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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... VEDINE-4 \. '')Y, -.1(tarei 2-3.X Iil~ -At t. on 'mi £;:211 ft' Itch, , ,t Iivnv iiu!';, on dc 2?(! b. 1 thu 1ov, (I,'irlis 'vivc, Lieult. .l(onci .. -Al'rtcl';o ll, i !, I C. ('. 8, Ii' QNlA, e1111t httIt1tevti th [a ¼ 4!iU , I:, on tl e u?20t1 init. Cio?ti SA?;£2rzAX ofieo- Ib!,, fl . ati Di .ci l~ 7th Ot.(. ,-IM ,r, O Sr- t0 boilrltly' Mr ~imis Ntcot, aged rJz' ; I:,tc Cf 71rr'.-1 le'a, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -~Tirtbo. On the ist curt. at Kilbryde Castle, Lady C.AtL..- 3BELL, of a son. f On the Sd curt. in Charlotte Squarc, Lady ELIZA- .3THa HOPE VmtlE, of a daughter. c Mrs. OGILVY, of Parkconon, wee. delivered of a sor all the 5th'inst. On the 27th ultimo, at Exmouthi, the Lady of the C AromY-Gn E:RAL, of a son. On the 029th ultimo, in Gower ,reet, London, this d Lady of Colonrl O'CoNNeILL, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Brixton. Surmy, -on the Ist curt. the Lady af Mr JAblE9 GBANT, OfalsoM. r At. L rgs, pn. the 11th ult. the Lady of Cept.ins ,CARLES ROME Rrim, Lsq. of.,his Majesty'g ship, Driver, of a son. ; A'.t Edinburgh, - on the 2d curt-.- by.teJe~.';G Carstairs ;of Wcst ./Lsatrutlicr, :ANDnEW Fyrr, M. D. to lLIZA, eldest daLghter of Arnbtwse Cbhalet, XQ11 late siner merchant, London. At Spott House, n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *161 i rt i1 w. On the 16th1 curt. M1rs qMILLER of Frankfield, of ii dauglhter. At Kew, tile Lady of Cnpt'an Ancii. IBCIIASAN, Rt. N. of ason. At Gilinorc Prloe, on the I Cth curt. by the' Rev, Dr T. 'N. Jonoes, Mr ROBERT {IM0t-n, to Mrs LI- ZAB!E:111 BEATSON, ,latt-lirehr of mr David Plo~,wvll lkat.son, ];:so. late of .Xorthh Glmuiinuont, and rc!'-- oF .ir 0' iFisihertV, late of the hIlerd of ...

WE DbAY, ma . . IVED

... NE SDAY, JofaV 16. Married, at Mill of Duunideer, on 'nursday tile I IQth inst. by the Rev. Ferdinand Ellis, Minister of I -1 -1 .1 1 T . M .. ?? n . ?? .t it I I Culsapiond, r Joissl GaEsEN, F armer in Hillhead of I Nethdwrton,' parish of Itsch, to Miss 3MiAsGAatsT, el- dest daughter of Mra Alex. C'ruickshank, Farmer at Mill of Diunnideer. Died here, on the 8th inst. Mr JoI;N RrlD, Stu- dent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tilat - sSel lirF- narc- 1011}2 e ver d1 to nmr- two the and i-son e re Wit- tire 1 Oil sir f. tsp, hran ilrte -ncss fter. I lie leer. tour nil a -es. itild bore i got rovi- doil - tlrc igiht Irese fthe tc.- e xf-. sirs- Ourd f the eard Fili- Jll)y t 4he fiblh- Linan ,but lic llg ,rite-. July bine hbout Hitem. it be. ?13 rthl were thi ii or 1l'OSC. 1tirthe. On the 2-th ult. at Edinburgh, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lIVLDNESD)AY, ,A'pil 11. Pirth.-On T-rIbinsdLv, the 29th of March last, the 0' Wte of Dr A1.T.1.-, Jarries's Strcet, spas safely deli- Sr ,I', f'l Re,,ap Vcred of n Son. a At Tiabingh, on the CGti tilt. the Lady of JOHN I 1iU.istlensu, Esqj. cf .a ti:ulghter. ,I;,th.-.1At 'Tottcnt neIs Snotillhtmpton, on the S il h tit. Ito wife ot'f Mr D. RIinD, Surgeon, It. N. of a r Soil. . At Claphlin, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgb, on the 5th curt. the Lady of Cap-. tnin JiMEs HAf.DANE TAIT, IRoyal Navy,. of . Daughter. At View Forth, on the IOth curt. the Lady. of W. C. LEAIUwONTH, ES(, of a daughter. At Carriden Manse, on the 29th ult. Mrs FLE=tNa, of a sou. 0 ~rriageJ At Lockerby House, on the 5th curt. his Ezcel-. lency Colonel :UMAXW11U, C. B. Captaitn-General and. (lovernzor of the islands of St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ththts. On tie 28th uhimno, at PirIlio-hue, the LBCY.Of Sir Jots HoPE Oft Craigieball, Barutiet, ot' . daughio. On the l6th ultinio, at Straureer, the LAdy of Mfajor-General IM'NAIC, C. B. Cf a daughter. On the -ti ultillio; it 'astlecraig, tit ofdt! Hoin. IV. J. N'.tPu, OI', In.Y (1u tlie J6th'tlilt. at I unfr'ies, tbe La4y of AL~p._ At. U.Aiti.rtA~ MAXCrlI.,. Exq. of a duster. O(i the ...

WEDSrraetYn,' 9. a W

... EDNtESDAY, - Ma 9. er ;. ?? - . ; Birth.-At Kilravock Castle, on the 25th ult. the . ?? of 1uUGmi ROSE, Esq. of Kilravock, of a daugh-. I ters I. ol ter.. 1\1arried, at Prestbury, April -2, the Rev. Cuit. C.APEL, to ELIZADETiH, daughter of the late Sir Win. Forhes, Bart. of Craigievar. At St. Paul's, Covent Garden, London, on the 2f6th ult. Sir WEILIAaE DicE, Bart. to CAROT.ENEI re- liet of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNEUAL AND INTERIVIENT OF HER E, LATE Al AJESTY. In Stadt, August 21. a The Ga'inet anld, Wye sloops of war had a favourable a; passa-u'up the Elbe ti this place, where they arrived at al earl hcur~ esterday- (Monday) moining. It was,1 howevet eY foueii thtt her .ajcsty's remains could not be ti immediately Iatled. In the mean tinme arrangements for( doing so wer& rmade, and at four 'clock in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T~lE' L4'12'2 M2. fR. lXvvfI. We are indebted to an unknown correspondent, for the fillowing extract from an es.way oSt Davidl Loch, Inerchalit, I.ithj, which came to our hands too late for insertion in ouI' last ; our readers, we arc persuad- ed, w~ill riot regret to have their attention recalloed to I this subject - In my tour to Dunbar, August 17718, I attended an earnination of thrce ...