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Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Public Tags

Advertisements & Notices

... Decree. NrOTIr(, is hereby given, that the PAIIT- _ N NERSllIP BUSINE1SS hitherio cairied on at Leeds, by EDWARD HOLY and THOMAS WAIL- 'ION, Dyers. is this Day DISSOLVED by niutual m Consent; sod all Debts duo to and swing by the said Firm, will be rcecbied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.80 0 0 In the Occupation of Messrs. Mithael'Samp- son and Thomas Richardsson, and' addjin- ?? of the Devines of Jo1i' Hfar- vey,' Esq ?? :. ; . ! ?? S t ) 0 o In the Occupalion of M. Thomas M redland 50 0 0 T Thtr PadsA ofJ TIP) OR' On a Part caljed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;, O'l'C is h. erby given, that the Trustecs s,- - 'firt lighting the I ovee of Halifax, will attend at the House ot sMr. Thomas Chamobers, tle White li Swan inn, re Ha rfalx on Wednesday, the 29th Day et of August Instautl between. the Hours of a'ndo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Solicitor, Leeds. Mr. ROBERT SWAINE, I-laitfax. Mr. J. SCHOLEY, Solicitor, Wakefield. u!e. J. IIICiARD-SON, York. ir. H.A, HARDY, Shti:eir. Mr. T. W. WATERWORrM, Doneaster. Messrs. MARTIN &- KEDDY, Wlrtrlingers, Hull. Of whom, and at the Head Office, Proposals ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Parish o' Halifar, in this Counity. Corn Dealei, decea-el, arc rcaS- pectfialy requested to send an Acctiot t lrO.' to t Mr. Thomas 'Steel Swal anal Mrr. Bnjamn Xlllc, bath of Halifax aforesaid, the ?? in his Wa ill, in order iiat they nay be ?? suL Pcrsons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of Carr-Giten, it Austeolev. in the l'arishl of Almordbury, in tbh C'ountv of-York. Clothier, Detier and Chapman. be- fo-e Thomas \VIitehead. Gentlemtatn, at the Houtse of 'Er. John Btsthroyl. the White Hart Int, in li h-ltt firth, in the Panrish of K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... last, a ii RED and WHI I'E SHORT HORNED COW. The Owoner may have her again on paying Expenses, on Application to Mr. Isaac Hardy, North Bierley, near Bradford.-If not owned within One Month fion; this Date, she will be sold to defray Espenses. Octber 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or Messrs. Steven- son, Solicitors, Holinfirth. Holmnfirth, AMarch 16, 1821. MIDDLESTOWN. rT O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. I THOMAS HARRAP, Auctioneer, upon the Premises, onl Monday tie Second Day of April, 1cc1, between the Hours of Five atl Seven of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at telse Sisip's Expense. ex~- Apply to Captain Hamiltoen oil Board tlte Vessel,- ous Soutis-Ettel Princ'sDock, or to tu3 THOMAS & JOHN D..TH-ORNELY. TO the i is THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, I ter li Feslersp 4to. Price 3s.xewced, or 4's. i6d. haI/-boutnd, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is hereby given, that the Partner- TIer N t hips leretofore subsisting betweesn the undersign- 7 i1Q. ed .IOHN I4ODGSON and THOMAS ARBMITAG H, lhith of Cleckheetson, in the Pirish of Birstell, in tire eliv. tointy of York, Machine-Makers, is this Day DIS- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Leeds. Mr. ROB E [r SWA I N E, Balislnax. Mr. J. SCi-OLEY, Solicitor, Wakefield. C r.MJ. I JICHAD RSON Y York.. W W r. 1. -A. Hardy, Sheffield. N. Mr. ?? W. waterwrtrth, Danaster. . lnd llesc's. MARTIN & KEDDY, W rlafigeers, s IHull. for Of O ho,, nd.Antthie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... acovered -Wharf5 and a Stable for Fourteen I-norses, lately ccupired hy Mr. -Norris. of Halifax,.frysaltcr. I Inqu ire of ;r. Thomas Cokson, on the Premises. Leeds, Tarch 5. S821. ANNUITY. . ru;HE Sum of £4-000, or Two Sursrsof#0 ! -acre ready-to be advanced ...