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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On Tuesday last, at our Parish Church, by the Rev Richard fawcett, Vicar, Mr William Hey, surgeon, eldest son of William Hey, Esq. to Rebecca, third daughter of Thomas Roberts, Esq. all of this town. Same day, at Bramham, the Rev Richard Remington, B. A. at3sanhuarm, the Rev. Richard Rermingtt, n.A. s of Thorp-Arch, in this county, to Mary eldest daughter of Mr William Gatliff, of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl Wrdnesday, at Calveitey, by the Rev. Mtthlow l'rce- men, Mr. James Varler. of Staolitlilry, el-thicr, to 11flr- 1ch, fifth daughter of Mr. Bleojainintiomlisal, :avd-irlrkee, of Pidley.flilB, near Iridtford. -On Monday the Y26th ult. at Readflord, Josepilh only Ann of the lite Mr. Joseph Briggs, to tane, dalligrltero' Mr. Oer rg- Andrews, worsted.masnufsetuner, al of Claytorn, oear Bl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Fl, On Thursdlay, at our parish chitr-h, by the Rev. Ricliard 5 Fasweett, vicrair. Grangir, of thib pl:iee, islicitor, to Mlis Mary Thompson, 'OllC ot thc nicces of'ltichbrd Thompmn, Esq. of Ponterictk GR.' Wedilesdy. 'at Thornhili, by the Rev. J. f,. Sisson, MA.A. ain Thomas Blayy ClArtleana, Eiq. oflWalslrielsd, to Mirs Bedfoel, 23 of Overton-IHusev, it thss. Itihling, atij eldest daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Mondny last, at Lambath Church, Ioden, Tlicha d ('lewen Gri sith, Esr. surgen, ?? son f Samruel Griffith, Fsq. of Travistoek itreet, Bcdford-sqruaye, to Eliza, secolld. daghter of the late John Cooksion, Esq. .g this town. Oil Tuesday, at St. G(corgee- Chtrch, m-larnucr-squate, Lon- don, Bryan Cacke, vsq. iof Owston, tE Charlotte, daughter of Sir George(lookc, Whceaticy, both hi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yesterday a? t Doncaste, Mr. Edwnvrd Roeke, of this town, .to tlizabeth, daughte!r of thc lateC Itichacd tStvelov, Alder- mail, of the former place. OulSAtuilvdy last, it Micylebone Church, by the lion. an Rcev. Thomas Monsoot, William lccttli, eldest son of Williain Wtligltson, Lgq. of C Isworth, 0acr Deoncastcr to Georeiaba daiughtr (If ligo Thomas, Fsq, of Ratton, SsWctco anil gra~ld ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yesterdayv w-eeh, at the Freend.' Mileeting-flito se, St. ftelelis, Ed Vard Wilsi, ?? merchant, of P'lailadelihia, to Eliz abeth, widkow of the late Christoplher I'loulpson, Esq. of Itawdel, near this town. On Wednesday, it oat larisah lItirelth, Mr. Thomas Waiti7 wright, clothier, t Mit S tson Ai lipton, both of Arminy. . Osi W-edilnieslar, et ott Ilarish Chinrch, Mr. Tltos. Vttrley, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .I 1 'ii . I r. T_ T C I 'i I, L. it 't i S S tli1 1 I l j ~ I 4 w~ .;1 ' : i rL I !1 r i !: ; i'1 : j LIdLL t ' f LL il ls L ii ~h; 'C ;B; .S..ilill : ?? .i L ?? i'ii- 'rLLv iLL lI i i ITli L I 4d ?? v w ILL''''L 11 jri''I' I' , L' L'L i ?? irI' 'ILL i' ,L LL otic *LL. ?? . ,. i ,r,, L I I I ?? clii ?? Is ) 1 11R''} t;~l irtll'it' ioi') iSL ?? iLL.i: i r it s 'i iii'' ?? ri: ?? l 1 9. ?? ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 6th inst. ntLondesbrough, bvtbhe lse. Wm. Ewbank, the Rev. George Blriggs, eldest son of \Wm. Briggs, of Clifton, 1,05'r York, Esqq. to Frances, yooangest d.laghter of the Iev. Andrew Ewsbali , Rector of Londesbruotgh. On Molday laot, at. lt1sgh-Wallis, rear Doncaster, by ithe Rev. Wv. I indley, of Whitkirk, Air. T. Tl1. Ginvelcy, of lllt- ton, near this town, to Maria, only daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Otn snr.ndav rI t, at our ?? ChurCh, Jamer tilgerrve.,1 i .i WirirlIl-irali t I, in M M's ?? n o f (Iirolev, Wllh in thle prish of oriMlwicsk, viei; Slkptori, is tI :Crven. ITTr T'isi :-r, It tile Pirish Cliurci, of flalifalr, Mr. Robert Akers, of Manrchlerster, to Chart lstte, (ulrly surviving 'rlighter of tile lute IVlyr. Bapguild, E&rq. of the forrraer plcn Orl Mollrlrv week, Itt frlt ffix, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O0 the 10th inst. Mr. William Boothsan, Cailf llall, inear Tlartloldiwie, to Miss Ansi Waterhouse, only daughtee rf the late 3Mr. Waterhouse, of Shepherd's l-louse, sear Arthington, Ol the .5st silt. at -Market lascn, iMr. J. lumTstone, snr. geoa, son of the lote Ret. G. Cumatose, of llodel, bt this cosuty, to Mlis Elizabeth Clark, fourth *laughter of R. Clark, 'Eq, of Market lloscu. oil ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I, ?? ^. = ! _ = = ?? ii 1c3; -i t per e OIL the lth hist. at the Frields' Meetitag-house, Preston- Rant n Patrick, near lKernlal, Mr. Ed'ward'Croppcr, of Livertaoo), to Ii-,. t Isabella, fourth daughter of John Wakefield, Esq. of rendal. (rodic t few days ago, Mr. Philip Ba er, latd-sairveyor, to Jane, NX. second dtaughlter of Mr. J. raylor, of Gisbiltn.11 A fewdays rgui, at Low-Bentham, near ...