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Oxford Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARiSgED . At St. Margaret's, Westminster, the Rev. John D'Arcy Preston, eldest snol of. Itear-Admiral D'Arcy Preston, *Of Askhasm, Yorkshire, to Elizabeth, only dassglhter of Peter Spence, M, D. late, (f Kensington, Frederick Honifray, Esq, o'f the Lodge, in the parish of Kinfare, to Elizabeth; eldest niece of the late W. Riggs, Esq. of Russell-place, London. Also, F. V. M. MreVa, Esq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRI ED. At Bungay, the Rev. S. Newton, of Withaun, to Miss Delf, of the former ?? Gretna Green, Francis H. N. Drake, Esq. to Miss Catherine Bacon,i both of the city of Wells, in Somersetshire.-John Hurles, Esq. of Canterlury-square, Soutlwark, to Miss Mary Ann Stapletou,.of Maize-hill, Greenwicb. -At Buriley, Lancashire, John Greenwood, Esq. of: Palace House, one of his Majesty's Justices of ...

MARRIED At Enfield;

... Mr. Philip Bossano, of London, to Isabella, youngest daughter of, Edward Green, Esq. of Enfield Wash.-W; P. Richards, Esqi second son 'Of the Lord Chief Baron, to Franees Eliza, youngest diucghter of the lite Jonathan Dennett, Esq.-Mr. .SavlI, of ,Elstow, to Mrs. Stone, of Bedford.-At St. George's Church, Bloomsbury, Richard Harrup, Esq. Adjutant in the Ist Bucks Yeomanry, to Mrs.Booth, {If ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... k MARRIED. a At Hartley Row, Hants, Mr. Gen. Knightsbridge, Ie of that place, to Miss Whistler, eldest daughter of tbe S late Mr. TIhomas Whistler, of Eversley, Hants.-At e Tbatcham, Mr. John Clinch to Mis. Willis, both of o that ?? Price, Esq. of Tyn-y-condi, in the If county of Bretom, to Anne Isabella Petrie Boyd, the e eldest daughterof Walter Boyd, Esq. of George-street, - Hanover-square, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -lre MARRIED. The Rlev. Peploc Win. Hamilton, M. A. Vicar of Winston, Soffolli,andl Minister of Shotwick, Cheshire, to Martha, eldest daughter of John Panton, Esq. -At Aldershot, in Surrey, tbe Rev. Charles Alfred L'Oste, Curate of St. Nicholas, Guildford, to Miss Athirisori, of the firmer ?? Rev. D. Davies, D.D. Rtector of Holyhiead, Vicar of Martletwy and Bayvil, IPenmbrolheshsire, arid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At East Carlton, near Norwich, the Rev. Thomas Bostos Wilkinson, of East Harlivg, to Miss Stewaid, daughter of John Steward, Esq. of the former place. -At Yarmouth, the Re.;. Job Huptorr, of Ashby, to Miss Frances Peck, of the above ?? Guern- sey, the R1ev. T. Lewis Fanshawe, Vicar of Dagenham, Essex, to Catherinc Stephens, daughter of the late Major-Gen. Le Marchant, First Licut. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At MARRIED. At Henilow, fledfoydshire, the Rev. W. S. Chalk, of Barton, Beds, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the Rev. Thomuas Gregory, Vicar of Henlow.-The Rev. Edward WVatle, third son of Robert Wade, Esq. of Clonebrany, county of Meath, to Mary Anne, only daughter of the late Judge Fox.-Captain A. King, R. N. to Mary, eldest daughter of Chas. Lewin, Esq. of St. Alban's, Herts.-Mr. Wns. Hood, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On Thursday afternoon last, hy special licence, at St. George's, Hanover-square, by the Rev. Henry Penruddockie Wynidhans, Wadhaml Wyndlami, Esq. to Ann Eliza, thfe daughter of Licutettant-General Slade, of Manisell House, in, the county of Soumerset, -The Rev. John Harvey Ashworth to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Hippon Varasosir, Esq. of Roclidale.-The Rev. G. R. Mountain ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OF HER LATE MAJESTY, PROTEST hf the EXECUT ORS, ,c. This morning Mr. Bailey, of Mount-street, GrosveL'or-squale, whom his MAljesty's Govern- ment has appointed conductor of her Mla esty's Funernl Procession, -left his house at lialf past four o'clock, preceded by thirteen niourning, 6onaches and six, a hearse and eight horses, with the various fuienslliabiliments and paraphernalia, aind ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Whitechapel, John Allan, jun. Esq. of Nicholas- lane, Lombard-street, to Miss Louisa Stacey.-Mr. S. Hawkins, of Colney, Herts, to LucyAnn, daughter of Mr.John Wilkinson, of Devereux-court, Strand- At Swanseis, George Bevington, Esq. merchant, to Miss Southans, of Buchingham.-At Hull, George Warburton, Esq. of Houltby, near York, to Miss Flemming, of the Theatres itoyal, Hull and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. r At Odilcan, tlants, the Rev. Stephen Davies to Miss Benhasmsc, ?? of that ?? Rdv. Jolla Chevallicr, M D. of Aspal Elall, Sutfflk, to bliss MIt. Cole, late of Bury.-The Rev. Richard Davis, Vicar of St. Nicholas, and Head Master of the Free Grain- rsar School, Leicester, to Miss Mercer, of eUWistlal, Kent-Janmes HenryDeacon, Esq. of Italbi, to Floca Alicia, dauoghter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. a Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Hall, of his Majesty's a 89th Regiment, to Sophia Mary, eldest daughter of C. Lambert, Esq. of Fitzroy-square.-At Streathar l Church, Lieut.-Colonel Darling to Mrs. O'Rourke, r widow of the late Lieut.-Col.O'flourke.-At Bengeo, r near Hertford, Mr. C. M. Wilson, of York-street, , Portrnan-square, to Frances Maria, second daughter s of Mr. Elliston, the ...