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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... use BIRTIHS. L At Ayr, on the 3d current, the Lady of WILLIAMs FuLLAR-I ind TON of Skeldon, Esq. advocate, of a son. On the 27th uldnio, at Exinouth, the Lady of the ATTOa- eo- NYV-GENERAL, of a son. Fri- On the 29th ultimno, in Gower Street, London, the Lady ome f Colonel O'CoNNELL, of the 73d regiment, of a son. On the 27ch ultimo, at Darsham House, Suffolk, the Lady at of Major PURVIS, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,. IBIRTHS. al At, Charlotte Street, Leith, on the 20Lh ult. Mrs MEN- t- ZI ES, of a daughter. e At St George's Place, Glasgow, on the 26tb ult. Mrs d CAtatcic, of adauglher. MARRIED. U At Mellendean, on the 3 teh December, by the Rev. Ni- e, rian Trotter, CHARLEs ABRuo, LesLiE, Esq. Cldest son of c- Sir John Leslie, Bart. ,f Wardes anti Findrassie, to ANNA, se third dwiashter of Adain Walker, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n^ BIRTHS. On the 18th curt. Mrs IROTTeR, Abercromby Place, of3 daughter. d On the 14th curt. at Anack Cottage, Clapsam, the Lady of e ALEXANDER GRANT, Esq. of a son. t On the 11th curt. Mrs Bowle, Albany Street. of a daugh. ,f ter. e On the lith curt. In Albany Street, Lady JOJIN CAMP- BELL, of a eon]. t On the 8th curt. the Lady of WOODBINE PARISU, Esq. jun. of St James's Place, London, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 25, Gayfield Square, Mrs TtHoMSDN, of a son- At Brightmiony, on the 23d ult. Mrs MACrINTOSH, of Nuirn Grove, of a daughter. On the 28th ult. Mrs CARMIClRAcL, East Register Street, of a daughter. On the 21st ult. the Right Hon. Lady HARRIET PAGEtT, of a datighter. At Auchienard, on the 6:h curt, the Lady of Majnr AL. STOsN, of a daughter. On the Ist curt. Mrs C. ITERROT, West ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tenceu to tourweuu yrtai s .I.5I ..U.L.LIULI. the tlle ~ ~ ia~s .- . pis- BIRT1HS. ' - pL oi8e, On the 24th current, at Relugas, the Lady of Sir THOMAS e, DIcK LAUDER, of Fountainlhall and Grange, of a daughter. On the 233 current, at Peterborough Hg1-use, Fulbam, the it Lady of Captain W. CUNINGHAMDALYlLt,.RrOy3a Navy, ?? a . On the 20th current, at Woodslce, thc Lady p an( iee t. ELLLOT, Esq ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. I On the 2d current, at Edinburgh, the Right lion. Lady TOitHICe EN, ofa soil. On the 7th of April, at Brodera, in Guzarat, the Lady of J Lieutenant-Colonel MAcKeoNoCtais, of the Hon. ELast India oi Company's service, of a son. le On the 29th ulzimo, at Wonlwich, the Lady of lieutenant P WILLIAM COCHRANE ANDERSON, Royal horse artillery, of ol a SOn. at MARRIED. C At Mary le-1onne ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i ?? On the 28th ultimo, at Langniddry House, Mrs DRYS- .r LE, of a son. On the 26th ultimo, Mrs BRIDOEs, 41. Northumberland Street, of a son. On the 27th ultimo, Mrs WM. DUNLOP, Merchant Street, nf a son. MARRIED. At Portobello, on the .ath ultimo, JaMES LAMONT, Esq. to HELEN CURRIE, daughter of Alexander Laing, Esq. Gay- field Square, Edinburgh. At the island of St Christopher's, on the 24th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3IRT1HS. S On the 24th lrtimo, at Clapham Road l'lace, ibe l.ady of 3 NORMAN MACLEOD, Esq. of the li-on. Company's aservie, ; Bengal, of ason. r On the 3S current, at Gogar House, the L~ady of JAMES/, L'AMy of l)unikenny, Esq. advocate, of a son. O On the 31st ultimn, at 41. North £ianover Street, Mrsr THOMAS EWING, ofa son. On the 2d current, at 57. George Strect, Mrs C. B. SCOTT, . of a son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t ?? _ . ?? At Edinburgh, on the l9th curt. Mrs BURN MURDOCH of Gartincahbr, of a son. At Suoclcbidge, Edinburghon the 16th curt. Mrs PARKsE, > of a daughter. At Leith, on the 14tlh curt. Mrs JAs. SMITu, Y,,rd-heads, of a son. On the 13th curt. the Hon. Mrs THOMAS ERStsiNZ, of a f daughter, which did not long survive. Oa the 14tli curt. the Lady of JAMEs CATMCART, Esq. of - a son. t At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0n BIRTHS. ter At Edinburgh, on the 6th curt. the Lady of Major JAMES he HARVEY',Of a S0n. he On the loth curt. Mrs A. CLEPIIANCr, 15, Dundas Street, onO a son. is On~ the 7th curt. Mrs WISHART, York Place, of 3adaugh- Me- At Nottingham Place, on the 7th curt. the Lady of.Ro- tO- 13R 1HLART~aNot BARtarR., Esq. of a son. ae- Oat the *Sthf curt, at 'Canterbury, the Lady of RoBEctr Lve GRANT, Esq ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tell Ig- BIRTHS. r ?? Springkell, on the 2d ult. the Lady of Lieutenant-Gene- rat SirJouN HERON MAxWELL, Bart. of a son. _ At Levenside House, on the Sd curt. Mrs BLACKBURN, of re- Killearn, of a son. re- At London, on the 6th curt. the Lady of DAVID CHARLES GUTNRIE, Esq. of a daughter. ion i; On the 4th curt. Mrs JOaN MENzIzS, Salisbury Street, of A a son. On the 4th curt. at Baglesham, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 13th curt. Mrs Dow, Duke Street, of a son. At Ruchid, on the 12th curt. the Lady of DuvcAN CAMP- BELL, Esq. of Barcaldine, of a daughter. At Craigicirh House, on the loth curt. Mrs WILLIAM FLEMING, of a daughter. DIED. At Winders Hill, Jamaica, on the 14th March, WILLIAm, son of Mr William Armstrong, Niddry Street. On the 5th of January last, at L.unenburgh, Nova Scotia, in the ...