Advertisements & Notices

... select, anid Contains Heyne's India Thornton's Boi any Cabinet of Arts. 125hghly Paley's Works fiaiihb.d engravings B ritish Theatre IDsiiel's Ru'al Spurts 1 Curesen's Ireland Syrntax'A.Tours 1 Boyer's 4to. Dictionary, Drake's Gieaner | &c. &c. &c. C kL'ALOGUES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... plutarclb Ie Hileynes' india - ?? ; j'T ?? Botany Csb'itnedr TuiC rs, 'lt ii1TPi~' ok > 1 fiuithed :ergravings i' l ':Biitisb. Theatre. Daniel's Rfural Sports ' ' r teirsrei's. Ireland a' :Sniax's'Tours ' ?? J!oyetd',si'n, Dictionary, . r Drake's Gleaner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. Syntax; Mr. aalyi 'Harlequint, Mr. W .Kirby;* Clown, Signor Paul ; Columbine, Mi8'g Sintipson. i EW' ROYAL WEST LONDON THEATRE (late the Regenei) 'Toottenb4rn.street, Charlott05tr~et, ! '3a~lro.sqlare,-'N-1&. 4EV'EZNIN 'will' be' ?? eeZdeb~rated, *lavgablo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B. The M1apm ot ?? proposed Improvements and New Lineomay be seen at the Cterk of the Peace's Office, Castle, Exeter. NEW THEATRE, EXETER. T HE MANAGERS respectfully inform the Public, that owing to contrary. winds, the Com. pany from Gueroey$ have not ...

MRS. SALMON. nua T r

... past Nine oclock, (to commence on Tuesday, the 9th I instpnt) in the MINERYA NEWS ROOM, Upper ta DarvDnnlstreet. near the Theatre, by W. MARtRAT, sta A. ..nd illustrated by a complete set of Experinents. milly Tickets for the Ceurse, i0s. each, may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Original History ef the Theatres, illustrated by Views.-Reviews of the Etonian, John Churchill, and A Wild-goose Chase.-The Re- Vlector, No. 02.-My Pocket-book, No. 34.-Original Poetiy.- Criticism on all Novelties at the Theatres during December, and a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... term of 56 years unexpired. These Annuities are resularlY Sald, and the holder of each is entitled ?? Ad-' . . isnion to the Theatre.-_Partlculars of Messrs.Martine5U and Malton, solicitors; Carey-street, Lincoln's-in 'of Mr. Fare-. brothers Beaufort-house ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thud, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh day's sale, on0 the o mmrnitug.of sale only, from tn till twelve.- ,.-C'OVENT-GARDEN THEATRE. -To be N SOLD, an old RENTER'S SHARE, of Two Shillings a Night and a Free Admission, transferrable annually for six years ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and may be had of all Booksellers. r Price 39. , TfHE ANTIQUARY; a Musical Play, in three T acts, now performing at the Theatre Ro) al Covent-gar- den. By DANIEL TERRY, Esq. Printed for Wi'liam Srockdale, 179. Piccadilly. Fooiscap 3vo. price 5s. T'HOMME ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Country, in 1816 and 1817; containizga View of Characters, Manners, Customs, Governments, Anti- quities Literature, Dialects, Theatres, anifdthe Pin& Arts; with 6ome Aeniarks on the Origin of Rome, and of the Latin Lan- guage. Py JAMES AUG. GALIFFR, of Geneva ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DELPHI THEATRE, Strand. -By Aut. thority of the Right. Hon. the Lord Chamherlain.-This every EVENING, till further notice, will be pre- ed; a Comic Ballet, called IL MOLINARO BUR- XA'LN). Teresina, Miss Simpson-; 'the Miller, Signor Car- ?? which, a Melo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... House, or tu Lyceun Theatre, Strand, and the Leasehold Estates belonging qu thereto, for a term of 56 years unexpired. Thsse Annuities are or regularly paid, and the horder of each is entitled to Free Ad- go mission to the Theatre.-Partlculars of Messrs ...