Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Fl, On Thursdlay, at our parish chitr-h, by the Rev. Ricliard 5 Fasweett, vicrair. Grangir, of thib pl:iee, islicitor, to Mlis Mary Thompson, 'OllC ot thc nicces of'ltichbrd Thompmn, Esq. of Ponterictk GR.' Wedilesdy. 'at Thornhili, by the Rev. J. f,. Sisson, MA.A. ain Thomas Blayy ClArtleana, Eiq. oflWalslrielsd, to Mirs Bedfoel, 23 of Overton-IHusev, it thss. Itihling, atij eldest daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlATHS. Ol Friday rlatnimeg tic 2Ji instatit, at Rock Houslea ini this Crlii , hlr Ws el ieter Arkwright, Esq. of a sull. Ostl;is. vIkt s[t1 at t lre Crru of Dart-Uouth's in. Berkeley 1ar, ,Ilie Kighit la. Laly Ilartiet Paget, of a daugher. AJA H'1f1lAGkES.' Oil fiie' t!4h 1 lt, at )arwlish, Saluel KtIfigiti, Esq. of S 5liis ii 1h1,3e, Gsa, tridge-ftire, to Frmisces, secutid daupltter Dl.' ltj ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... al.lI111,9 NUA(;LES, t lix Iih iniutri, uli l tlastiHgs, JTames Iomlwartithy Fsq. C hff l!,sh~ Itbur Sin . Loiwultn, to A tli, 3(ullgest iiJ:-s m. tll1 lute lilchlaril d . right, I .I). of this trusn,. il jut, ii Sodbur%, in this ci-iwiry, by tile IRev. c *5\l r, \X jiliarir lal r e. C l, of t 1 est j rujugl tou , .d 1 Lim-,v, (Iti .Astitil, near Sudbury. .i tu iiait, ho a ti A lslev, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, a On Welnesday, the 28tU ult. at St. Paul's Church, Mr. John Barsley,.pilot, to M6iss Maqy Hlughtoi. On Monday. the 9th instant, at Sralmiog Chu ch, near Lan- caster, Mr. John Moor, p inte of this tool, zo Mis. Mary Fow- ler, daughter of Mr. lugh lowler, 5. Hiackeosall-hall. near Preesall. Oi Tuaesday, the*i; instantat St. Martia' Churci, Birming- ham, Mr.J s Few er, merchbnt, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At . .MARRIED. At Linton, in Craven, Yorkshire, the Rev. Henry Wiglesworth, of Townihead, Rector of Slaidburn, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Brown, of the saute ?? Stratford-upon-Avon, the Rev. George Bigg., Rector of Upton Warren, Worcester- shire, and Vicar of Hales Owen, Salop, to Mary Mar- garet, eldest daughter of John Brce, M.D. of the former plsce, and of ficausale, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0 Thursday; at.Iradlford, Joshua Pollard, Esq. of Crow| Trct, to. Jane, fourth daughter of John bturges, Lsq of nossling-holl.. On Tueeday lsst,.-t -.St. John's Church, WaRefleld, by the Ir Rev. M. ?? Naflbr. Mr. Stephenson, to Maria, totict of the late b1r. Evers, ill of Walefield. th e O0 Sutnday last, Mlt. IoqI Richmnond, of Sadbirge, in te, County t,f Durhaim, farmer, to Miss Mat.srgaret ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDXY, 4UGUST''22, 1821. Yesterdia. at, his house, it iXrQpham. the Lady of Thomas Ross, Esq. of ber third daughter. Ou Thiursday:1at. by special licence. at the house pf his Grace the Dtike of Northnmbtheland, St., 'James's-.Lqare, Frederick Tr. Baller, Esq. eldest son of MajoirA4?eneral Blffler, of Pelynt dud Laitreth, in the county If Cornwall, to the Right Hiou. Lady Agues Perey. Ati3t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E, S E TE 1s 1u, IV ED NESD t~,S. z Ilt 19, 1IS'1. Yesterday, tpe Lady of John Milford, Jun. Esq. Qf this city, of a dl:ightr. On tillday NOt, itl this city, lIIs. Watt, wife of Dr. Watt, Fellow of the Royal College of Phy,-icials At Widey, near Plymnoith, on Tr.istdy the llth nmtlil, tLis: ijuy of C.oonel Ak. loriLhedd, I.. ]B. of aa i ii Ofi 'Ti ir.d ty laslt, in Londoi, the Rev . Rivlhtrd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M A\ 1'1l '~ J'0w. I, at iSwansee, W il;a!)' aol' 'iil ii s. Miii:-. IskeCtty, to M rv lilyf ounguee 311 l;e -k IllL .:.. Ul ';' ;.1 iill). cil Mci, i iIic, Siilimtcis .iii. .Xr,11 1 i i'01i -sri Efiz:O:|Lth' second Lte l, l tuf l or- I'\. T!'i:Irnl 15it, i 1.. xn;i:: t.,, fi;l. '_ a, Si. Aitc- itif I. ii'l'l ) X 0V it: 1. S' ''l, . ot' flit C t%. .):nil. It i] ith, iBnl s l i icify Dc , ion ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l to on h . - diio tot: nu S , ?? : ?? .MAR~fD, . - wid~iesg ef Aere Dallra MSideEFloni the Sierra. .Leqne loybal. zett., of=oaesrfbaz5a-l.e friday the Ytth. lnrastata sceler party was mnade to vissy ?? IJlkieihMao *hommandoo, on the Bailtom iore.. It sascret known toa _ verg t'etin the codony, dbdntfiij'sorry, ritet 1 grand ft{ati1 vat-on that day, on the occasion of teling to ?? I F giev, hi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - - - $£RTN. -. . .s ,~ ~ ~~~r Tbotoi*m~§4selikbn, paner, o ?? sve10W, daythe I5th ilt, ef ote girl and three '5505h ahiose Irded u tt>eoszesof- t;?e day, ends tbe anb.. tt S n VfAoRRIED, onT e¢a the S31th nul. Hir. Tiiototas RleidludsoDi paln~btet oE. n'a gdti Mary Turter. of this town. day atSt. jaines's Cltitkh. Mr. WiM. Trktible, tteowar .%eAlet ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thursday last, at Huddlers.ld, bv the Rev. J. Contes, 5 vicar, Mr. lbiirest Bentley, eldslt solt cf o 'imoelsy Bintley, It Esfq, of Lik solod, to Elizc'tsh, ymin meest dauriner of Chiarles NetihrivonsiEsq. ofDeightoe, ?? Husdersfiel.I OMThtirsday, at the Parish Church, Wialicld, Mr iMil- manr, of Distihitarsh, farner oust gracitcr, to M issl allilay, R dau ihter of John Hallilay, Esq. of ...