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... only a fesw shilings, and. tire clothes which she then wore. 'l're first Bight of her remaining from bhome sbte went to Drury- lane Thearerand. w~as there picked op by a genteel woman, who having learnt tier silrtuation, enticed her to a house in Hart- ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE. COtJRT OF, CHANCERY, THUROSDAY. MARCH 1. THE DRURY-LANE AND COBURG THEATRES. ELLISTON AND OTHERS V. JONES AND OTHERS. Alr. HART this day resumned his motion for an Injunction to restrain the defendants from performing, printing, or ...


... was out of town. The case involved the right of the defendant to represent one of Lord Byron's tragedies on the boards of Drury Lane Theatre.. The COURT sasil, that the cause having been called on in its turn, and no person appearing in behalf of the plaintiff ...


... trial. BMjILxonosrset-sruZeT.-Yesterday, the parties poncerned p throwsing Tbajers out of the window in tIharles-syeet, Drury- lane, were again brought up before G. B. Mapiwaring, Esq. Thayers? who'waq considerably gecovered siunce' the last examf- nation ...


... aimed at him.t which hie warded off, and he then thought it prudent to retire Ile found, Onl his return to the gas-light, in Drury-lane, that he was severely wounded, and lie got noedical assistance, end. was conveyel home, [Li was confined to his room for ...


... RByron's Traedy of fllfrino Faliero, that werk being Mr. Murray's property. Tbe Tragedy had nevertheless beenlperformed at Drury-lane theatre on Wednesday. The ATTOP.NEY-GSE1RAL, on1 the part of NJr. Elliston, now moved to bave the injurnction dissolved ...


... whose name was not known nntilyesterday; his name was George Ross,,a journeyman carpenter; he lived at 40, Parker-street, Drury-lane, where he bore a good character; from his wife s statement, It appears, that he and she were at market,afterwhich, they ...


... teen. at the Turk's Head Coffee-hous, in the Strand, was brought before Sir R. Bis.apn, charged with forcing his way into Drury-lane Theatre without the necessary'ceremony of paying the admission money, and with behaving in a riotous and disorderly manner ...


... OLD BAILrE Y- SESS1UN$ST. crlDY- ?? SSaITH stood capitally Indicted for a highway robbery ,n Drury-lane. The prosecutor, Philip Jones, was ?? by the spot on the day mentioned in the Indictment with a bundle, con- saining a new coat and some silk; when ...


... a9' hour, the stage came to town first. Mondav evening all Inquest was held: at tte Kean's Head Tavern, Rttsaell-collrt, Drury-lane, before Thomas Higgs, Esq. Coroner, on the body of a young gentleman, 18 years of age whose family contiexions are of the ...


... MAsPaoaouaosTsaxrr.-A second Inquiry Into the circum- 'stance of the man' being thrown out at' s window In. Chatles- street, Drury-lane, took place yesterday, In the examlination of TSsoaoss Busxat~tc. who was present when the aflair happened, and whbo' hawing ...


... or, The Maid ofu Gensevta, which the plaintiff charged was the same translation of the drama that he was per. forming at Drury-lane Theatre, under the title of Thsterosa, or, The Orphan of Geneva, which was not the case, as Ose two translations were very ...