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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHf. pIN sdip.v tiIe iOzh1I IIt, at Fountuin Dale, nenr Larty ot (iellral Xced, ot aw sun, A, .It A1tlIA; ECS. 1,, s tle Ci Ii i vmtaut, at Chaddesden, in thirs conunty, [ veY Wirl ot Sit-el, the Rev. Sawil Rickards, Coul u0e- Oxfoid, to LLucy i1afiai eldest ,;[U9ii: lh1 Wihoi t, of Chaddesdeii, Bart. I .' el i il'stalit, at Hanbihry, StaFourdidirc, by fluMrIi diVD, 1). Wi r. il itlu Hartis ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (Infie 01 i itatlriigliltt, in tltiaCvouivr, Aitr. Charles a or t~~e ~ ,~r, f~laihsct - ar211tie, stecondI 'j~ re, ~lli'1 ~ansisg o'g ethIe flintier place, ottitster. t t( at .. l ary's. Noltittighasl, AI(. C~ T~ct~ lnsarrtif I~i n !t''s 'ony, to M iss .Alary Soar, lie a5 N~iiiasn a! devby the 'Rev. NNV. flaruditr, Air. Vyal ~~etrrdaY. ~~ it e coutvy 0f Leicester, fartiver, of) ~ or bh~~~* ii ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHt. Ov1 le 6th1 ilostayli, tit Womls Xd~,uugli Nllin6ghatiilibbre, tileI 1`1l ouf I omillos 1ulker, Enq ot u daughlter,- O iA IliUfA(;I:S.. 0l11C. iSr. a Jill, inst 2t07lit All f anlh s Ch e'll, by t he. ! Btt1C S- llpe, I Cr.T . Oelves,.fi Ashlbyvde la Zslxi!Fl i 11 1he0ouilly 1eiecllr, iu liiios bedideal dagltar lt' if 0, 1 l8, 011,frJos1 1tor 0(ve'r to NJSIi~ ul01,' i~loja pjav0 co O ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,ooU Dellast(ur. IAiRIAGES. 031 Wednesday last, at Great Barr, Staffordshire, by ilte R, 110 lHolden, fir Samnuel WVeatheillead, of Derby, to 10 l atria Parker, of t-e former place. ') Jile 141h ixtn. at \Nltittiigton, in this county, Mr. 1tI draper, of Cslwtei field, tW 1viiss Nay for, usl tre abtvest 1l,09g)borough. on thc 19t11 inst. by the Rev. Dr. Hardy, c :Gorge Foaler, ol the liilo's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PURIVIS. ~~~ At fir. AMoncrry sIle ll ilt Cikikfidalyof' Itenry of ila I-l jeis'.:t Compionli Cavendislr, Esq 1. . P. for this borough, luS t, of1 a sun. o~i On ISitturlay tite lfsti iati'iito, ati llr'sweil filal, in fire ensui le Cplt,ttv of iii Wr' (, tilrc LadyV of' Johna L. Eardrley 1.1 ilauot, Ait l' litq of' a datlagitcr, R 1lnA 0Vs0. 'ga P it Or ril( 1~1 instant, ar I)er~rkib, by tire ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlATHS. Ol Friday rlatnimeg tic 2Ji instatit, at Rock Houslea ini this Crlii , hlr Ws el ieter Arkwright, Esq. of a sull. Ostl;is. vIkt s[t1 at t lre Crru of Dart-Uouth's in. Berkeley 1ar, ,Ilie Kighit la. Laly Ilartiet Paget, of a daugher. AJA H'1f1lAGkES.' Oil fiie' t!4h 1 lt, at )arwlish, Saluel KtIfigiti, Esq. of S 5liis ii 1h1,3e, Gsa, tridge-ftire, to Frmisces, secutid daupltter Dl.' ltj ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... al.lI111,9 NUA(;LES, t lix Iih iniutri, uli l tlastiHgs, JTames Iomlwartithy Fsq. C hff l!,sh~ Itbur Sin . Loiwultn, to A tli, 3(ullgest iiJ:-s m. tll1 lute lilchlaril d . right, I .I). of this trusn,. il jut, ii Sodbur%, in this ci-iwiry, by tile IRev. c *5\l r, \X jiliarir lal r e. C l, of t 1 est j rujugl tou , .d 1 Lim-,v, (Iti .Astitil, near Sudbury. .i tu iiait, ho a ti A lslev, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... kPUPt paid) to G. I1. X. Post Office, Southampton. , .hBIRTHS. ,u001°;av httI, the Lady of William Newton. Erq. of It rSlar daughler. lsd'y s tIe Lady of Co0onel Mellor, of this town, 1 Oil C~51 ,of a Y I-It the Lady of Sinckler Porter, Esq. of Ibi s o1 'Aughter. ithe tSd etf. al East Bridg(vrdd Notts. the Lady 'a I/~ ~i~ala E~q. f a son. 'L f thC 2dnIli uit. Lady Irane Stewurt, !nife.of; n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Wit, MO - PoL:]1PAX 4MD SUNDAY'S POSTS. c LD07SATURDAY, AUGUTST e:, of t!,bc~ f.~ jveito record tile unexpected dleathi I:J t~le Qeek which took placeu at LI 11ta~el o'clock oil Tuesday night, at i' lool') o~ lesdiay mortnilli4 her Ma~jesty'sd d setV~S weejnresoed wit a full c, oieil'%llr pee~ly recOVery: it. would aper how- h ,iliol 0 tleP~.iliosco tile Queen herself A eve ' 11t - c. (l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - : . .ti :..S t0ll 19 11 tIn st. Juio i~l idstei~ror .S t. Fsq ool¶cie~sr, ol Stoick.: the ' I1j,, iii duo Icslutre .. b 4e b;1 t0Llzilet rti~asis-.arttlter~lttl~lite'itOIU F'iqls,- It St °l.Btlklelloi'h er~it IbUomasa Fel'; I- aj iv in ilie Srb agrid iii, E1q I ; S' ~ ~ ~ t 'lNl-l:!. jllr.hI,\e'{,'lc.a ld iI Rtliaf, Esq.., . ,1> lle~lny .1o,,cA' r t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * ~~~~~~~~~~~01 * BIRTHS. OuFHay, last, srtCatton, iii lhi;c1nilys; t-e Ladj of RobLt. e Uliluol, Esq. Xi. P. of a danghter. ' Pi (ii smnday torl rrig the ithi inst. at wievtos haIl, sot-I eir~lziru wtj.r 5 uy'01of101115 llguSi, jutl. Ebq ofta aoil. IN VufuIdueoty seek, at EgertorirLoudge, near fluttderafitid, h! tladers uftlife Rev. 11. J. Maddock, rot' son. Slui.dsy. 16th inst. tihe Ludy of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlIRT1'H. - !01ihr inslt at the Dowager Comitess of WVestnmeatlis, hl !tl eti1', Dublin, Ludy Elizabeth Dawusott; of a sorn. c e Yt hisi. at Suitbilooke Holme, Liicolushire, the UI Sit Rivliird Sutonii, Batt. of a suot. , Il d iAtMlLlOl(: ES. at !; } lle *91 instant, at Spou don, in this cotinty, by tIc q, Intel~ St. jil, htu. Jo^eph Osborae, o'f u t Aniiilf, daughter. of Mr. Antill, el tile ...