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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tl In Waterfrord, the Lady of ?? PRecrchrld lr .i l Frv of a son. On the 28th tilt. ihe Lady of the rov, Dvcfto J!:: , Principal of Brasennoe College. Oxford,f : s:il. On ttie 24th ult. in Edin;,urgh, bthc .r i Ramsav', of rt son. ,h .lrTARRIAGES. On tite 2d inst. Mr. ?? Redmionl., Eixth (na G C;f t stree' to Miss P. BL Saririn. Air-Hill, Dook On the 12th ult. Mr. Pitrivic Langan. ei ...

BIRAlt'HS. On the i0

... th instant, the Lady ot J. ! n Thvtmns Medlicott , jur. E qj. ot Pocket's Castie, couiry W*aterfard, of a daogtet, In Alailow, county Cork, the Lady of John Braddell, 1nq. of a bon. On tbh Gibl instanit, the Lady of Charics D. Ollver, E q. of Spba hill, county Limerick, of a son. On the 9ih instant, in Limerick, the Lady of D. F. G. Mahony, L,,q. of a son, Oin the od instant, at Lochnaw Cattle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNVPRAL Or -R. LATE MAJESTY. STADF, AuouST s2 A-?l e W'e,. te 'Tyne, thI GIarnnet, und the- A.saorio, fioruned thie qu:.-droi u ^!tiil acromittiied ibe\Ci; ow othlring tle vY7 age; andon Sstihl\9 y moi;oiwnath el]tiled uptile Elbe, and anchored oppos te Cuxhvcn. The coffin, being removl rn boad the Wje, n ,Cottipanied by -the, Gannet, die 'sailed i-tward. - Stode, but -the wind having ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTHS. At IyV Cottage, neatr Lxetev, the Lady of Alvjcr^Genvesa H;lket, of a o'on. On tle I rlb Istant, at Kingo10t! Jamaica, the Lady of the FH unourable Willisam Shand, of a sni. ! Mrs. iyancre Walsh. tf Fivhamble-ttreet, of a daughter. j MARRIAGES. On the 20,h Instant, at Glarnrire Chttrch, by the lloo. ahtd IRev *'hoctas d*e Cturcy, James Johut Hamilton, Etq. eldest ton of Henry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At the house of her father. James Blacker. Esq. of Cot. lege-green, the Lady of John Buchanan, Efsq. of UrCu3it, of a son. On the 19th instant, at Stillorgata Lodge, the Lady of William Dcey. Esq of a daughter. At Wilton Hill, c.,unty l.imerick, the Lady of Williarnp, BroWn, Eiq. of a son and heir. On Friday 4ast, jn Cork, the Lady of G. N. Whately, E'q. of a son. On Sunday last, in Newry, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHI. On the 22d inst. bt Knappa, County of Armagh, the Lady of Gearge Robinson, Esq. of a son., MARRIAGES. On Saturday last, in Cork, Mr. John Desmond. to Ellen, youngest daughter of the late Denis MI'Cathy, Esq. of Rha- duane, county Coik. On the 16th instant, at Kilrush, Mr. Michael Ryan, of Limerick, to Lucinda, eldest daughter of John Foley, Esq, of Xilrush. 6ir T. J. Tyrwhitt Jones, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ,x~~~iti rlis. Yelsterday motning, in G envill-street, the Lady of P.atrick Lyrch E-q or Aofiild. of a daugtl'er. Oln Saturda lait; at hor fthers, Lieoutenant-Colooei Yart. the ILady of Charles Diu y, Esq. of Lialfree, county Vlckkiw of a sun. I At Chichester, the Lady or Captain Sc1:onbhLrg, of tle, Royal Navy. of a son. On Thursday ia st a po'rr woman at Beeston, of the tame of Grace He ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DRA-TH O BUONARARTF. (From the Idurtinj C'hronicle, of ThUrsday The .wan whom nature and forture made sp pecu- liarly Abe object of their favour, and on' vhom the eyes of the world were incessantly dixed, from his first a ppearance on t he scene, to his final emrdval from it. is sow no more. TThe intelligence of the death of Napoleon Bouaparte lwas, soon after iis ar- rival, 16nowar in every ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EAIIIruS. | Oi Monday last, in Maribh-s' h tr r Plijp', otf a son. Oin tile 27th ui t, in K.':lkr. yer -, Tboopsoir, of a adagitgter. On Tue'dry lai t, tle 271 tiluto , in r , ,n, street, the Lady of John Py.)l.n Iq q. ;a At Hollybrok P ,'iK in CILe *i- .. instant, the Lady of the e R ec . Jcn;; .o.r r, I .k li IL AI I U On Sat urdtay las, in St. CI )2'ire!, Esq. seiroird sri of t'le lt, I s ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNE RAL OBSEQUIES OF A ROMAN CATHb)LIC PRIEST. On Friday la-r the interment of tile mrtrtal re- mains of tle Rev. George Greenwav, one of the j'nior p iesrs of the catholic chapel in Moorfields, London, toek place in that sacred edifite. Ttie obsequies were celebrated with 'he most solemn ce. remaonies il'. tht relgion. At ten o'clockl he holy of' the e'ece ised was moved in gran l funeral ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTHS. On Saturday last, at Rnssduff; near DuntmoreEait, i't Lady of B. Labarte, Esq. of a son. At Ballylicky House, Bantry, on the 13th instant, tiinLd1 of William Robert Clayton, Esq. of a daughter. On the 17th ult. at Pisa, in Italy, the Right E1onL47 Blantyre, of a daughter. On the 11th instant, at Woodbine Lodre, Chelteclthm, Ii Lady of Captain Inglefield, of the Royal Navy, of t sor On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 4th instant, the Lady of Edmundl Davy, F.q. Pro. fessor of Chemistry to the Cork Institution, of a daughter. On the 10th instant, in Cork, the Lady of H. IL. lond., R-q. of a son. MA RRIAGES. On Ttesdav last, in Cork, the Rtev. Benjamin Williamson. of Dromorc in that county, to Abby, youitgest daughter of William I1trberls, Rcq. of Unioll Ishland On the 5th inqtanc. in York, ...