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Births. Birth.- On

... the 2d inst. at the house of tti Marquis ) of Blandf'ord, in Cavendish-square, the Marchioncss I Of BLANDFOIID, of a Daughter. r At Edinburgh, on the 6th curt. the Lady of Major . JAMLs HAvmEy, of a son. t On the 10th curt. Mrs A. CLEPHSANE, 15, DIundais Street, of a son. On Friday last, the 5th inst. at No, 8, Low Calton, . Mrs. Tyitel, an out-patient of Dr. Thatcher's- Dispen- sary, and wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M5irtbv. On the 20th- ult. in Great Wellington Street, the Lady of IMajor YOUNGIUUSI3AND, Royal regilnent of artillery, of a son. At Yorlk, on the 221 ult. the-Lady of'Lieutenant Colonel GonIoN, of the; 5th dragoort. guards, of-a soit. @arriageg. At Glasgow, on theI 1th ult. Mr ROBERT WEBSTa. merchant there, to IMAISGAiET, youngest daughser oF Thomas. Dunlop, Esq. At Arthuret church, on thc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgb, on the 5th curt. the Lady of Cap-. tnin JiMEs HAf.DANE TAIT, IRoyal Navy,. of . Daughter. At View Forth, on the IOth curt. the Lady. of W. C. LEAIUwONTH, ES(, of a daughter. At Carriden Manse, on the 29th ult. Mrs FLE=tNa, of a sou. 0 ~rriageJ At Lockerby House, on the 5th curt. his Ezcel-. lency Colonel :UMAXW11U, C. B. Captaitn-General and. (lovernzor of the islands of St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lIVLDNESD)AY, ,A'pil 11. Pirth.-On T-rIbinsdLv, the 29th of March last, the 0' Wte of Dr A1.T.1.-, Jarries's Strcet, spas safely deli- Sr ,I', f'l Re,,ap Vcred of n Son. a At Tiabingh, on the CGti tilt. the Lady of JOHN I 1iU.istlensu, Esqj. cf .a ti:ulghter. ,I;,th.-.1At 'Tottcnt neIs Snotillhtmpton, on the S il h tit. Ito wife ot'f Mr D. RIinD, Surgeon, It. N. of a r Soil. . At Claphlin, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n1 IYED>,NESDAY, Lkce 'beri 19,f Maried jlitaco, oil flie 1701 curt. The Rey. PAT'rCii 1 oHBtes sD. 1i. 1'rjfe,,Or of Hlimanitv, Chendteiry, itnd NirniIT~tny to. :e Xing's I it!e', n oeo rho N Miniisters of' Ol~d Maicher, to M;ARY, second irn Daughtilr~ Of(I tile Rev'. Di' Gl~.zi~XNIE', P'OtSs~or' Of MrO- -ral- 1100' LII)) auftir Iogick, iii tic MarikiaI.I cullue, of arid one 6of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WFTEDN'ESDAY, ANot2w mbr 7. Birtb.-On the mot ning of the 1st Novenilbir, at Lnangley Park, Mrst LiNDSAY, of a 6on. At Arb-ehnott-house, vn thle IStb ,Octobber tbe : viocunteps of ARBVTK-.n;IIT, of a son. i Birdl.-At Ncthcriav, o; t.he 5t1 sItsl, *.I; SEV Ft, j If a .Son. t At 11othmaise, ocn the )d inst. VIS. 3 o1 1 wa.| . afehrtiiitj red oi'a flaughir. 'I' ' araied, at the ;Manse .f ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 111eallestjup, on the 9th cuft. Fy-Aq R4tLL Esq. jun. of Doctifour, to ; Ci.;SUACUL01'4T At'GU& iLkttltk 1 HAWILTOtN, second d&oglie of itte le ; kAhehdeztof lnd ybIi Baifliem hIRLUiW].W, 4Aid t}*r lmi. Hon. LP6 Cka'rlbtte Bjiie, 1Wonition. At No. 2-I, Greeniside IPlace, oh t~ij sUi curkiit, i Dv i 'T1iHOmm, StqeC,4ridg4 to 4'LlGNT, yO InL- est d4ug'hter o Dmr klrktLootsl s, e1:aser' f, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Nelsoe Street,-on the-T r Mubl11o GARta,.of a: SQFI. On the 2,7t.4t;ult 5Ir' DALWYXPLstSj, etee . of a son. At Edinburgh,, on tbe.,Otht ult. yv tlte.'Revl Dr.i Ritchie,. P. rF, FoansEeq. Lieutenant of thc lateI 95th regiment, to IlsiaY, dauglityrsui thc Iate-RiklhedS PbiqIp, Esq. distiller, Dolls. On1 the '20th of 1bruary, at Florcnce, in the hotue of his EXcel ttcyJ Lord. BurglhenII, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ---t --G - ausseu on eoe ,ct ult. At Edinburgh, on the 31st ult. of Cadboll, of a son. At Juniper Green Cottage, an the 26th ult. /re. STODDART DRYSDALE, of a (laughter. On thle 18th ult. thle Lady of JoHN A~usTrauxmz TesoassoN, Esq. of Charleton, of a daughter. t On the 3oth ultimo, Mr Tuou.ic I HARDY, SurgeoR tand dentist, Duke Street, to Miss ROBINA, daughter -of Robert Forrester, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 5itl t u. at CXastantinoihI. Lady irAN. FOitt, of a son. On the 24th ult. at C Ulyam Road Plaee, the Lady of NOitmA1,; MACLEOD, Of of sHUe Hun ( arily'ic survice, Bellgal, of a siun. On the 8d curt. at Qogatr I1oune, thv Lady OEJA=M; L'AMY of PIunkenny, E+q. advocate, af' a son. Par ciasy Sc At Linlathen, on the4th ewCt, C(1ntaiin Ja.VI M TEiRSON, youngest sOn: of the late Georgre ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *161 i rt i1 w. On the 16th1 curt. M1rs qMILLER of Frankfield, of ii dauglhter. At Kew, tile Lady of Cnpt'an Ancii. IBCIIASAN, Rt. N. of ason. At Gilinorc Prloe, on the I Cth curt. by the' Rev, Dr T. 'N. Jonoes, Mr ROBERT {IM0t-n, to Mrs LI- ZAB!E:111 BEATSON, ,latt-lirehr of mr David Plo~,wvll lkat.son, ];:so. late of .Xorthh Glmuiinuont, and rc!'-- oF .ir 0' iFisihertV, late of the hIlerd of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Brixton. Surmy, -on the Ist curt. the Lady af Mr JAblE9 GBANT, OfalsoM. r At. L rgs, pn. the 11th ult. the Lady of Cept.ins ,CARLES ROME Rrim, Lsq. of.,his Majesty'g ship, Driver, of a son. ; A'.t Edinburgh, - on the 2d curt-.- by.teJe~.';G Carstairs ;of Wcst ./Lsatrutlicr, :ANDnEW Fyrr, M. D. to lLIZA, eldest daLghter of Arnbtwse Cbhalet, XQ11 late siner merchant, London. At Spott House, n ...