place, the Lady of JAMes GREiG, Esq. of Eccles, of a daughter. On the 5ch current, at Carnousie Houe, Mrs DuF', of Carnousie, of a son. On the 5th current, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n1 IYED>,NESDAY, Lkce 'beri 19,f Maried jlitaco, oil flie 1701 curt. The Rey. PAT'rCii 1 oHBtes sD. 1i. 1'rjfe,,Or of Hlimanitv, Chendteiry, itnd NirniIT~tny to. :e Xing's I it!e', n oeo rho N Miniisters of' Ol~d Maicher, to M;ARY, second irn Daughtilr~ Of(I tile Rev'. Di' Gl~.zi~XNIE', P'OtSs~or' Of MrO- -ral- 1100' LII)) auftir Iogick, iii tic MarikiaI.I cullue, of arid one 6of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ol itd it pper 3rolrk street, the Viscoutttess rr;{ 01l2&etr. 11111jore OilP ii lEj,;r Iljji, on t'. e o dSr ofTune lust, ~i 'PCIDIiicelmismirmS Pirlixr Baiiiubtigge, Esq. of His ,i'5b 24t1, lkciamrft.m 6j Fotm, 'eldest sot of Jusepi b 2. - sf :Iis placer to FTiia, 3oumngeL daglitci of ~4'i' wumel Sir Isetit Marslh;il. K. C. B. - ,' Kt, 2 ;s, Not iictlidnisliire, by the Rev. 13roo~i Il t, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... under a penalty of 40s. i ,131R'I -IS.; IC On the I3th curt. Mrs CLEGUORN, Dandas Strcet, of a daughter. if At View Forth, on the loth curt. the Lady of W, C.- LEARMONT Ii, Esq. of a dalughter. .O On the 2d curt. Mrs M j.M xwvre.r. LiTraLe, Ulion n a Street, of a daughter. A.t Great King s Street, on the 7th ult. Mrs Jasmes LANG, of a daughter. MARRIED. £ At Sea Land Banik Cottage, Cardross, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ?? ?? ' .. . - K~t r -t . yn wn IS h.. ?? Oil the i's! cviii. 54 a kyt irpbeii,' A't Aa'r (\tin te1 tshinto d ite Lady or' illiatniiar *nn 10 .S:sklor., Lsq_. Advociri, oea juI. Ori thei ich .i, N a(br:, at .Speit:odc, Sot cv Alt' lnayC oft'li:rl-e'ctrlalii is, 2 ~l.,,(aridclhdtletd ,tf, tertjf. Sir itstti l.aeitLe¢*n. .J. L) 'Mi a dairlght.. - At Xlewton.Stottrt, tn tire d oh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. At Glenarbach, Dumbartonshire, on the 18th instant, the Lady of Mr. Robertson of Prenderguest, of a son, who lived only a few hours. MARRIED, On Thursday the 18th instant, at Stanwix, near Carlisle, Mr. William Dewar, of Glasgow, to Jane Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Oliver Davis, Esq. of the Navy Office, Somerset House. At Aberdeen, on the 17th inst., Wm. Knight, M.D., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LONDON, SUINDAY3 Marcll 4-. cinb B116 t6 of iclarturi . The itfruit Princess El iabeth died this morning at one o'Clock. It will be reeollected that mho was pre- mnaturely born ; bitt notvithstanlding this cirmuin- stianoel she wad. rapidly gaining feialth attd streunth 'tiil the, sttldeln ciiages of the weather began to affect her. OnP 'iTlhrsday? night she wvas, a little feverish, and oa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 18:21. On the 24th ult. at Teignmoith, the Lady of Lieult.-colouel Steevens. (late of-the 20th Regiment,) of a son. ~artfb.. On Friday last, at Mary-le-Bone Church, by the Dean of Westminster, Sir rbomas Noel Hill, K.C. B. son of. Sir Jobn Hill. Bart. of Hawkstone. in Shrop- shires..aud brother to the Right Hobn Lord Hill, to the Hon. Anna Maria Shore, seeond ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NW ED XTS 1) DXY, 3 u i, -, 1S21. ;301 I . ?? ?? : 1:t, att itl(t-t'd-ltle tlhe Lady cof ,itof> ^tt 11 'l nt sonI. 'ToJ-- i v of ; \ ?? Cioc.'ketttL Esq. of this city, 011 T1111F,411INI] J:4T, ?? lIJI-Offltltl, (ltirles; BlaLc';il | I's5 t, ?? Pai-itmo1, 11 i-.ollir. only^,ter of the lati C'1piai a Abrahl m Vio-try, of t;iis city, ?? in file 1£txu. irdt Aodii corvuliv S.ervice. Thiirsday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, at the house of Mr. Gascoigne, in Stanlhope-street, May-fair, Viscount Cranbournei only son of the Marquis of Salisbury, to Miss Gascoigne. The ceremony was performed by the Hon. and Rev. Gerard Wellesley. The Duke of Wellington gave the Lady away; the bridemaids were the Misses Gascoignes, her cousins. There were present, besides the imnediate relatives ...