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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . 4 . a-,I AT''DREVERARD - I I -r,1 . LATl PR _ ?? 4. Ieieru1Jd Dictot Everard, wbose Ceeow ` 1 n~ti~edin tbe public papr hbad presided but for a lD ie iolbi8 own name, over the Roman Cattsoli. 1'rJ b i E ashel. Ie hail for sate Sears been co.adjutor to OTedeCesorC DoctOCr Hray, vhose increiting weakieek soon3 . 1,rd~ ?? s osein esA the e rti.e chargo ?? Everad'S haoby ; -. anA I Co ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T~l QUEEN'S FUJEIAb The procedings at the Westminster Sessions on Saturday are worthy of Jiublic attention. Our readers cannot have forgotten the violent conduct of the militarv at the funeral of Honey anti Francis, their unprovoked attack upon the lire of the Sheri'f of Middlesex, and the erhmorable correspondence to which the events of that day gave rise. The Secretary of State took the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Lyons, county of Kildare, the Baroness Robeckb °' daughter. On Saturday last, at Frescati Cottaae, sear Cork, the Lk of Colonel MaC Mahon, the French Consul, Of a sno. On the 17th instant, at Ukress Lodge, county Cork, ti Laety of John B. Fitton, Esq. of a son. On the 20th instant, in Limerick, the Lady of Gioster, Esq. of a son and heir. At his father's house, in Limerick, the Lady ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Friday last, at the Solicitor. General's, Lady Coghill Coghill, of a dqughter. On the 28th ult., in Blessiiigton'street. the Lady of John Boswell. Esq. Barrister at Law, of a daughter. On Tuesday last, on the Lower Terrace, Cork, the HFc. Mrs. Beamish, of a son snd beir. A few days a.o. the Lady of the Honorable Colonel Piere Butler, of Ballycondri, of a son. On the 17th nit. at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' n Friday last, af iirt ady of Major Turhee, of thW ji 0 aithe, Il i ult iii ?? ?? of Major Ellis, of the .d HigTlOliders, of W sb'l- ?? PVioiiththe'Lady of Captain Small, of the'5th Royal. V etrnil'dtthdos of a eon. . .. ?? 'At'liduilt iMauritius, the Lady of Major-General Ralph - Da- ifr;, of a son.' ' * ?? u.: - ?? the Ehit Indieli the Lady of Captain i Y'ttun 'of ?? t~eg.merinlies, t ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tf rI KJ l 'r Ifl I Edi Ti ll'D.1 X f At f'n.r t,'e'ltt,; &;;s LRkxeellency. elu a Lwes at ' t'ru Gstie, wiuch hi s attended by- TshirP A! TIIE e;rtIr' of Dubli iI and 'i'Uam. ihve Lord C1li ocllor. i le L:rrd Mayor. , aEARLS-TsIeatht, Errol, itodete, erd Farilmarn, giee- VLCOVNTS--Alen, and Frainkfudt de Mlonuarnrency. jIlaortvpaSH 'iidlare, Down, and Haproe . pu6 Loa.e- Ayatner, Kilisrahi., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Amt Ctean E~vtoc VOpeT. I ?? UIriversit-3; of'Dcl, i t4 cst in Do4twr 5ar I rat. a warnof-osno s! n4r--t ii diw ileq a wu ; loa %wvich he was more. apprentet'i thrnd than zt }ome. Tihe fiterol tnis RCAoerit ItO. lt! t'tre_- cations were qilade to hiotsby the luatiors, oreditors ofh -bli,cPni; llggarialn ant} ?? wviriks; ,3S. tl3 t I I ijrrson it Itleandr tbe mist CMVeient to assi St I such ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTHS: At Balllnastowe. county Wictk!ow, the Lady of Ri :ri Archer Esq. of a eon. On the '22d t lt, at 1otuegne-suir-Mer, the Lady of Livjt,. ?? Sir Hichard Jrnea, of a daughter. MAHI 1A GLS. In St. Anne's Church, Peter Barfnt, rsq. oftl t Pail!co, iFaanighe, to Hriiatta, eldest danoliter (t tihe Rev Johul Jigliy, of (reoshillM. In London, tbe 1-lonourable Miles Jnlln Sapleton. ttild son of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS On the 2d instant, in Merrlon.square, the LadBody ar Gi Chamney Swan, Esq. of a son. On the 3d instant, tie Ladg of William rathborne, Ei9 of Scribblestosn, of .e son. On the 28thiult. at her fsthqt's house, BeJale, Yorkshire, the Lady oF Sir J. P. Beresford, Bart. O'f a son. Oil tdi 21 st ult at Tainmerton, til! Lady sf Wolodni Sit Ed. ward Kenyin Wifliatus, cF an auig;uter. OIl dhe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlIliHS. In Clare-street, Litnaeick, the lady of Lieutenant Sargenr, of a daught- r. At Madelwoy, county Limerick, the lady of John Wickhanm, Esq. of a son. MARRIAGES. On Thu-avtty mnrning, at Clondigad Church, near Fonis, by the litrv. R. Kennedy, Fratcis Hales, Esq. of tie the 40th iegiment of Foot, to Cathterine. eldest daughter of Tbrnals BitrlWall, E q. Captain itn be Royal Lonsgurd lMili ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2 ~~~BIRTHIS. On the 1,th inst. at Truro, thb ,qlriv of Linut Cnolnel John Anstits (late of the 53th Re!eintent) B-igsdiclr CErserpI in tile service or his Majesty the of Portugal, was .atrty !plivv red of a son. On the 26!h tilt. at V.-rseii'es. the ?? of Cipt. the lion. Alex. Jones. R N. of a daoigfter. On the 17th iostant, in Wexf.rd, the Lady of Lieutenant- Colnne;J hiiqs t)f it Eon. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 27th ult, in Ma tgirei-1paec, the Lal Of 7r,0, P. Kennedy, Esq. of a son.6, A fevr days ago, the Lady of the Rev. Rohert Aleadn, of a daughter i At Latch Hill-in the Ring's County, the Lady or Cha,,- Fraser. Esq.. of a darighier. . GOn the 8th uilt. af Florerrne, the Right Rendleabtam, of a son and heir. - g i0ol8ble La> .n the K7tb tilt. at Glen1:indy, the Lady ef Slr.Aleteid teitb, ...